Recent content by philly17

  1. P

    Financial Planner - Fee to Create Financial Plan

    Hi, I'm 57 years old and manage all my own investments but am interested in hiring a fee based financial planner to create retirement financial analysis that would hopefully validate my view on my ability to retire. I want a plan/model that will take show my annual spending and optimal ways to...
  2. P

    Country Club / Golf Membership

    Curious to how many folks have a country club/golf membership. It is something I think I would enjoy in retirement but haven't joined in my working life as just wouldn't have been a priority over kids sports and activities. I can afford it and my wife is encouraging me even though I haven't...
  3. P

    Is it ever ok to be 80-100% out of stock market?

    So I know all about historical returns of the stock market over prolonged periods of time but also very familiar with turbulent times like we are experiencing now. So question is there ever a point where it is ok to not try to maximize your nest egg but rather protect and preserve if you've met...
  4. P

    Inheritance and Step Child

    Sorry yes my wife is my child's bio mom.
  5. P

    Inheritance and Step Child

    My wife is step child's mom and we are still happily married.
  6. P

    Inheritance and Step Child

    I'm interested in people's thoughts on inheritance when you have a stepchild. I know I'm probably putting too much thought and making this more complicated than it should be but welcome the input of others. I have one stepchild and one of my own. The stepchild has her dad and one aunt and is...
  7. P

    Investing in Retirement

    I have daughter finishing graduate school this year and a son that is freshman in high school. College is funded for him so no concerns there. The reality is I'll always work to make $2-4K a month so that preserves nest egg even more. I'll probably wake up one day and just realize now is the...
  8. P

    Investing in Retirement

    Thank you. Based on size of my savings I'd be happy if I could just generate 4-5% return. I guess at some point I have to trust the data with respect to market returns and just position it so I can handle the down turns.
  9. P

    Investing in Retirement

    You are right the mental aspect doesn't allow me to do it even though I have very little enjoyment from my sales career any longer and more often feels like it is taking years off of my life. I want to be able to live a FAT Fire not that it would be that extravagant just don't want to have to...
  10. P

    Investing in Retirement

    I'm about 70-80 percent in stocks. I'm not a day trader but more active than the buy and hold strategy as have core of holdings i will be relative active on.
  11. P

    Investing in Retirement

    Looking for how folks manage their investments once they FIRE and are living off savings for annual living expenses. I haven't FIRE'd yet (54 years old) even though all calculators say it is 100% success rate. I can't mentally let go. Therefore looking how people manage their portfolio...
  12. P

    Savings Withdrawl Rate (SWR) Calculation Question

    Question on how the SWR is calculated when people say their might be 4% or 3 % etc. If I have a $4.5M nest egg (assume all in taxable accounts) If I earn 2% interest =. $90K/year Assume 20% taxes (just a guess) =. $18K year in taxes Net interest income after tax =. $72K My annual spending...
  13. P

    Forbes Article - 9% Dividend Portfolio w/ Closed End Funds?

    Has anyone seen this Forbes article suggesting the following portfolio for a 9% yield with a portfolio of five CEF's? Thoughts? Must be tremendous risk associated to get that type of yield...
  14. P

    Share your FIRE Milestones - 2013- 2020

    Reached My Goal Year Early ... but can't pull the trigger I had set a goal 5 years ago to get to $5M Net Worth ($500K House paid off and $4.5M in IRA and Non IRA money) when I was 55 years old. After a very roller coaster of a 2020 I have reached the the goal! Unfortunately I can not change...
  15. P

    Do you work part time in retirement?

    So my view is I'm retired when I no longer have to work for $'s and no longer have to manage a career or resume. My vision is I'll still do some part time work to provide some structure and enjoyment even when retired. So my questions are the following: - Do you do any paying work in...
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