Recent content by Retired Expat

  1. R

    Who has no scheduled commitments in retirement?

    Well ones scheduled commitment is another’s planned activity! I love the Pilates class I go to 2x a week but I schedule them in advance as they have a max of 6 students. My gym days are also 2x a week but only one is scheduled in advance to work with a trainer. So they are commitments on my...
  2. R

    Age 67, retirement in progress

    Looks good to me! But then I am not a big believer in IRA’s. My 401k even with some company matching and now in my IRA is still not even 20% of our invested NW. retired early and have yet to draw more than .5% from savings to live due to rentals and other side projects like flipping a house...
  3. R

    What was your happiest moment today?

    Many things made me happy today! How can I pick just one? Was it being able to grab a 20 minute nap on the daybed with our kitty curled up with me…. Or meeting DW at this lovely little cafe set in an independent bookstore. Nice cappuccino and 1/2 a veggie sandwich for a mid afternoon break. Or...
  4. R

    Airline Scam

    Also you need to make sure you aren’t getting the “Basic” fare. No assigned seat, no baggage not even carry on sometimes, no points, no food etc. And they won’t sell you an up charge for just the seat or they charge You $50 if you want to call and speak to a live person but you need to go to...
  5. R

    IHG: I don't think I got scammed but maybe

    Funny you didn’t get an email confirmation of the booking? Although you need to be careful with those email confirmations of transactions as many are scams trying to get you to click on a link!
  6. R

    CVS Struggling with costs of Medicare Advantage plans

    CVS is trying to be all things to all people. A pharmacy. A walk in medical clinic Doc in a Box, beauty supply store, a grocery store and deli. And doing most of those things poorly
  7. R

    What OLD series/movies are you watching? *Spoilers welcome!*

    i love Suits and many show from that period. Monk, White collar, elementary, etc
  8. R

    Cataract Surgery Options

    15 years ago paid the premium for the multi focal. Worth every penny! OMG! I never need glasses for anything anymore. Wake up and can see out the window! Read, see the clock, drive, watch TV. Have switched to reading on the iPad as I can adjust brightness or switch to white letters on a...
  9. R

    The "What are you doing now" question

    Been retired some 13 years now. I used to tell folks I still maintained one important client who now got 100% of my attention. Me and my family.. that i still did projects in my field but for us. Health became a priority and a focus on our investments and expenses. So when they ask how it is...
  10. R

    Asset Allocation and Fund Location for Early Retirement

    A failure to plant Is a plan for failure but equally a plan that isn’t flexible doesn’t work either. What does every fund advertisement state “Prior returns are no guarantee of future earnings”. Can your plan can handle a 40% loss in the first year? Could you cut your expenses drastically if...
  11. R

    Blow that Dough 2024

    Now that is my idea of a blow that dough experience! Not I bought a big power washer or roto tiller!🤣
  12. R

    The Day Has Finally Come.....

    Congrats! Retirement can be awesome! My career was great for my ego as I was routinely sought after, praised and rewarded. But all of my hard work, ingenuity, talent etc etc that everyone loved and was so grateful for was being put to use for the benefit of others. Clients, employers and...
  13. R

    Viking Cruises - help me decide.

    In UK try a really land based tour and walk the Cotswold. You walk from village to village and they move your bag for you. We did it last year and it was amazing! No buses, trains once you get to your kick off point?.. you can call a taxi if it gets too much and sometimes they can rescue...
  14. R

    Month long trip bring the laptop or not?

    We routinely travel for a month or more with just a carry on. This doesn’t apply to winter travel where clothes get heavy an bulky. If we are doing a lot of one night stops we will plan 2 nights at an Airbnb with a washer and dryer and get caught up on laundry one in a while. If cold but not...
  15. R

    Five Years Retired: Lessons Learned

    Great post and comments! After 12 years FIRE’d and only now able to claim Medicare have but a few comments Financial planning and saving really works! But 1 try to plan for living in a lower cost of living in retirement. That has been huge for me 2 try to have an income replacement plan. I...
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