Recent content by wearefinishedworking

  1. W

    Do you buy travel insurance?

    No we do not purchase it. We are attending a destination wedding this fall in hurricane season so did for first time (actually a credit with travel company is all we would get).
  2. W

    Weddings for children - how much?

    We did not pick up the tab for weddings. We have 3 children, and each got a gift of 10K to either add to a wedding budget or save for whatever else.
  3. W

    Best Experiences

    Trips we have taken. Visiting and helping with newborn grandchildren. Being able to spend time with a dying parent. Developing and expanding our gardens areas. Choosing to not get dressed for a day and doing nothing but reading and eating and drinking!
  4. W

    Blow that Dough 2024

    Finally added up our travel expenses so far this year, and then added what is to come. 20K, which is for 5 separate trips, so nothing all that extravagant, but highest ever for us since we retired. ? We are early 60s so trying to spend it now while we can walk and are healthy!
  5. W

    Fentanyl Dangers

    Our 30 year old son texted us today that a high school classmate of his had died this week of fentanyl use. So tragic.
  6. W

    Gardening 2024

    So far we have spinach, peas and lettuce coming up. The strawberry plants are blooming and look healthy. I have tomato plants that I grew from seeds but they are looking long and leggy and it is too early to plant them outside. Getting very excited for the upcoming garden season, my favorite...
  7. W

    First million is enough

    Our annual property tax bill on our paid off house if $6000, so $500 a month before anything else. Add in utilities, home and auto insurance, food, gasoline, it is hard to imaging someone spending only $2k per month.
  8. W

    Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024

    Our experience was fantastic! On Lake Erie in New York state with friends and it was a real party atmosphere. Cloudy leading up to it BUT, the total 4 minutes of darkness along with rapid drop in temps was fascinating. Then the clouds broke and we were able to watch for the next half hour or so...
  9. W

    Total Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024

    Weather is looking good for New York/Erie area. We have 2 nights booked. Should be an adventure!
  10. W

    I have COVID and need help. I am in panic mode

    When I had Covid it took 2 weeks for me to feel normal. Rest and get lots of fluids!
  11. W

    America Has Never Had So Many 65-Year-Olds - article

    DH and I both born in 1960. Very interesting to see these statistics.
  12. W

    Show off your dog..or other pet..and how well he/she is treated (and fed)!

    Love this thread! Adorable pets. Our dog died the month DH retired and we have not replaced him because of increased travel. But we will eventually get another when things slow down a bit, it has been easy to lock up and go! We miss him.
  13. W

    So grateful for the ACA

    Yes, I am so thankful for the ACA which allowed DH and I to retire at 61 and 62. Our coverage now is better than what we had with DH's high deductible plan through his employer. Medicare will start next year.
  14. W

    What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

    Street, do you carry bear spray and a weapon? I worry about you out there all alone!
  15. W

    Fast food _McD's fish sandwich..shrinking?

    We just got a really good fish sandwich at Arbys! They were 2 for $6.00.
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