awash in space aliens


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 21, 2011
At a party I made the acquaintance of yet another person who professed outlandish ideas about space aliens. As with other such recent acquaintances, these people are empl*yed in science and engineering fields, so one would assume they have enough basic scientific knowledge to rule out extraordinary claims. In this case, he insisted that space aliens from Saturn's moon Titan arrived on Earth thousands of years ago and taught the Greeks about various philosophical, scientific and engineering concepts. When I asked for supporting evidence, he said it was all lost in the thousands of years that have passed since. To him it is obvious aliens from Titan taught the Greeks because humans were not smart enough to have built things like the Parthenon without such help. When I asked why Titan and not some other location, he said Titan has an atmosphere, as if that alone justifies the claim.

In such situations I leave open the possibility the person is joking, but in my recent encounters these people have given no indication they are. They are completely serious and become agitated if I express doubt. With such defective logic, I wonder how they can maintain a j*b in a complex field. I'm curious about the origin of the recent growth in alien nonsense. Decades ago this sort of thing was prime Weekly World News turf. Is it now commonly discussed on some social media platform I do not use? Where is it coming from?
Is there life on other planets? Absolutely! I mean "come on man", there are 10's of billions of planets out there, probably a lot more. To me the question is if there is intelligent life out there. (By our definitions). Answer is yes, IMO. Next question, can they get here? Endless questions/issues to answer that IMO.
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Unfortunately, being educated and working in technical fields seems to be no protection from ridiculous beliefs. I’m disgusted with how many people I encounter in the medical field who are anti-science. I don’t get it. Why would you pursue a career in medicine if you don’t believe in it? I guess the alien thing is no different.
I do believe there is likely life on other planets but that’s a far cry from believing aliens built the pyramids.
Hungarians know.
"Leo Szilard, who jokingly suggested that Hungary was a front for aliens from Mars, used this term. In an answer to the question of why there is no evidence of intelligent life beyond Earth (called the Fermi paradox) despite the high probability of it existing, Szilárd responded: "They are already here among us – they just call themselves Hungarians." This account is featured in György Marx's book The Voice of the Martians.[2]"
There's a range of people for whom "I saw it on the internet so it must be true" is a valid approach to life. One has seriously insisted to me that aliens from Venus are tampering with Presidential elections. How do they get through their day without being overcome by fear of being beamed off Earth and taken to the mother ship?
Venus! That is so last century.
To be really cool these days they need to be from Titan or Trisolaris. That’s where all the cool aliens are from.

Nobody’s going to believe that aliens are from Venus.
What’s with the anal probing though? Why are these “aliens” so interested in this?? Smh
Nothing to worry about.

At a party I made the acquaintance of yet another person who professed outlandish ideas about space aliens. As with other such recent acquaintances, these people are empl*yed in science and engineering fields, so one would assume they have enough basic scientific knowledge to rule out extraordinary claims. In this case, he insisted that space aliens from Saturn's moon Titan arrived on Earth thousands of years ago and taught the Greeks about various philosophical, scientific and engineering concepts. When I asked for supporting evidence, he said it was all lost in the thousands of years that have passed since. To him it is obvious aliens from Titan taught the Greeks because humans were not smart enough to have built things like the Parthenon without such help. When I asked why Titan and not some other location, he said Titan has an atmosphere, as if that alone justifies the claim.

In such situations I leave open the possibility the person is joking, but in my recent encounters these people have given no indication they are. They are completely serious and become agitated if I express doubt. With such defective logic, I wonder how they can maintain a j*b in a complex field. I'm curious about the origin of the recent growth in alien nonsense. Decades ago this sort of thing was prime Weekly World News turf. Is it now commonly discussed on some social media platform I do not use? Where is it coming from?
Maybe he is a Scientologist. Their secret documents make such a claim for one of Saturn's moons. I remember reading about it in their "top secret" Thetan documents that were leaked on the Internet in the 90s.
Sure with billions of planets out there there probably are aliens. Or were. Our solar system is pretty young so any alien civilizations may have died out long ago.
Unfortunately, being educated and working in technical fields seems to be no protection from ridiculous beliefs. I’m disgusted with how many people I encounter in the medical field who are anti-science. I don’t get it. Why would you pursue a career in medicine if you don’t believe in it? I guess the alien thing is no different.
First: I have been in science and engineering my whole life and have never encountered anyone professing these beliefs. Seems like something else is going on in OP's circle of acquaintances.

Second: there's a growing trend out there to call all religious beliefs "ridiculous." In sabbatical time here, I spent a lot of time on Reddit and X. A growing portion of young people view religion just as we may view space aliens in this thread. Seeing this, I give more leeway to listen to the space alien people. Maybe they have a point?

Third: I love science. I was the only kid in my school who loved it. I believe in science. I don't believe in science that is juiced, faked or has a predetermined outcome designed to get more funding. Funding is killing science. It starts with shouting down orthogonal hypotheses and experiments, and ends by never funding any such studies that don't fit "the view." Science has a problem. Scientists are not talking to each other, just like society. It is shouting, divesting, denying and defunding.

Really too bad.
I used to work with a person who brought all kinds of information to me regarding aliens, ancient theories, etc.
I found it fascinating. Believable? Not so much, but you never know!
I don't see a benefit to believing in visits from space aliens. I'm unsure what someone intends to express by telling me that belief. The common element I've heard in such discussions is that humans are stupid. helpless creatures who would not have gotten this far unless some outside intelligence taught us. Therefore it seems an individual who believes in things despite a lack of evidence is putting themself in that crowd, thereby expressing their inability to comprehend the world around them.

Based on my limited interaction with these people, except for the space aliens stuff, they have seemed competent and of above average intelligence. Maybe I'm misjudging them, or maybe I'm one of the few who hasn't been beamed up to the mother ship yet.
The way some people think is alien to me. It's often difficult to believe that we are the same species.
I think those are the people who were part of a failed experiment when the aliens were doing their genetic modifications. ?
First off, I don't know what to believe about UFOs. But, I don't believe in the ancient astronaut theory one bit. Our ancestors were much cleverer than we think and had unlimited manpower to achieve what they wanted. Secondly, I don't care what engineers or scientists say about UFOs. The only people I really listen to are ex military who pretty much decide what does and what does not filter down to the rest of us. I have spoken to some retired military personnel who claim that without a doubt UFOs are extra terrestrial craft. They did not seem like they were crazy and no reason to pull my leg unless of course they were intentionally spreading misinformation for some reason. Although I am not a big conspiracy theory guy, I do believe that our government, or at least certain aspects of it know more about the subject than they let on. As far as UFOs being Russian secret weapons, well all one has to do is look athe performance of the Russian military in Ukraine to know these things sure as hell were not made by the same guys who put the wrong treads on tanks.
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