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  1. tfudtuckerpucker

    Simple 401K rollover runaround

    Maybe someone has advice for me. For nearly 2 months I have been trying to do a simple 401K rollover to an IRA at Fidelity. It's fairly large (~$1M). They have been giving me the runaround- it's still not done, after 2 months. Is this a thing? Has anyone else experienced this? Do I have...
  2. tfudtuckerpucker

    Sudden Hearing Loss

    Thought this might be interesting to y'all. I saw pweaver 's post on sudden hearing loss, but I haven't had any vaccines in many months. Four weeks ago I woke up in the morning with total deafness in one ear. I've never had any sort of hearing problem. I thought it might be a cold or...
  3. tfudtuckerpucker

    From AHA: Chili Pepper Consumption May Reduce Mortality

    Wonder if there's something to this- American Heart Association says consumption of chili pepper may reduce the relative risk of cardiovascular disease mortality by 26%. "The health and dietary records of more than...
  4. tfudtuckerpucker

    No connection between LDL cholesterol levels and heart disease, according to research

    "Published in Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, the review also questions the use of statins as the primary prevention tool for cardiovascular disease (CVD). " This looks credible- wonder if there will ever be a consensus...
  5. tfudtuckerpucker

    prescription drug "gag orders" and "clawbacks"

    I learned something new about prescription drug prices. It's called "gag clauses" and "clawbacks", which prevents pharmacists from revealing that the cash price for a drug may be lower than the copay. “The clauses that we’re speaking about are really non-disclosure clauses, or as we call them...
  6. tfudtuckerpucker

    New tool for prevention and treatment of dental caries

    I've been reading about the use of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) for treating cavities, instead of drilling/filling. Basically, you paint the teeth with SDF, and it stops most caries (even following the lesion into the tooth), and converts the carie to a very hard substance. The downside is...
  7. tfudtuckerpucker

    This is pretty much the worst case

    A reminder, of why I read this forum Lattice CTO David Rutledge dies suddenly, the day before his retirement
  8. tfudtuckerpucker

    Lost Chemo money

    I have a question, that perhaps might find an answer here. My MIL began chemo therapy for her stage 4 lung cancer. The chemo cost them $70,000 out of pocket for the first month. That was jaw-dropping enough, but then they found that she reacted very poorly to the chemo, so she had to stop...
  9. tfudtuckerpucker

    Stage 4 lung cancer

    My mother-in-law was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. This means it has spread outside her lungs, in this case to her bones, liver, glands, and probably her brain. She was being treated for recurring "pneumonia"- now we know that wasn't it. It's incurable, with a 5 year survival rate...
  10. tfudtuckerpucker


    I appreciate the group wisdom of these forums. So here's a short story and question regarding dentists. I recently changed dental insurance, and my previous dentist was no longer in plan. So I googled for dentist reviews, and selected one. I also checked the state license registry for any...
  11. tfudtuckerpucker

    Warning: Turbotax free is not free

    My daughter just tried the "Turbotax free" online filing for her 2013 federal income tax. It is advertised as "free", but it then switches you to the $19.95 version. From doing some searches, this is apparently a common complaint. You can contact customer support and ask for a "discount code"...
  12. tfudtuckerpucker

    56 year young engineer mulling retirement

    Hi all. Good forum- thanks for sharing your stories and advice. I just took a severance package, after working for several decades as an engineer in a very large (evil empire) tech company. On one hand I'm glad to be out, tired of the ugly stuff that goes on there. Yes, the money was good...
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