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  1. Timeisprecious

    When is the congressional vote on H.R. 5723?

    Okay, all - does anyone have the definitive word on the status of and/or day of voting on 117th Congressional Bill H.R. 5723 (i.e., "Social Security 2100," or the Social Security Expansion Act)? I don't know about the rest of you but I've been absolutely pounded by mail concerning this bill...
  2. Timeisprecious

    Gross inconsistencies concerning money (our thoughts and behaviors)

    Well, I'm relaxing tonight after finishing the last leg of a two-day drive wrapping up a road trip with DW to upstate NY and MA. It was really nice seeing related family and old friends. I was cleaning out a few things in the car and laughed at myself - I was actually taking out the unused...
  3. Timeisprecious

    Musings a year into retirement (response to an earlier question)

    A while back on this website, someone wrote to me, “Wow, a double whammy – you’re beginning retirement AND leaving the military … both at the same time! We’d really like you to stick around and maybe a year from now, let us know how the adjustment is going.” Well, I recently crossed that...
  4. Timeisprecious

    Help - getting ripped off! (Attempted "cable cut")

    Good morning, all. Okay, I'm seeking some wisdom from the savvy folks on this forum. Doubtless I'll be chastised for not doing the appropriate research on the "cutting the cable" thread, but I'm under something of a time crunch (I thought that was impossible for those of us with endless time...
  5. Timeisprecious

    What was your happiest moment today?

    Several posters have noted in here that happiness generally equates to better health ("other things being equal" - e.g., genetically-based diseases, and of course YMMV). And many have mused that the "simple things" (e.g., sunsets, walks in the great outdoors) now mean more to them than material...
  6. Timeisprecious

    This is it!

    Well, it's hard to believe - today's my last day at my military installation. Tomorrow morning DW and I start our drive to MD for an hour of out-processing, and then I'm done - back home to Michigan for retirement. My retirement ceremony was yesterday - very nice. I received my medal and...
  7. Timeisprecious

    Okay all - how did you spend your Thanksgiving?

    Just curious about how you all spent your Thanksgiving. DW and I had a total of 13 people under our roof yesterday - a Taiwanian family of four, an Iranian family of four, a beautiful female graduate student from Congo, Africa, and a young American couple along with the two of us. We provided...
  8. Timeisprecious

    "Old" soon to be early retiree can't wait to start!

    Hello to all. I've been in here reading posts for a few weeks so figured it's time to say hi. I'm a 61 year old Army officer (O5) planning to retire with my wife in 15 months (at that point, 20 yrs & 2 mo of service). Rejoined the military at 46; really enjoy my job but Soldiers can't serve...
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