Search results

  1. tryan

    Pension Payout Offer in hand

    So my former mega-corp was bought out. Now the parent company wants to clean up some of the pension obligations they inherited. If I do nothing I am "promised" $850/mo starting at age 65 (11 years away) OR 1/2 ($425/mo) starting age 55 (next year). The "pay-off" proposed by the new mega corp...
  2. tryan

    Medical Bill in COLLECTIONS ... Yikes!

    This saga has been going on for about 6 months. 2 years ago one of us had a 3-4k procedure. The bill was never received by my insurance company (BC/BS). Then when the Dr attempted to bill ME they sent the bill to the wrong address. I received the bill from a COLLECTION agency 6 months ago...
  3. tryan

    Ivy League School Admissions

    So a good friend just called to say his son did not get into the first school of choice (early admissions). Was "deferred" which cuts his odds from slim to none. Upon further discussion he explains how hard the TWO of them worked on his son's essay. Turns out Dad basically wrote the essay...
  4. tryan

    Funny Wedding stories

    We've all been to enough weddings ... but which ones REALLY stick in your mind and why .... DW and I (dating at the time) went to a wedding for a co-worker. At the reception the (open) bar surrounded the indoor pool. Soo the groomsmen had the "great" idea of throwing the groom in the pool...
  5. tryan

    1.8% SWR for 2010 Retiree ... YIKES!

    Goes on the say 7% might be ok for others. Your retirement: Is the 4% rule viable?- MSN Money So whats your rate 2010 retirees?
  6. tryan

    $77 M Lottery Ticket unclaimed!

    Honey, have you seen our lottery ticket ? ... you didn't run those clothes thru the WASHER did you!?! Unclaimed 77 million lottery ticket PSP - MSN Popular Searches News Another reason not to play (even when you WIN ... you lose).
  7. tryan

    Lost Decade: Real Estate

    My realtor emailed a active listing of a property I sold in 2001. The list price is $100 less than I sold it for. She had said prices are back 2001 levels ... this confirms it for me. So it's no longer just a lost decade for stocks. Your results may vary.
  8. tryan

    Oops ... Early Retirees can get Medicaid in 2014

    Hmmm ... maybe the new healthcare won't be so bad ;) AP NewsBreak: A twist in Obama's health care law - Yahoo! News
  9. tryan

    Another one bites the dust ...

    Went to a wake for a megacorp co-worker yesterday. 59 yo, 4 college age kids, wife. Died of lung cancer about a year after a routine (annual physical) chest x-ray saw a "spot" on his lung. Worker with him all 20 of my years in magacorp. He did 30 then jumped to another megacorp for the last...
  10. tryan

    What's a derivative?

    My math classes taught me one thing, but what is a financial derivative? And why are banks playing with these things? The risk seems more adaptable to the insurance industry ... but what do I know? DEBORCHGRAVE: Stock market time bomb? - Washington Times
  11. tryan

    Online Video Experts?

    So I double click a news video and rather than run the clip all I get is a blank video screen with a tiny muti-colored box in the top left corner. Advertisments flashing every where - no problem there - but no news clip. Went to you-tube ... same problem. Any ideas? I updated quicktime...
  12. tryan

    Best Fund Family of the Decade

    Interesting article comparing fund families from 2000 - 2009. Vanguard topped only by American (Fidelity was third). Avoid Janus, Putman, and Invesco like the plague. Some fund firms shredded investor wealth in decade FundWatch - MarketWatch
  13. tryan

    The Dr has 1/2 million in student loans!

    A great tale of how NOT to get an education. Seems to me the Dr would have been better off skipping the higher education experience. The $555,000 Student-Loan Burden -
  14. tryan

    US Patent Process

    So I've been kicking an idea around for a couple months ... patent seach shows a couple non-provisional patents have been awarded which are related. But they are way too complicated and in need of operability improvements (IMHO). So I am cold calling patent lawyers to see if this worth...
  15. tryan

    Front load washer

    So our Wirlpool front load washing machine has been making ALOT of noise in spin (sounds like a freight train!). "bearings" I am thinking ... maybe I can fix this myself. So I am looking at a few appliance repair sites ... pretty hairy job. Better leave this one to the pros. Repair man comes...
  16. tryan

    Bad Bank Plan

    The bad bank plan is a return to the Resolution Trust Corp. (RTC) scheme which resolved the S&L crisis in the mid-1990's. Assests acquired by the feds were auctioned off at absolute auctions over the course of 2 years (1993-1995). Expect the bad bank plan will do the same. There will be some...
  17. tryan

    Good News !

    Way too much doom'n gloom ... so what's the GOOD NEWS?! I had a physical last week ... everything is peachy. Here's to good health! Your turn.
  18. tryan

    Penalty Free IRA Deductions

    Did my annual meeting with my CPA today. Asked about penalty free deductions from a IRA. He proceeded to read from the tax code (55+ years young, first time home buyer ... ) most did not apply. Then he said "HEALTH CARE COSTS". This had me thinking, why not use the IRA to cover healthcare...
  19. tryan

    German Billionaire Commits Suicide

    A good reminder that there is more than FIRE living than $$: Billionaire kills himself over financial crisis - World business-
  20. tryan

    Elephants live longer outside the cage

    We can all relate ... the cube was like a cage Elephants live longer in wild than zoos - Science-
  21. tryan

    Want Goverment $$? Apply now!

    I am thinking it's time to open Tryan Saving and Loans ... The World Newser
  22. tryan

    Young Boomers Going Broke!?

    Really nothing new here - no specifics - just singling out young boomers. Being a young boomer, I don't feel the doom n'gloom described. But good news doesn't sell today. Will youngest boomers go broke? - MSN Money
  23. tryan

    Bank Owned Properties Peaked?

    Thought this was interesting: Countrywide Foreclosures (REO) Blog Seems that the number of REOs at the countries largest lender has peaked. Now the real fun begins as they attempt to manage thier depreciating assests while triiing to control sliding prices.
  24. tryan

    Wow - Landlords Gone WILD!

    This is how silly/dangerous things can get when FOOLs over pay for a rent controlled building - S.F. landlords charged with tenant terror
  25. tryan

    YIKES! Anonymous Posting Illegeal?!?

    Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal - Video - WTVQ 36 - Lexington, Kentucky
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