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  1. C

    Help, my Medicare Number was changed, what do I do?

    Got a letter and new card from Dept of Health and Human Services which stated in bold type: You now have a new Medicare Number and your previous Medicare Number is no longer valid. Your new Medicare card is inside. It went on to say I need to start using my new card on December 29, 2023. On...
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    Looking for some simple calculators

    Looking for some simple calculators and it seems that they must be around somewhere. For example, one where I pick a fund like Vanguard Wellesley, put in VWINX or VWIAX, a start date, an end date, amount, and it would tell me what it would be worth that end date. I know there are probably a few...
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    Continue Universal Life Insurance?

    Perhaps asked before, maybe many ties. In the early 80s, soon after I and my wife were married, I took out a universal life insurance policy through USAA. We both grew up poor but I was in the service and wanted to provide some cash in case something happened to me. Like most universal...
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    Pssst! What else?

    Used to be "Pssst! Wellesley!" and then go fishing. What are folks whispering nowadays. I met/read several folks who said just SP500, or others that say they hit the Jackpot, cashed out, why worry? Is there another "Pssst!" What's an old couple (76, 69) to do?
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    Vanguard Personal Advisor Services

    Has anyone else received an email from Vanguard about their personal advisory services? I believe they have a campaign going on since "campaign" was in the link I clicked on. Anyway it got me to thinking and I wondered if anyone else uses their service and what do they think of it. I thought...
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    Another Dumb Social Security Question

    Another Dumb Social Security Question perhaps. I apologize ahead but a quick search I could not find the answer. Wife just received her Social Security Statement and that shook her up a bit. Her background: Born, raised, and worked in Japan but we met and married and she became an American...
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    Thrifty Gal

    Read an interesting article about a young lady lawyer who retired at 33 having achieved FI. Woman who retired at 33 to travel the world says you could too with some thrifty saving | Daily Mail Online Her blog is listed in the article.
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    The Great Reset

    Saw this article in our local paper (Denver Post) in the Perspective section, not the business section. However, I thought that this was a great take on the current economy and the near to long term outlook. The link to article is here: From the Great Recession to the Great Reset - The...
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    Converting a 401K and when to file taxes for the conversion

    Nearing the second anniversary of my retirement and enjoying it immensely. I plan on converting a portion of my 401K to my Roth IRA while my tax rate is low, but am not sure of when to pay taxes. Do I need to submit a quarterly payment for the period that I convert or can I pay the taxes next...
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    Medicare Benefits for Spouses

    My wife received her annual Social Security Statement and she does not have enough credits of work for benefits. She was born in Japan and only recently became a naturalized citizen. Since arriving in the States in 1990 she has worked and paid into Social Security but her past employment was...
  11. C

    Assistance re Military Retirements Benefits for Spouses

    An acquaintance of my wife has ask for assistance regarding her military benefits. Her husband abruptly said he wanted a divorce and has been a cad about it. We are limiting our involvement but I thought I would inquire here about how she would check to see what benefits she could expect and...
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    Just Hours Away...

    I am a bit overdue in introducing myself. Still, I think any intro should begin with a nod to those who started this board, the moderators, and the many who contribute their knowledge, advice and humor. Thank you. My wife and I both came from humble beginnings, have lived a frugal life and...
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    How to Afford Anything

    There are a number of sites that I visit frequently like this one. Many others are photographic sites like Ken Rockwell's. I never expected to read an article there on finance but I found this one very informative. As he says, "It doesn't take money. It takes the guts to be a cheapskate."...
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    Happy Veteran's Day!

    Happy Veteran's Day to all my fellow vets. I have added images from the Veteran's Day Parade in Colorado Springs to my photosite, Zenfolio | Travels with Charlie | Veteran's Day Parade, Colorado Springs. Charlie Zenfolio | Travels with Charlie
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