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  1. MRG

    Sous Vide Cooking ?

    I cook a lot of sous vide meals. Longer cooking proteins are excellent. Steaks, pork chops at 137.5°F are unreal. Pasteurized chicken breasts are awesome. I don't do fish or delicate meats. An underrated use is reheating foods. No need to rechar last nights leftover ribeye or chops. Just...
  2. MRG

    Here we go again, it’s Daylight Saving Time

    I woke up when the sunlight said morning. Early morning and the clock was there. I don't care about those letters anymore.
  3. MRG

    Spring 2024 booster

    I'll get it as soon as possible. I say that as I'm suffering from my 4th case of Covid-19. This one has been going on for almost 2 weeks and my wife can't breathe.
  4. MRG

    Applying for SS and Medicare at 65

    They don't tell you anything until they do. I applied almost 2 months ago in advance of my 67th birthday. Heard nothing until yesterday I received a call from a SS agent. After introductions she asked to speak with my wife. After a few minutes it was apparent she was getting off the phone...
  5. MRG

    Cruising - How did you start doing it?

    Wife and I have done two. A smaller ship on Windstar around Iceland. Nice with 300 passengers and 450 crew. Weather stunk but everything else was great. Last year we were on a 300' sailboat going around French Polynesian with 100 of our new friends and 150 crew. It was pretty rugged and...
  6. MRG

    Another Vanguard Rant

    Yup. I appreciate a provider that knows what they can not effectively do. My career was in financial services and I saw first hand what death claims are like. Any efforts to help the process and the people is a great benefit.
  7. MRG

    Forum Text Size?

    You're not alone. Extremely difficult to read or post
  8. MRG

    Withdrawals at Age 59.5

    Exactly! Your service provider will keep track of that. They have your birthday and know how to add 59.5 years to it. Dates are a PIA to add together but trust me it's accurate.
  9. MRG

    This weather is awful - 2024 to ?

    Starting raining last night and turned to wet slushy snow about 6" at this altitude. Avalanche warnings and road closures, local weather saying we might get feet of snow depending upon altitude.
  10. MRG

    Browser check message

    Yeah I saw this when I was recovering from my first ketamine infusion. Made sense at the time.
  11. MRG

    Breath Work

    I have done some. It's effective for me for anxiety. However it does take practice and if you're having panic attacks it's difficult for me and get in the right place. Someone leant me a device, Heart-math,it was helpful to provide feedback while you are learning. I'm at a place where I...
  12. MRG

    do you weigh your high school weight?

    No, and I don't want to be. I was skinny and stayed that way until I worked at Megacorp. I , like many there, gained a lot. After I retired I started losing and got within 10 pounds. DW said I looked terrible and I should gain 10 pounds. I'm an over achiever and gained 15. Feeling good...
  13. MRG

    Anyone else here grow up on a farm?

    We lived out, with horses and cows having a higher count than people. Later I helped my brother on his farm. Later We started logging and sawmilling. Lots of hard work.
  14. MRG

    What speed is the 'speed test' at my ISP website testing ?

    Besides the antique hardware that everyone is talking about its probably the card if it hasn't been upgraded.
  15. MRG

    Glaucoma - Please share your experiences.

    I got it from my mother. She was mostly blind at her death from the disease. She was also demented and back then she had to take multiple drops multiple times daily. That was impossible for her and my ADHD father was incapable of helping.. I take Timolol and Latanoprost in each eye daily on...
  16. MRG

    YAG Capsulotomy Procedure?

    Had two, one for each eye. Second one was easy, the first resulted in a detached retina. While it was repaired by a specialist it took a year for my vision to be close to normal. It's a very easy procedure, I think the doctor who did the first one was challenged by practicing medicine.
  17. MRG

    Gapapentin and blurred vision

    I take 2800mg daily, for of all things, nerve pain. Never noticed blurry vision or woozy.
  18. MRG

    This weather is awful - 2024 to ?

    Had 16" of snow the past week. Today is cold, somewhere around 18 below zero this morning. It may have been colder but I wasn't going outdoors.
  19. MRG

    401k after Retirement

    I has a 401k that I rolled over before I retired and started self managing. I left a profit sharing plan at Megacorp so I could use the rule of 55. I retired at 56 and wanted to make sure I could get to it before 59.5. I did take a couple withdrawals to have some income. As I got closer to...
  20. MRG

    2023 Investment Performance Thread

    My self managed mone 75/25 was up 24.02% for the bulk of it. A little higher if I include the smaller Roth at 59.31%. The Vanguard managed assets through PAS. They did 14.60% on a 50/50 split.
  21. MRG

    Annual Performance Review

    The one I remember was a guy telling me I'd be a better member of the management team by "learning to tell someone to go to hell and have them thank you for sending them on a nice trip." That was just before he gave me a $600 annual raise that I thanked him for. That was part of a bundle of...
  22. MRG

    Pinched nerve in fun

    I've had that from being rear ended and other accidents. I have degenerative disc and it damages the nerve. Last time it happened I lost all the strength in my left arm and hand. Physical therapy, time, and oral or injected steroids can all help. I've had to take opioids when it gets extreme...
  23. MRG

    My coffee altar ... and yours?

    Thats a Bianca espresso machine. I generally make a cappuccino. But any espresso based drink.
  24. MRG

    My coffee altar ... and yours?

    We had a great barista a couple years ago on a cruise. I have been spending too much on hardware. Not shown a fellow ode gen1 and some nice beans.
  25. MRG

    Poll: Have you had Covid?

    Yes. We had it when it was an upper respiratory illness and we didn't have those symptoms. It was early 2020 before losing taste and smell was a symptom. We both had that, my smell recently returned.
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