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  1. S

    Long Wait Time to get Appointment with Dermatologist

    this thread reminds me why Medical care is so much easier in other countries, particularly in Thailand which is where I am living part time. Have seen 2 dermatologists over the last 2 years. Both are quite competent (one of them practiced in the U.S. for over 10 years). I have Medicare as well...
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    Sleep pattern and sleeping pills

    That’s the best way to make the point - you know anybody that’s had success with this product?
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    Sleep pattern and sleeping pills

    My mom is 94 and has long had problems sleeping. To her detriment, she also watches a news channel habitually. She saw a “vitamin” advertised for sleep. I do my best to warn her about snake oil sales pitches on television and elsewhere. She says “but this one has been advertised for at least 2...
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    Grand Jury Summons

    I did 6 months. I am retired now, but I had a full time job at the time which involved some exhausting travel. So, I was actually relieved to not have to take all of those trips, so just had a 10 mile drive to the Courthouse. Still worked a bit when they didn’t need us. The District Attorney...
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    Looking for list of forum acronyms

    Walt. Thanks for the book recommendation. For beginner investors and also more experienced as well? So that's what NUA is. Cool. I don't ever plan on writing out those three words - "net unrealized appreciation" again, so will learn that list! Mickeyd - fee structure was explained to me but do...
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    I also am following MT. Posco, PKX (South Korea) is also "cheap".
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    Looking for list of forum acronyms

    Still finding a few acronyms that are not on this list. NUA - ?? WR - I would guess withdrawal rate... SUA - ? Would like to see if anyone has signed on with Ric Edelman. I have had an initial consultation, and although I am not sure if I will sign over any of my portfolio to them for...
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    Looking for list of forum acronyms

    I appreciate the reply. I will copy/paste this into my notes.
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    Looking for list of forum acronyms

    Been an occasional lurker for just over a year. Retirement is getting closer - maybe 2 years. 3 years max. In the meantime, really enjoy all of the personal experience and knowledge being shared by the members. At this point, where can I find a list of the acronyms used in this forum. I...
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