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  1. D

    Confused 30 Year Old

    Indeed, it's good to hear of your progress. I'm now 8 years into early retirement, and still am often reminded about how this us better than working. Good luck to you in your continuing journey. I look forward to the next update.
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    Learning another language?

    The Germans will speak English to you, but secretly they will respect your efforts, and you will enjoy being able to read signs send plaques and museum descriptions. Language is a great window into a culture.
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    Learning another language?

    I'm proud. 835 days with Duolingo, some Spanish, but mostly French to recover my high school and living -in-Ottawa, Canada French. Today it crossed over to my volunteer work doing tax returns for low-income people over the phone. I completed three returns for two clients complètement en...
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    Driving a Rental Car in Normandy.

    Make sure you review what the road signs mean. I started along a road, already stressed from driving a manual transmission car, which I wasn't comfortable with, then realized I could understand the symbols on the signs. I was done. I didn't drive again that trip. Last year, I drove an...
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    How do You Know if it's Safe to Have a Fire in Your Fireplace?

    Wow. How much is your house worth? Does $295 seem reasonable to give you peace of mind that you're not going to burn your house down because you want to have a Christmas fire? My house is worth a fair bit more than $295, so I have the chimney swept and inspected every two years, even though we...
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    One more reminder to stay clear from financial advisers

    VanWinkle: thanks for this information. That's very helpful.
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    One more reminder to stay clear from financial advisers

    Fee-based advisors? A friend in Los Angeles desperately needs advice on his portfolio of 20 different index funds, ETFs and funds of funds. It's a mess. Understandably, he doesn't want to pay 1-1.25% a year. I want to suggest a fee-based advisor, but it would be useful to give him a price range...
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    YMO, the opposite of one more year

    Don't leave on a Friday Seriously. If you leave on Friday, Saturday and Sunday feel like any other weekend. We left on a Thursday. First, you get one last long weekend. Second, we went to a diner on Friday morning for breakfast. As all the worker-bees left for their jobs in the financial...
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    Should We?

    Check out some other fee-only advisors to see what they charge. That will give you an idea of what a professional advisor would charge. I think you'll find that it would cost a lot kore than your friend who is doing it as a side gig. Then you can decide whether you're getting a good deal at the...
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    Scent allergies

    Some interesting ideas here. I had never heard of microwave cookies, but will look for them. The apple trick is interesting, too. The problem is with chemical scents, like Febreze, and perfumes. Some people say, "but my perfume is natural", and it isn't. Actual natural things like food, and...
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    Scent allergies

    Thanks for the suggestions. We prefer rooms with wood or vinyl floors as they don't hold the scent. Often housekeeping will spray the carpet or the drapes (I can smell the scent coming from the fabrics). Unfortunately, this means that anything that circulates the air, such as a fan or an open...
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    Scent allergies

    Does anyone have tips on travelling with scent allergies? Husband and I are on a transcontinental road trip, and are having problems with hotels that use room deodorizer and scented cleaners. These give him migraine headaches. On previous trips, he has resorted to sleeping on the bathroom...
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    Mouse (mice?) in attic

    Your attic sounds like a nice safe place for mice to live. If you manage to trap one family, then it will be vacant, and another family would likely lovely move in, what with real estate prices being what they are these days. And that means more trapping. Unless you have an effective and...
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    Pensions and the 4% rule

    This thread has finally convinced me that the so-called "4% rule" does more harm than good. It isn't a rule: it is a rule-of-thumb. As a starting point for retirement planning, it's not altogether bad. But when people think that it is a substitute for actual retirement planning, it is dangerous...
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    Class of 2016 in their 5th Year of Retirement

    Do you want to hear about the downside of retirement? You'll have to ask someone else. I don't know anything about that. Since 2016, we've done lots and lots of travel until the pandemic. I made some paintings, which I never thought I'd do -- I was an economist, not an artist. I've had time...
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    How worried are you about inflation?

    Fair point. Let's see how the Fed responds. In the 1970s, 4.2% would have been considered to be very low inflation.
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    How worried are you about inflation?

    When the Fed cranked up the (figurative) printing presses to deal with the 2008 Global Financial Crisis to pump trillions of dollars into the economy through quantitative easing, we saw the same predictions of runaway inflation. Why did that never happen? Because in 2013, the Fed responded to...
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    Happier in retirement?

    Anothercog: Am I happier 4.5 years after retiring at 50? Definitely. Although my job was fulfilling and I worked with good people, I have loved living my life for myself. Husband and I have travelled extensively, helped family and friends, and developed new skills. (It turns out that I am an...
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    What would you do if you were me? (investment strategy)

    Value of the Canadian dollar Don't get confused by the US and Canadian currencies having the same name. There is no reason why the Canadian dollar should ever = US$1. They are different currencies. In the same way, there is no reason that the US dollar should ever equal one euro or one pound...
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    Do you wear a mask in stores?

    Wow. Is a comment like the really necessary? I hope that no-one in your family or in my family ends up in an underequipped hospital. I also hope that you enjoy your weekend.
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    Do you wear a mask in stores?

    Soldiers use fighting tactics given to them by their superior officers based on research and advice from military experts. They don't rely on hearsay from random strangers. Well, the more successful soldiers don't. And no, the arguments about masks are based on the effectiveness of masks, and...
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    Do you wear a mask in stores?

    This is the CDC, not the Administration. The CDC has actual scientists working on this stuff, so I think it is it is a more reliable source of information than anonymous discussion forums on the internet. The World Health Organization, which is not part of the US government, says the same...
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    Do you wear a mask in stores?

    Here is what the CDC says about masks: Wear a facemask if you are sick If you are sick: You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s...
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    Coronavirus - Travel impact

    We flew to Cambodia nine days ago, a little concerned, but not willing to panic. We had bought masks, but by the time we flew, the experts were already saying that, outside of medical environments, they do more harm than good. We also choose the advice of medical professionals over that of...
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    Getting through that last year or so

    Knowledge transfer With your many years of experience, you know a lot of about your work. Don't take that knowledge out the door with you when you leave. Do your colleagues a favour, do the taxpayers of your jurisdiction a favour, do the next generation of workers a favour, and focus on...
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