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  1. C

    Space - The Final Frontier

    This new "space race" between Boeing and SpaceX is fascinating. I don't know if it's a David vs. Goliath thing, or more like the tortoise and the hare. On the one hand, SpaceX can be viewed as a shining example of free-market capitalism at work. Innovate. Take risks. Move fast and break things...
  2. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    I just came across this article about McD's pricing. It's an interesting read, in that they're apparently feeling some consumer push-back from their recent price increases. But this paragraph really stuck out for me, in the context of the broader debate over "government" vs. "actual" inflation...
  3. C

    Space - The Final Frontier

    That was interesting about the luggage. It wasn't lost. It was removed to make room for a piece of equipment - a urine recycling system. You wouldn't thing two suitcases would put them over the edge. I would have guessed they'd just load a few more pounds of fuel, and run the engines for an...
  4. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    Part of the McDonald's pricing strategy is to drive people to use the app. I think they view the menu prices like the posted nightly rate on the back of the hotel room door. Nobody in their right mind pays that. You always look for a discount. Another way they do this is "special" promotional...
  5. C

    Direct File, a permanent option in 2025.

    See below... So far, yes. But this first baby step is interesting. Looks like there's a bit of a fight brewing. My money is on the lobbyists. I hope I'm wrong.
  6. C

    "The way we measure things is a proxy for what we value." - Huh?

    The photocopier log is a good example of poorly chosen metrics. Another target-rich environment for those is technical support or "Help Desk" call centers. Measure how many calls are handled in a given time, and you'll get a lot of hang-ups and "try this and call back" type answers. Measure how...
  7. C

    The Economist: Baby-boomers are loaded. Why are they so stingy?

    Interesting comment about after the boomers are gone. I used to think boomers were the generation born immediately after WWII, when the soldiers came home and, er, resumed normal activities. Turns out somewhere along the way the boomer cohort was extended to include me, born almost a decade and...
  8. C

    "The way we measure things is a proxy for what we value." - Huh?

    I think it's a variation of the saying "you get what you measure." In other words, the metrics you choose to have your employees report on are the ones they're going to focus on. Lots of examples of picking the wrong metric and not getting the results you want, out in the real world. People find...
  9. C

    The Economist: Baby-boomers are loaded. Why are they so stingy?

    I did my part to shift the labor-force participation numbers back in line. As did a lot of us here. Can't blame us!
  10. C

    Home Repairs - YouTube is Your Friend...

    Oddly enough, I'm fine with YouTube for "infotainment." I prefer non-fiction to drama, and there's a lot you can learn out there. And since I only watch when I have some time to kill, I don't mind quite as much if some of it is wasted. I do, however, prefer a faster-paced delivery. Simon...
  11. C

    88 year old confusing brake with accelerator (maybe)

    I guess I'm screwed. The tests for "cognitive decline" always seem to be focused on short-term memory. Mine has always been awful, as far back as elementary school. I like to think it forced me to actually learn things, instead of just repeating what I'd heard. That skill has served me well over...
  12. C

    Home Repairs - YouTube is Your Friend...

    That's half the battle - knowing your own limits. For me it's gas fitting. I am very comfortable working with electricity, based on both experience and formal training. Gas scares the crap out of me. Sort of reminds me of working on hydraulic lines, which I barely muddle through, but with far...
  13. C

    Latest Inflation Numbers and Discussion

    You are correct, of course. I guess my point is that people's beliefs are colored by whichever on-line echo chamber they join, to the point where they make decisions, and vote, against their own interests because their "tribe" tells them to.
  14. C

    Latest Inflation Numbers and Discussion

    I think it's the last one... "something else." That something is the media and so-called "social" media, spinning people up for clicks and votes. The way to get those is to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt. It makes perfect sense that a majority think the economy is horrible. That's what...
  15. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    You are very fortunate indeed. But it does very much seem like you're looking down your nose a bit at those who do have to worry about wasting money. Your post really adds nothing else to the conversation. In my own defense (and maybe others in my circumstances) I chose to RE at pretty much the...
  16. C

    Home Repairs - YouTube is Your Friend...

    I'm a DIY'er from way back. Originally out of necessity, but eventually it allowed me to retire early by keeping housing expenses way down. I must be old fashioned. I never made the "pivot to video" which apparently everyone else did. I simply don't have the patience to watch some moron blabber...
  17. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    No, of course. Probably a loss leader. But as I said the price isn't far off the former sale price, presumably also a loss leader, so I still say it's evidence that a lot of this so-called "inflation" is really just opportunistic pricing, testing to see what they can get away with. Which makes...
  18. C

    Rhubarb is Ready

    Strawberry rhubarb pie for me, thanks. I used to make it a lot. A friend had tons of it growing in her yard. We have one scrawny plant which survived in the overgrown mess which used to be my late neighbors' garden. The new owners don't live there and don't even know about it. So I'll harvest...
  19. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    "Buyers' Strike." I like that phrase. In some areas, that describes what I'm doing pretty well. Selectively, for product lines which experienced blatantly opportunistic price increases. Snack foods, breads and soft drinks come to mind. All things I can do without, and refuse to be taken for a...
  20. C

    awash in space aliens

    This, to me, is the bigger question. If there's life out there, is it similar to life here, and if not, how different? It's hard to imagine that we're the only life in the universe, just looking at the numbers and the fact that we're made of the most common elements in the universe. It's hard...
  21. C

    awash in space aliens

    First one is easy. We were in a race with the Soviets back then. Money was no object. They mostly used existing (if very new) technology and invented solutions to the immediate problems. I have no problem believing there are people who are a lot smarter than I. Why are we going back now? Beside...
  22. C

    awash in space aliens

    Maybe, but one thing we can be sure of is that if the government did know anything, someone would leak it.
  23. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    Very true. And it's also true those who can justify that decision are in the minority. I do see some who aren't in a position to BTD take that attitude, thinking they "deserve" it. Kinda sad. And, yes, maybe I do act somewhat on principle. I have been through difficult times financially, and I...
  24. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    Yes. That's why it's frustrating to see and hear so many people say they pay no attention to prices, haven't changed their purchasing habits due to inflation, and generally take a "money is no object" attitude. We vote with our wallets. Just because I can afford something, doesn't mean I'm...
  25. C

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    I'm calling BS on this. I don't often shop at Target, but I'm going out on a limb and saying they're going to do what all the other retailers do. That is, after jacking up prices as high as they dared during the inflation spike, they've discovered that they may have overshot in a some cases. I...
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