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  1. Z

    Wine - Discussion, Travel & More

    I'm not sure if this is the right thread, but I just returned from a walk on the Camino Portuguese. As a general comment, while walking in the smaller towns, it was very hard to spend more than 6 euros on a bottle of really good wine (e.g. Duro region wines). One bottle of Vino Verde would set...
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    The Covid Retirement Boom

    I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but here is a plot from the St Louis Fed showing the excess of US retirees in the 2020-2022 period versus predictions. If I understand the plot, during this period there were nearly 3 million excess retirements over predictions. A link...
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    Moving TIAA-RE to an IRA

    Thanks everyone. Based on this, I should plan on rolling QREARX into an IRA held at TIAA, but move all of my other assets into a single company (probably Fidelity). That in itself would be a huge step in simplifying management. TheWizard. I've read that QREARX can lag behind its benchmark...
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    Moving TIAA-RE to an IRA

    Excuse me if this is too basic a question. When I was employed, I had a dogs' breakfast of retirement plans (e.g. 401a, 457b and 403b) from several companies (Fidelity, Vanguard and TIAA). Now that I am retired, I really want to simplify and roll these over to an single IRA. For reference, I...
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    Early Retirement Theme Song?

    Wasn't it something like? "This is a song about my old job, and all the great things about it...(Song ends)"
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    Seeking a “Guide” for Decumulation

    To be honest, barak, most of us on this forum seem to be DIY types. If you want a recent book on the topics you mention, you could start with Wade Phau's Retirement Planning Guidebook. I think the blog-o-sphere and podcast space is mostly occupied by the accumulation types, and there is space...
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    The case for re-balancing into non-US stocks

    Thanks everyone for the input. I'll use the info to make the case for re-balancing our international back to 34% of our stock allocation from its current 20%. A few quick comments... Oldshooter: Thanks for the links. I am looking at them now. BTW. Your pdf link did not work for me but I think...
  8. Z

    The case for re-balancing into non-US stocks

    Our target allocation for US vs non-US stocks is 2/3 US and 1/3 non-US, but thanks to the thriving US stock market, our allocation has drifted to more like 80/20. If you compare the PE10 for US versus non-US, you can see that the US stock market is overvalued relative to the non-US market by...
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    Staying Motivated after FI(re)

    silvor. There is so much good advice here, I don't who to tip my hat too first. Let me try to summarize what I have read... At a minimum, someone in your FI position has *choices*. Lets first acknowledge the luxury of choice and how few people get to be in your position. Do you want to keep...
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    Class of 2021

    Yesterday was my final day after 30+ years. Quiet day. Not with a bang, but a whimper...
  11. Z

    ROTH Conversion vs Stepped Up Cost Basis in Taxable Account

    I don't have a crystal ball, so I look at it like I looked at the last 30+ years during the accumulation phase. I want to diversify my risk. I don't know if the step up basis will go away, or if income/cap. gains tax rates will increase in 2026, or if the tax-free status of Roths above some...
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    Best Books on Preparing for Retirement (Non-Financial)

    I liked Fritz Gilbert's recent book "Keys to A Successful Retirement". It does have some financial parts but its focus was on non-financial transition issues.
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    It's down to the wire. No looking back.

    Fingers crossed for your son.
  14. Z

    First image of a black hole

    Yes. It came from something called the M-sigma relation. Only a handful of galaxies, including our own Galaxy, have direct evidence of nuclear black holes. However, around 1999 astronomers noticed that the more massive the black hole was, the faster the stars moved around it (in an area called...
  15. Z

    Don McLean and American Pie

    Thanks. Loved it. Saved it to read more carefully. From his Starry, Starry night. "This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you." Ah... Short story. 30+ years ago. I had just finished my PhD and were doing the standard backpack Europe trip for a few months before joining the real...
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    What podcast episode have you heard lately?

    Brady Heywood Podcast. A 5-part techno-geek series on the Apollo 13 mission.
  17. Z

    Friends and family can’t relate

    rlhendren. I've been in stealth FIRE mode for so long time now that I have forgotten how frustrating it can be to not be able to talk about FIRE with friends and family. Many of us are grateful for this forum, and for being able to share our milestones, thoughts and frustrations(!) with...
  18. Z

    Annual Performance Evaluation (PeP)

    With tongue firmly in cheek, here is my annual PEP after going half time on June 20, 2017. Personal - Family: Watched my DD graduate from college. Was able spend the time helping my DS as struggled with life/career issues. Had a long visit with my dad weeks before he...
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    Retirement Police Poll

    I think Darrow Kirkpatrick, over at "Can I Retire Yet" says it well: This stage of life is about personal and financial freedom, not full-time leisure. Any part-time work in retirement should be about convenience and fulfillment. If you need or want to work, choose something that fits your...
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    ACA income estimates and cost sharing with Silver plans

    Thanks for the Finance Buff link. Quick question, just to be sure. Can the "number of persons in household" be larger than the number of people claimed for tax filing purposes? I will want to keep my children (in their early 20's) on the family ACA plan, but both will be earning too much money...
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    Anyone got any travel planned? 2018 version

    Any curling fans? We're headed to Vegas to watch the World Men's Curling Championship. Curling in the desert. Bizarre.
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    Early Retirement Quotes

    "The cost of a thing is the amount of what I call life which is required to be exchanged for it." Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
  23. Z

    Help ... too many TPS reports!!!

    I once made a list of all the three letter acronyms that I was required to know for reports and in interactions with other managers. When I filled one page with two columns, I stopped writing. It wasn't long after this that I stepped out of management.
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    Losing my ambition (that's me in the corner)

    But first, you better make sure you've put the cover page on your TPS report.
  25. Z

    Retirement budget: Do you budget clothes, gifts, etc?

    We are Quicken users from way back. For the last 17 years we also have a simplified pre-RE spreadsheet. It leaves out expenses that I will not be paying in RE like SS taxes and college education (covered by 529 plans). It is not perfect. For example I know that taxes will drop in RE but medical...
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