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  1. tryan

    Crazy RE - Redfin CEO Tweetstorm

    I am the president of a home owners association in a resort area (a thankless position!) .... one member stopped paying his dues 12 years ago. I decide to foreclose on his 11 acres. No one showed for the auction in Feb 2024 except me. The association picked up 11 acres for less than 4k/acre...
  2. tryan

    How often do strangers ask you for money?

    They wouldn't pan handle if it didn't work. Funny story from the contractor. Labor is REALLY tight here. Good people for grunt work are hard to find. So my contractor would stop and ask pan handlers to work for the day ..."I'll pay cash at the end of the day". One guy took him up on the...
  3. tryan

    Net worth calculator

    It was discussed years ago that a way to value a pension or SS is 15 times the annual payment. Idea is you'll likely collect for 15 years ... so just add it up.
  4. tryan

    Literally: Life After Fire

    Makes me think of a friend... assets in the multi millions. Empty nested. Wife working as a teacher. She wants OUT. Doesn't feel safe in the school. And he says "suck it up! you need to max out the pension after spending 8 years raising the kids". Really don't under stand this mentality.
  5. tryan

    Vacation home/cabin use?

    Little bit interesting .... I tried twice to get solar. Each time best they could due was 40% of available sun (we are in a valley). My neighbor had wireless internet but dropped it .... unreliable here. Your results may vary!
  6. tryan

    Vacation home/cabin use?

    When I built there was no cable or internet. Poles were 5k each to bring electricity to the build site. All that has changed ... now have fiber. Poles are 3x what I paid.
  7. tryan

    Vacation home/cabin use?

    My boys were 5 and 7 when I built on a small lake in a ski resort town. Now they are 25 and 23 and the lake house is being converted to a full time house. Trick is have dual seasons (we ski). Could NEVER afford to do this now ... home values have more than tripled. Would never sell. It'll...
  8. tryan

    Net worth calculator

    Just for giggles I added 15 years of SS and my pension .... Only moved the dial 1%
  9. tryan

    Best Options for Paying for a Vacation Home

    Point being , The carrying costs in the long term will exceed the purchase price. I would be less worried about how to pay for it and more worried about how to carry it for the long haul.
  10. tryan

    Best Options for Paying for a Vacation Home

    I build a second home lake front in a ski resort town. My boys were 5 and 7 now 23 and 25. The place has more nearly tripled in value. Time is on your side with real estate. We managed to do it when we were young and rented it out before Airbnb and Homeaway existed. It was a simple way to...
  11. tryan

    Best Options for Paying for a Vacation Home

    Mine was a 1031 exchange. A duplex in the hood for lake front land.
  12. tryan

    Why you should never set out to marry rich

    I said on another thread a women I know married a trust fund kid. They then hit for 18M in the dot com craze. So she lived the high life for 30 years. They separated for a decade ... separate houses. When I asked why she wouldn't divorce him and get her 1/2 she said she was "afraid" of what...
  13. tryan

    Returning to full-time (government) work, mainly to get insurance

    When healthcare becomes a reason to go back ... you'll never retire
  14. tryan

    New Rules for Realtors

    ... realtors control the MLS hence the need for the selling realtor. But if the internet makes the MLS obsolete ... THAT would interesting.
  15. tryan

    New Rules for Realtors

    Seems to me this is the end of the buyers realtor .... and a boom for the selling broker. The buyers will contact the selling broker directly and the entire commision stays in the selling realtors office. Commissions will come down because there is one less realtor feeding off the sale.
  16. tryan

    DW's engagement/wedding ring

    A friend watched her now ex pay 6 figures for her ring. She was shocked when the top offer in the diamond district of Manhattan was 30 cents on the dollar. DECADES later. Not an investment.
  17. tryan

    Real Estate in 2024?

    Sounds like analisis paralisis ....The only real question to ask is whether you can commit to staying long term. Time is your friend in a real estate investment. If not keep renting and saving so you can put down 20% WHEN your ready to settle long term.
  18. tryan

    Redoing will question

    I wouldn't break the blood line .... but that's just me.
  19. tryan

    What could go wrong? Buying new constructn from builder w/ their lender & escrow

    ... market conditions will dictate what the seller can "get away with". I just helped a good friend negotiate his home sale in a HOT market. Buyer was 10k below his strike price and wanted a home inspection. Young buyers living in a small apt .... I advised the seller to sell it "as...
  20. tryan

    What could go wrong? Buying new constructn from builder w/ their lender & escrow

    Sounds like the builder has built in alot of CYA into his sales process. Cookie cutter docs that apply to someone who did a custom build. Why not by pass his lender and go conventional with a standard home inspection.
  21. tryan

    Front Door Visit From New Edward Jones Representative

    I avoided an EJ shark attack shortly after leaving mega-corp. At a neighborhood BBQ and explained I left work. An EJ rep lived down the street and was with in ear shot. Next morning he's in a suit banging on my door. Wanted me to move a 401k to EJ .... "what's the FRONT END LOAD to move the...
  22. tryan

    Abandoning EVs

    Sounds like the chicken or the egg EV demand wo charging stations, no charging stations wo EV demand
  23. tryan

    My FICO Score

    My score varys by 20 pts between BOA and credit Karma....certainly not an exact science
  24. tryan

    Couple feels they are entitled to a certain lifestyle

    OK ... I watched until the dude went to a loan shark for $750 and paid 680% on the debt. No need to see more. They are 40yo going on 12 ... ME ME ME! NOW NOW NOW!
  25. tryan

    Is the realestate bubble bursting?

    Having specialized in buying foreclosures , I have always bought below build costs. My bid starts a land value (per the tax card).
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