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  1. E

    Heads up: EFTPS now requires new login

    I just went here: Click on form 1040 series, there is a tab for estimated payments. I obviously didn't click through, but it just asks for CC#, so I think that's all there is to it. No account set up needed for this. I realize this doesn't solve OP's issues with...
  2. E

    Heads up: EFTPS now requires new login

    That's what I'm saying. If OP is having trouble getting into EFTPS, and is looking to mail a check, I'm pretty sure there was a one-time on-line payment method that didn't require any account set up. IMO, that would be far better than relying on snail-mail, you'd have instant feedback that it...
  3. E

    Heads up: EFTPS now requires new login

    I thought there was a way to make a one-time payment on-line, w/o any account set up? The account set up, IIRC, is needed to schedule repeated/future payments?
  4. E

    Direct File, a permanent option in 2025.

    Hopefully they expand this. It could be they are just phasing it in over time, which is probably a good way to go to avoid a major issue. It just started in 2024, so even this step is a pretty positive sign I think. From the IRS: Do the tax preparer corporations have strong enough...
  5. E

    Direct File, a permanent option in 2025.

    Weird. That information comes from documents supplied directly to the government by the financial institution, and the IRS will know if you make entries that don't match. As has been pointed out before, there's really no reason the IRS couldn't just process your taxes for you, and just ask you...
  6. E

    Death of a spouse...and a different story...

    It can be a tough job, but someone's gotta do it! :)
  7. E

    Death of a spouse...and a different story...

    Or at a young age! Why not? :)
  8. E

    Best approach in general to a hot upstairs?

    I think you missed two of the best and simplest, low cost options (below). I know from experience that both/either of these can help. Our newer thermostat had the option to run the fan 20 minutes of every hour, rather than continuous. That was enough to help even the temp between...
  9. E

    Recent Photo

    I also missed the aurora here in N IL, and then heard about viewing the solar activity with the eclipse glasses, and I forgot! Your photos are very interesting. That process of stacking the photos to reduce the noise is also done by the GPS system with its digital signals. If that wasn't done...
  10. E

    "Vertigo" Directed by Alfred Hitchcock (also comment on other Hitchcock movies)

    I really love some of his films, others having me scratching my head, wondering what all the fuss is about. Psycho is just fantastic (IMO), and though I don't recall if I liked this one overall, the dream sequence in "Spellbound", co-written with Salvador Dali, was, I thought, just amazing for...
  11. E

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    Try going to "Latest Activity" under "What's New". That gives a snippet of the most recent post, and clicking on the thread title takes to that recent post. At least for me.
  12. E

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    What does that mean exactly? Are you painting the members here with a broad brush of being stuck in the past and against any/all changes? This new forum software has some great new features* (OP marking, the "@" notifications, 'Like' buttons, and some others, and probably lots more for the...
  13. E

    15% Marginal Tax Roth vs Traditional?

    Having some money in Roth can be a good thing if you have a large expense in one year. If you pulled that from trad IRA, you could be pushed into a higher bracket.
  14. E

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    Yes, I wish people would just post the post link, rather than the link to the 'page'. But I understand (well, sort of - if people found 100 pages too slow to load, they had the option to change it). At any rate, if keeping it at 25 is it, then I just need to adapt. Is the other option possible...
  15. E

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    That only does a little for me (FireFox on Linux). For example, I have my window opened to ~ 20" on a 24" monitor, and that sidebar takes up 4 3/4", or 5 1/4" when I click that. That's ~ 25% of the active window width for info I can get elsewhere, I don't need it taking up space on every thread.
  16. E

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    Is there a way to show/hide the right column? It takes up a lot of space, and scrolling is already an issue with the way vertical space is used. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 <<<< for ref, even a one line post will take as much vert space as a 9 line post, plus the header.
  17. E

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    I just noticed, the "quote" command is buried under the vertical "..." - that's something that is used often, can it be placed at the top level (like "img", "link", etc)? Oh, "underline " is burried also, but that has the cntrl-u shortcut, so not so bad.
  18. E

    Forum Update - We're back! Ask your questions here.

    I had the old forum set to 100 posts per page and most recent post at the top. Can I set this forum to that option? That avoids a lot of scrolling/paging for me. And it seems that now, if I return to thread I've read, it take me to post#1, whereas the old forum took me to the last post I read?
  19. E

    Anyone else NOT watch the news?

    That's an excellent point. So much of the 'news' is editorialized, sometimes subtly (maybe the most dangerous?), sometimes not subtle at all. Yes, editorials are for the editorial page. Then I can read it with that in mind. -ERD50
  20. E

    The Eagles - Lip Syncing? Milli Vanilli redux?

    Sorry, no. You haven't followed the conversation. No one can sing a song exactly the same, and being months apart, just makes the point even further (not that it had to be made, enough is enough). As I said earlier, and Fil explains - he is looking at the vocal "under a microscope". It simply...
  21. E

    The Blues (music)

    Now there ya' go! Hot Tuna! I have the vinyl - might just put this on the turntable tonight. -ERD50
  22. E

    Anyone else NOT watch the news?

    Yep, it's not uncommon. I need to hear/see what was actually said, not what the news tells me was said. I actually am at the point that I tell people, if you aren't going to make the effort to dig in and find the actual source info and decide for yourselves, you should just ignore what the news...
  23. E

    Anyone else NOT watch the news?

    It's not that I don't want to be informed, or am not interested. It's just that it's near impossible to be informed. I'm not worried about AI. I worry less about the source of info than I do the accuracy of the info. In either case, I find I need to validate it myself. That doesn't change with...
  24. E

    Anyone else NOT watch the news?

    Unfortunately, I haven't found that it helps much to "watch a variety of stations to get a more balanced view." IME, it's almost all the same stuff repeated, or misrepresentation on both sides. The only thing that works for me, as I mentioned earlier, is to dig in and find the unedited source...
  25. E

    Anyone else NOT watch the news?

    I'm pretty much in the same boat as OP. A few years back, I really dug into some topics, and when I could find the actual, unedited source information, I found it was worse than I thought. Not just laziness or ineptitude, there seemed to be a purpose to their outright lies of what happened...
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