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  1. Keim

    Weddings for children - how much?

    My daughter is getting married next month. Looks like we are in for about 8k. 50 ppl attending.
  2. Keim

    A Friend in need , how can I help

    OP mentions a walker. Is SSDI something to look into?
  3. Keim

    Vacation home/cabin use?

    Ours ended up being exactly 1.5 hours/75 miles away. And, yes, that means we almost exclusively go for an overnight. It's an easy drive. No traffic, and only driving thru one larger town. Hadn't been much concern.
  4. Keim

    Vacation home/cabin use?

    I agree with other comments. For my family it was important the cabin be nearby. In our case we defined that as with in a 1.5 hour drive. We drew a figurative circle on a map and looked almost exclusively within that area.
  5. Keim

    Vacation home/cabin use?

    Bought our cabin when we were in late 40s. Both kids were teens. Its been 6 years, kids are out of the house. Using it as much as ever. Planning to keep indefinitely.
  6. Keim

    Who Are Your Friends?

    I am an introvert. I have very few friends, but lots of acquaintances. They are from all backgrounds. When it comes to gaining friends I mostly do the introvert thing: Do my own thing until an extrovert happens to adopt me.
  7. Keim

    Robots - The Next Species?

    So many ways that robots and AI can make things go awry. It is fascinating to watch.
  8. Keim

    Novel experiences

    Start your own business. Take a 50 mile hike in the woods.
  9. Keim

    Not blurting it out

    I say, would you have any Grey Poupon?
  10. Keim

    Not blurting it out

    Looking at me people see a 50 year old guy family guy living in a small 1950 Era middle class house for 25 years, driving a well worn 30 year old truck, and running a small nonprofit I started in 2015. My toys, a restored 76 Monte Carlo and a rustic 50 year old mountain cabin, are either not...
  11. Keim

    How to approach Expected Inheritance?

    The best way to approach an inheritance is as if it was a wild animal. Stand still and ignore it. Don't approach it, that may cause it to suddenly bolt. Let it approach you.
  12. Keim

    How to approach Expected Inheritance?

    I am in similar position to OP. Very likely to get sizable inheritance in the next 10 to 15 years. Inheritance is not figured for planning purposes.
  13. Keim

    AFIB is a Progressive Disease

    I have used both. Switched when insurance changed their formulary. My cardiologist had no preference.
  14. Keim

    AFIB is a Progressive Disease

    I had several ablation in my mid 30s (52 now) for complications arising from a congenital issue. Received a pacemaker and meds at 39. This has worked well for me. Good luck w your decision. Let me know if you have questions. My .02: Try ablation. They usually work, and you want to avoid...
  15. Keim

    Idioms that Need to be Retired

    Ralph Nader Corvair
  16. Keim

    Does Gen Z “get it” or is “spoiled and entitled”

    An opposite take from a popular modern philosopher: I believe the children are our future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be W. Houston, circa...
  17. Keim

    Idioms that Need to be Retired

    Funny: I thought the title read "Idiots that need to be retired." My 1st 3 thoughts: 1. Man, I can make a loooooooong list. 2. This is gonna go political and get shut down any minute. 3. Me.
  18. Keim

    Should we get a new garage fridge?

    My late 1950s era freezer has been in the garage for 20 years. It looks almost new and has had no problems. I suggest that if your repair goes south you may wish to consider a VERY old replacement. I don't view myself as it's owner. I'm simply the caretaker for the next generation.
  19. Keim

    WSJ Article: Never Mind the 1%. Mini-Millionaires Are Where Wealth Is Growing Fastest

    I'm busted! Was too lazy to look it up.
  20. Keim

    Front Door Visit From New Edward Jones Representative

    This is a required part of Jones training.
  21. Keim

    WSJ Article: Never Mind the 1%. Mini-Millionaires Are Where Wealth Is Growing Fastest

    Thats a fair point. My counter: Having $1m is still a meaningful gauge as it puts you ahead of about 85% of the US.
  22. Keim

    WSJ Article: Never Mind the 1%. Mini-Millionaires Are Where Wealth Is Growing Fastest

    Good article. I also liked the concept when I first read it under the moniker of Millionaire Next Door.
  23. Keim

    Thoughts on TIAA Real Estate

    I am perfectly happy to have people tell me they don't have any advice for me. That tells me one of two things: Either I am NOT being stupid in how I am thinking of things OR We are both being stupid.
  24. Keim

    Thoughts on TIAA Real Estate

    As you point out-it isn't really a stock or a bond. What you saw above is that I include Traditional (in my mind!) as part of my bond allotment. TIAA RE is different yet, so I consider it separately, thus my 70/20/10 allotment. I will give some thought to your comments about not considering it...
  25. Keim

    What's your recent concert?

    Saw two shows recently. Jason Isbell and Natalie Merchant. Isbell gave one of the best concerts I've seen. Truly excellent. Merchant was not as good, but still a great one.
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