Recent content by cbbennet

  1. cbbennet

    Poll: How Many Scam Cold Calls Do You Get Per Day?

    My spam phone calls fell drastically after I started the call saying "Do I have permission to record this call for the FCC?".
  2. cbbennet

    New Rules for Realtors

    I have that paperwork on my table to read. I believe I qualify and will not be spending the money until it's in the bank. :)
  3. cbbennet

    Buying a brand new construction - what to look out for?

    Pictures before sheet rock goes up I took pictures at every stage and they came in handy when the inevitable problems arose. 1. After footings go in. 2. After framing is complete. 3. After plumbing and electrical is complete. (Helped find a shelving nail which went through a vent stack - stinky...
  4. cbbennet

    when you are too far to help elderly manage the meds

    I had to ask for a "meds review" every 6 months the last 2 years of his life. He had many specialists who just added meds, never took away. A PCP nurse or a pharmacist can review all meds and see if he still needs them. We check with the specialists to confirm.
  5. cbbennet

    What was your happiest moment today?

    Parents are taking a break and I get to sit with her! My heart is singing!
  6. cbbennet

    Federal taxes, and moving them around a bit

    Classy response.
  7. cbbennet

    IRMAA SSA 44 self employed documentation

    As it turns out the company my DH did the work for has closed (he was in charge of moving the facility equipment to the new owner's facility). The company who paid him has dissolved so no HR or management to ask for documentation. I can wait until we have the 2022 1040 complete and send that in...
  8. cbbennet

    IRMAA SSA 44 self employed documentation

    Hello all, My husband did a very lucrative contract in 2021 and 2022. That contract pushed our income just over the IRMAA tier 1 for 2021 income. The contract ended August 2022 and this year (2022) the income will be below tier 1. I would like to submit a SSA 44 form informing the IRS of our new...
  9. cbbennet


    My husband tested positive Sat June 11 and I tested positive Wed June 15. Both started Paxlovid as soon as we test positive. Horrible taste in mouth for hours after taking it and FH had bad heartburn. Lots of advice on the FB group Paxlovid (not official group) group page. We felt better 2-3...
  10. cbbennet

    Poll:How many here have a defined benefit pension?

    My late husband's of $366 per month. No cola. I took his SS when I turned 62 (after heart attack) and will take my SS at 70. Both have cola.
  11. cbbennet

    From an owner's perspective: VRBO vs. AirBnB

    I've rented out our beach condo since 2000 as a side gig. We live 4 hours away. I have a local beach property manager to handle any emergencies and face to face tenant needs. They rent it out about 4 weeks during the 4 month season and I rent out the rest on Airbnb. Airbnb people book earlier...
  12. cbbennet

    Electric Car poll

    Same here. Kinda sad about missing that.
  13. cbbennet

    A Friendly Gesture Cheapened - Am I Overthinking This?

    I think you are now obligated to drink that wine with the wino neighbors. (I'm the wino neighbor and would truly appreciate a bit of wine time with our thoughtful neighbors).
  14. cbbennet

    My Lessons Learned and why everyone should build a custom model with Excel

    Would you share your unexpected expenses and income with the folks following in your footsteps? I'm 12 years behind you. Thanks
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