Recent content by HawkOwl

  1. HawkOwl

    Robo call from United Health Care?

    . I got an unsolicited call from “U.S. Health” (not AARP) asking me to call them back. I looked the number up online, and it was identified as a known spam caller. No call back from me!
  2. HawkOwl

    awash in space aliens

    Yes, that pesky speed limit (the speed of light) does get in the way of interstellar travel. ? Colonization might still be possible with known or reasonably hypothesized future technology, though. Imagine frozen human embryos sent on spacecraft equipped with artificial wombs and A.I. spacecraft...
  3. HawkOwl

    awash in space aliens

    There is also a temporal aspect to this. The Earth had a long period of time with no life at all. Then an even longer period with only single celled life. A visitor would have to be incredibly fortunate to observe the Earth during the cosmic millisecond that coinsided with an industrial...
  4. HawkOwl

    New Weight Loss/Obesity Drugs Could Transform Economy

    I think it has a lot of potential. I have been taking oral semaglutide (rybelsus) for type 2 diabetes the last two years, and as a side effect I have lost over 50 pounds. This is something I was never been able accomplish in any other way. My blood pressure has lowered, along with my weight...
  5. HawkOwl

    Your Favorite 2023 Purchase?

    This old girl, adopted from the local animal shelter.
  6. HawkOwl

    Let’s visit National Parks

    Well done!
  7. HawkOwl

    Let’s visit National Parks

    An impressive total indeed. I thought I was doing good with my paultry 19 �� The only one on that list that I would question being deserving of National Park status is the St. Louis Arch. Impressive, yes, but not a natural feature.
  8. HawkOwl


    I agree. As a child in the 70’s I remember my parents giving a Christmas gift (tip) to the mail delivery person.
  9. HawkOwl

    Examples of current inflation - add yours!

    After you threw up in the family car, I’ll bet your mom has never let you have one since!!!
  10. HawkOwl

    Idioms that Need to be Retired

    The rabbit died. With modern laboratory technology, the rabbit doesn’t die, it doesn’t even exist.
  11. HawkOwl

    Rise of the Secretly 'Overemployed'

    I disagree with this, at least as a blanket statement. Most people’s jobs (and the workers themselves) aren’t so all-important that it requires their entire waking existence. For most jobs (with some exceptions such as your aerospace industry) “satisfactory” work does not require absolute and...
  12. HawkOwl

    The Wave

    It looks amazing, but I gotta agree with Audrey. I am close to my expiration date, and I don’t want it to be reached in the Arizona desert.
  13. HawkOwl

    After 6 years of aggressive travel: pickpocketed!

    Sounds like Fagin from Oliver Twist.
  14. HawkOwl

    Have you experienced ageism? (non-work related)

    Every time you visit Facebook you are barraged by age-ist clickbait posts. Kind of surprising for such a pc company. I just laugh at the hypocrisy and move along.
  15. HawkOwl

    Millions Unprepared For Retirement

    That is phenomenal. That is equivalent to the cost of A LOT of trips to Disney World. Good job Mom and Dad.
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