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  1. LateToFIRE

    How do you plan for possibility of early death of a spouse in FIRE

    Morbid but important topic - how have couples planned for the possibility one of you passes away too early. I'm sure there is a wealth of experience here. As I anticipate FIRE, I'm realizing this risk is not something I've given enough thought to. In my working years I've generally compensated...
  2. LateToFIRE

    To feel ‘comfortable,’ Americans think they need... nearly $1.3M for retirement CNBC Money: "To feel ‘comfortable,’ Americans think they need a $233,000 salary and nearly $1.3 million for retirement." Goes on to say: "To feel financially secure or comfortable, Americans say, they...
  3. LateToFIRE

    OMY syndrome, but 2024 looks like the year

    Hi folks, I'm new here, so have no idea what I'm doing really, but very much appreciate the wealth of info I've recently discovered on this board. My situation is complicated, but clearly in the realm of first world problems. I'm a 60-ish workaholic in a high-paying workaholic profession where...
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