Knee replacements

DH did great with his full knee replacement 3 years ago. He was back dancing in 3 months, back playing golf in 4 months. He did the PT that came to the home and a couple of outpatient sessions and then just walked A LOT. His doctor said the best PT was walking and that is what DH did. He is having his other knee done in a month, we are hoping it goes as well as the first one did. He is actually doing PT now in preparation for the knee replacement in a month. The doctor wants his legs and arms as strong as possible prior to surgery.
This is the path to success. A patient who does the PT and is motivated to get back to life. The effort after surgery is as important as the surgery.

Also, look into procedure with MAKO robot.
MIL had a knee replacement 25 years ago. Doc said she should do both at the same time or she would not do the second. She did not. She was like 300 pounds obese. Since then she lost 150 pounds and decided she wanted to get the second done, last year.
Surgeon said she would not survive the procedure. Now she is 84 can barely walk.
Don’t postpone important stuff.
DW was smart and did both together. It was tough - especially the rehab BUT she knew she'd avoid a second surgery after having only one knee done. W*rked out well for her and she was a trooper for the rehab. I'm proud of her.
Success story--Here to report that DH who had TKR March 5 on his right knee (he had his left knee replaced 3 years ago) graduated from PT today (they gave him a few things to work on at home, they said he did not need to come back unless he had problems). And he danced the Salsa with me at a tent party at our CCRC. Everyone says he is the poster child for a successful knee replacement. DH says he is so glad he had the surgery done, it has given him his life back.
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