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      Montecfo replied to the thread FIR/SIR (no E) at 67.
      Excellent report. Congrats Latexman!
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Macy's Credit Card New APR.
      We got the same notice. We do not shop there a lot but then again it is one of the few remaining B&M clothing retailers. It is on...
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      Well, when I am at the point where unable to drive I might feel a bit vulnerable riding the subway. Would Uber, Lyft and ultimately...
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      May PCE as released yesterday and the numbers continue to moderate, For the month of May PCE was 0 (slightly negative) and core PCE was...
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Overfunding of HSA.
      Exit2024, Good thoughts. Regarding tax bite, what is your alternative use of HSA contribution funds? If tax deferred then that has...
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Overfunding of HSA.
      So you assume investments grow but expenses are static. Is this realistic? And in the case of the OP, what about pre-65 costs? Those...
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Overfunding of HSA.
      Fidelity said the average self-estimate was $41k. Obviously a huge disconnect. If you think about a 30 year retirement, $10k and change...
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Overfunding of HSA.
      Yes you can. And as noted, LTC expenses were not included in Fidelity's $315K per couple estimate. I see you asked about premiums...
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Overfunding of HSA.
      Our numbers and strategies are similar though we are in our 60s. Not sure you are "over funded". I think the concern about this...
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Any Pepsi Holders?.
      I own both KDP and PEP, small positions. They have been ok. You buy these stocks more for defensive characteristics and steady...
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      We saw them in Alexandria in I think 2021 and then at House of Blues in Dallas last fall. They are the real deal. We were just looking...
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Hard Money Lending.
      Thanks for the insight, calmloki!
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Hard Money Lending.
      Thanks for that. Paperwork meaning loan docs, form of lien, HUD1, etc? Title company?
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      Montecfo replied to the thread Hard Money Lending.
      So no penalty if the initial term is extended? And do you pay any other costs, other than cost of foreclosure, if it comes to that?
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      Coming out of the financial crisis I did some home flipping for a few years and it came out very well. Now I am thinking of doing some...
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