What did you do today? - 2023/2024 version

Took it easy today … 14 mile gravel road bike ride and a little work out in the orchard.

Have a new friend in the orchard. A big doe has taken up residence out there. Orchard has a year round creek, lots of grass, small fruit starting to develop on the trees, and grape vines and leaves on the fencing. Everything she needs.
Wow that’s a pretty VW. I’ve got a dusty oval window ‘55 sitting in my shop. It has a nearly new 2150 cc engine with dual carbs. Haven’t driven it in a while. Thinking I should charge the battery and take her out for a spin.
Took DW to her first session of total knee replacement therapy, 6 days post op. She aced her session and has been walking fairly well since day 2 post op. Minor pain so far - has not needed her major pain meds. But still is not allowed to drive.

My GP doc warned me that I would need knee replacements within 5 years if I kept running. Seeing how DW has responded to her TKR, I started running (run/walk) again a few days ago.

So every day consists of a run/walk, yard work, house work, workshop time, and running errands for DW & MIL. And today I trapped and released elsewhere the big groundhog that had taken residence under our deck.
We should make Ron a list:

Things like:

"wash dishes"
"clean toilets"
"make bed"

etc....LOL :ROFLMAO:
I always tell newly met folks/current friends when chores are discussed that I do all the laundry and most of the errands and in response there are no issues playing Pickleball 6x weekly.
Unboxed the new all-in-one Brother laser printer (no small feat considering how heavy the thing is) and got that configured and working. I feel for the delivery folks that have to lug those things to the porches. It does pretty well even on photos. It's not competition for a photo inkjet but for some people it'll do.

Then mowed the last part of the lawn that I didn't do yesterday because it got too dark to keep going.
I got a stereo receiver at Goodwill to replace the one that just bit the dust. As I was hooking up the phono inputs, I happened to look out the window to see a pair of wild turkeys stroll right past. To the best of my knowledge, it's the first time we've had turkeys in the yard. Although I don't suppose I should be surprised. Even though we're in the center of town, we regularly get white tailed deer, red foxes, raccoons, Canada geese and mallards wandering through.
Played around in Lightroom getting some of the configurations and templates back into working order. The printing templates didn't make the trip to the new PC (maybe I can find them on the old drive) but it's easy enough to set up again. It's sort of like a macro, you can set up a print job such as "8 x 10 portrait, Red River 68 lb. UltraPro Satin paper" make a template for it which copies all the settings, and thereafter just click on that and the job is set up.
I spent from 9 AM to 230 PM with a short lunch working on 5 old windows. I'm re-glazing and doing minor repair on them to re-install them at some time in new cabin build.
I started a little groundwork today. Part of it is moving the sewer connection through the new building to outside of it. This green pipe does not meet code for pipe inside the building footprint. We had to locate it and dig alongside for the replacement DWV pipe. The building is live so it will get cut in quickly once they are all ready. Note that it is not straight. They bent it a little bit at each joint, making it fun to dig alongside without hitting it.
Not my best day, early morning APT for root canal. I just hope the pain goes away.:-[
We got back home from a week of glamping yesterday morning. Our DD came by later and was wondering if mabe we should take her off of our checking and savings accounts at our bank. Her name is on them in case something happened that we couldn't get to them for some reason. She can sign checks and basically do any thing we can on them. Now her reasoning is will her name being on there mean that their assets would be too high for her DD to possibley not recieve help funding for schools? I have no idea- it is our money not hers until we pass on but I really didn't know how to answer her. Any ideas here from some of you smart folks?
Thanks for any insight.
HF63--hope all goes well for you, tooth pain is the worst!

Venturer--could your DD be listed as POA and have signing privledges without being listed on the accounts?

Today is a free Friday! Nothing scheduled. Plan to relax after having youngest DGS yesterday--he was a pistol all afternoon :)
First PT session after surgery to fix a foot issue that's been limiting my physical activity for awhile.

Once the above is finished on to the other foot.

RICE wasn't working anymore...
Set up DW to watch her grandniece graduate from HS this afternoon, they had it piped live to youtube. It's clear that this kid has no genes from my side of the family; she got straight A's in every class all through HS and on a mandatory math test she set a new state record. She's going to major in genetics at MD University in the fall. Her little sister is doing about the same two years behind her. We would have gone to the graduation except for DW's back issues, right now a short trip to the grocery store is about her limit before the pain forces her home.
Put out 4 more yards of mulch. This is after already 10 yards previously put out around the house. Quick crappy picture of some of the mulch around the pool plants.

I jumped into the pool after distributing the mulch, first time this year. 82 degrees, little chilly, but felt good.
I went to get my DOT physical today. It was the culmination of a longer process, requiring a stress test and letter from my cardiologist. Good to go for one more year.
Spread some mulch, finished a planter edging, walked the dog a few times. 93 F with a 102 feels like. I was soaked by noon! Summer Is here!
We got back home from a week of glamping yesterday morning. Our DD came by later and was wondering if mabe we should take her off of our checking and savings accounts at our bank. Her name is on them in case something happened that we couldn't get to them for some reason. She can sign checks and basically do any thing we can on them. Now her reasoning is will her name being on there mean that their assets would be too high for her DD to possibley not recieve help funding for schools? I have no idea- it is our money not hers until we pass on but I really didn't know how to answer her. Any ideas here from some of you smart folks?
Thanks for any insight.
You might have her on as a co-owner, or you might have her on as an authorized signer. If she’s just an authorized signer it might not be an issue. Check with the bank
Something a little different for me. I attended an on-line auction for a house. DH and I were going to travel to the location for the open house, however DDIL had a medical emergency (she's ok) so DH had to rush down to Florida to help her drive to medical appointments and take care of the DGC.
The Beetle is up on the neighbor's 2 post lift and coming apart nicely for a 21 year old rig. I'll probably get the suspension and brakes refreshed by end of day. I am waiting on the rear air bags, I use it like a truck and those will help flatten things out.
Ran my first 5k today. I’ve never been much of a runner, but have started to enjoy it. Even after a short run I feel great. This might become a new hobby.
Oh, you're really in for it now. When my wife was a confirmed couch potato I tried everything to get her to use the "couch to 5K" program, but no luck. Then one day she came out with the reason: "5K is just not that much of a challenge. I could maybe see a 10K". She was 63 at the time.
So I told her I had a half marathon coming up, and would she like to try the 10K that was being held at the same time?
The answer was yes, and she was totally hooked. Started doing half marathons soon after and never stopped until her health failed after 83 of them.
DH and I began our 'Wildfire Defense and Home Hardening' by ripping out 4 of our 8 Cousin Itts. Sad to see them go. We live in a semi-rural area and are in a 'moderate wild fire' zone. Had the required inspection Thursday and received the report this morning. We are doing most of the work ourselves and will hire out where needed such as the steeply sloped area that's full of dried grasses and thistle.
Since we're still waking up at 4am from the trip, I decided to smoke a pork shoulder... Now I'm hungry for meat @ 7am 🙄


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Spread some mulch, finished a planter edging, walked the dog a few times. 93 F with a 102 feels like. I was soaked by noon! Summer Is here!
I'm still having heat on in the morning. I don't like too but need to take the chilly off. Lol

Last summer used AC a couple of times late afternoon.
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