Cramps or spasms of the hands/fingers and feet.


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Oct 3, 2019
I get cramps or spasms of the hands/fingers and feet. I stopped taking my statin for 3 weeks and they went away, I started taking the statin again along with CoQ10. It took about a week, but I'm getting cramps again. There are times I need to get out of bed to attempt to stop a cramp, sometime it stops immediately, other times, I'm wondering around the house in the dark for 10 minutes, The hand cramps make it impossible to hold a fork whole eating. Anyone else notice this problem.
Yes, I had the same experience. In my case painful leg cramps started after taking statins for a few months. They went away after I stopped. I did not try the experiment of seeing if the cramps came back after restarting statins, so of course it could all be a coincidence. But enough people have reported the same thing for me to believe that it's a real effect.
muscle cramps can be a sign of low Magnesium, so you might consider a supplement to see if that helps
Have either of you had a cortisone shot recently? a friend of mine made the observation, and I have experienced hand leg cramps after getting an injection in my elbow.
muscle cramps can be a sign of low Magnesium, so you might consider a supplement to see if that helps
In more general terms, it's often a sign that your electrolytes are out of balance. Could easily be magnesium, could also be potassium or sodium. Blood testing can sometimes reveal the culprit, but trying some supplements is a cheap, easy way to experiment, as long as you don't overdo the dosage.
Can you cut the statin in half and see if a lower dose works? I know some meds can't be cut but . . .
You could try upping your CoQ10, adding in electrolytes, and speaking with your doctor regarding a reduced dosage. If that does not work, you can request that your doctor find a statin alternative.
I have tried many different kinds of statin and all give me muscle problems... and CoQ10 does not help... Like you I stopped and they went away but came back... mine took like 4 to 6 weeks... first time it happened I would have sworn that someone came in to the bedroom at night and had beat me with a 2X4...

Current Doc wants to get me on statin and I just ignore her... or she does not listen to my history...
muscle cramps can be a sign of low Magnesium, so you might consider a supplement to see if that helps
I'm already taking a Magnesium supplement. I might add I started with cramps in the back of my thigh, then my calves, then a muscle on the outside of my calf area, and then it was down to my feet and hands/fingers. Although I occasionally I still get thigh or calf area cramps.
Can you cut the statin in half and see if a lower dose works? I know some meds can't be cut but . . .
Yes, I already am splitting a pill. Still is happening on a half pill.
You could try upping your CoQ10, adding in electrolytes, and speaking with your doctor regarding a reduced dosage. If that does not work, you can request that your doctor find a statin alternative.
I will try doubling my CoQ10 and I'll look into electrolytes.
I get cramps or spasms of the hands/fingers and feet. I stopped taking my statin for 3 weeks and they went away, I started taking the statin again along with CoQ10. It took about a week, but I'm getting cramps again. There are times I need to get out of bed to attempt to stop a cramp, sometime it stops immediately, other times, I'm wondering around the house in the dark for 10 minutes, The hand cramps make it impossible to hold a fork whole eating. Anyone else notice this problem.
Yes I had the same experience with Crestor. I cut 5 mg in half and that didn’t make a difference. I got really bad leg cramps almost daily after only a week. I stopped and the cramps went away. I was supplementing with magnesium the entire time I was on it.
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Magnesium plus electrolytes. Also I was taking Altorvastatin and switched to Prevastatin and the cramps are less.
However, I also play tons of Pickleball in 90+ degree heat.
You could try upping your CoQ10, adding in electrolytes, and speaking with your doctor regarding a reduced dosage. If that does not work, you can request that your doctor find a statin alternative.
Yes...anything you should try should come after you first speak again with your doctor, explain your symptoms, and have them recommend alternate doses or meds.
Yes...anything you should try should come after you first speak again with your doctor, explain your symptoms, and have them recommend alternate doses or meds.
Yes, stupidly on my part, I have had leg cramps for 14 years, this is when I herniated 2 discs. For years I chalked the cramps up to the back problem. Now, I'm thinking it is the statin.
Yeah, I'm taking the max dose of statin and DO have cramps from time to time. They are not debilitating, but every month or so, I have to bail out of bed and stand on my foot to stop a cramp. That's very unsettling. Doc says it's "worth it." Well, he doesn't have the cramps. BUT, so far, I'm living with it as my cholesterol numbers are amazingly low now.

I do take CoQ10 and Magnesium.
I’m not on a statin, and I have frequent hand and leg/foot cramps. The foot and leg cramps are mostly at night. The hand cramps occur when I grasp anything for more than a few seconds. I think the night cramps are likely dehydration-related (dry climate, and I am not good about staying hydrated.
I take a statin but don't seem to have the cramps. I might once in a while, but I had them way before I started to take statin.

I have found that drinking enough water each day is critical to this issue I have.
I am not on a statin, but get night time cramps from time to time. For me (obviously every is different) those are usually rapidly resolved by electrolytes and/or a mineral supplement.

DF was placed on a statin briefly. Along with placing DF on the statin, his PC monitored his liver enzymes, and due to the test results, advised me to discontinue them. Obviously, everyone's body and their particular needs are different, and a responsive medical care provider allows for a protocol best suited to the particular individual.
I very occasionally get them in my calf(s). Feels like my muscle is tightening up. Hurts. I limp a little for a few days after. Not on any RX, eat lots of magnesium rich foods. It happens at night when I am in bed and when I strectch my leg a certain way.
I am on low dose statin (10mg Atorvastatin) and don't get cramps from it. I do get occasional toes and fingers cramp after a round of golf and I put it down to lacking electrolytes and overuse of muscles. I now drink more coconut water and it seems to take care of it.
Yeah, I'm taking the max dose of statin and DO have cramps from time to time. They are not debilitating, but every month or so, I have to bail out of bed and stand on my foot to stop a cramp. That's very unsettling. Doc says it's "worth it." Well, he doesn't have the cramps. BUT, so far, I'm living with it as my cholesterol numbers are amazingly low now.

I do take CoQ10 and Magnesium.
Can you reduce your statins? It may not make a big difference in your cholesterol level. Look up the Six Percent Rule for statin usage.
I used to get cramps (painful) weekly in my hands & feet.I do take atorvastatin daily. On advice from my SO I drank a quick shot of V8 vegetable juice and very quickly the cramps went away. I assume I was low on some kind of mineral. I now drink a 4oz glass once a week and rarely have a problem and can usually trace that to forgetting to take my “shot”.
Can you reduce your statins? It may not make a big difference in your cholesterol level. Look up the Six Percent Rule for statin usage.
I'll check with my PCP on this. Thanks!

I had never heard of the Six Percent Rule. Here is a site which discusses it.

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