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  1. M

    Advice / Info on Where to retire in the US

    Lots to think about, but I know a lot more now thanks to you.
  2. M

    Advice / Info on Where to retire in the US

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I like a couple of suggestions/options and need to do a lot more research. 1. Boston and Hew Hampshire Combination. I know Boston and I like it. There is also a lot of Condos available. I will research New Hampshire some more. I looked at Portsmouth and Exeter...
  3. M

    Advice / Info on Where to retire in the US

    Yes, we thought about that. Our kids are all early to mid twenties. They will definitely move a couple of times, and it probably does not make sense to try to follow them around. Our thinking is to be in a very nice place so that they would want to come visit. My wife wants a big enough place...
  4. M

    Advice / Info on Where to retire in the US

    Yes, thank you, good idea
  5. M

    Advice / Info on Where to retire in the US

    Holy Schnitzel 😀😀. Wow, looks good, I had not heard of Leavenworth before. Thank you
  6. M

    Advice / Info on Where to retire in the US

    I retired 2 years ago after 30 years with MegaCorp. Spent most of the last 2 years in Central America and Europe. Our 4 kids are in the US, so my wife and I are ready to move to the US as well, planning to move within the next 12 months. We are financially well off (see my posts from 8 years...
  7. M

    First year of retirement in Germany -- Seems to be Working..

    Interesting and Lots to to think about Great Posts. German here who has lived in Mexico for almost 20 years, now living in the US. I agree with most of your comments: -Weather way better here in the US, food and infrastructure much better in Germany. - People and daily Living: probably a...
  8. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    I had missed your other posts but have now read them. Very interesting. Re My Asset Allocation: You are right, it is very equity heavy. I will rethink my allocation, and possibly move some of that equity into cash for the future purchase of a house. Aside from that, i feel comfortable with...
  9. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    Lake Como is beautiful. I just googled Central Coast. Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo look like great year round locations. I have never been there though. Although I like the US, I never thought about retiring there, mainly because of the complicated tax situation, but I need to give that a...
  10. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    Thanks for the book recommendation. I will read it. Good article, I can recommend this one: The Happiness Hypothesis: Finding Modern Truth in Ancient Wisdom by Jonathan Haidt Thats how I feel about it. Also Guanajuato (from your other post) is nice, but too small for me, and not enough to do.
  11. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    Happiness vs Retirement or Financial Independence Let me try to summarize, what I learned. Retiring early with kids still at home is probably not a bad example, if managed responsibly. Check!!! However, we are looking for different things: You want Early Retirement and Financial...
  12. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    I will take that advice 100%, thank you.
  13. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    OK, OK, nice post. I believe I am sufficiently involved in my kids life. That is where you all assume wrong. It is NOT impossible to not be retired and be a reasonably good parent who enjoys the kids. I get the charity thing, a good suggestion. That is exactly what I will do after retirement...
  14. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    Wow - You guys are quick, and good- thanks for the good replies. How great would it be to sit on a table, have a drink and be able to listen to you!!! I am still not sure if I want my kids to think about retirement at that early age. We are no tiger parents, but I want them to study/ work...
  15. M

    Well Off 52 Yr old Married with 3 Teenagers seeks Opinions and Wisdom

    Hi I am new to the board but have read lots of posts. I am 52 years old, happily married for 25 years and have worked as Expat for MegaCorporation for even like longer. 3 kids, ages 19 (studying in college in US), 16 and 14 both in high school, youngest one has 4 more years. My net worth is US$...
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