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  1. G

    15 Years Retired

    LOL. Southern CA heaven? Not for this guy. We lived in CA off and on from 1990-2009. DS and his bride still live in North Park (San Diego). They are moving out of there in August. They make over 200K combined and can barely afford a 2/1 house. Cons seriously outweigh the pro's for So Cal...
  2. G

    Car, Car and more Car.. How many is Enuff? How many in your life time?

    Clicking on this topic and reading these pages makes me wonder if I should step away from the forum for a bit. Some of you have spreadsheets listing all of the cars you have owned in your life?? I don't know what to say. Do you track other material objects? How many shoes you've had, movies...
  3. G

    Did I save too much for retirement...?

    You mentioned in your original post that you own your house. What is this 2K in rent? BTW I'm retired military with way less than you (but a bit more pension) and am easily retired. I still have a large mortgage. IF you have high expenses, I would imagine they are discretionary.
  4. G

    Need opinions on my decision

    OP mentioned earlier that he/they are 30% under what they could spend. That's a pretty good cushion for extra's like a new car or river cruise.
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