Long Covid


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Dec 25, 2017
Covid vaccination may reduce the risk of long Covid.

Those who received one or more covid-19 vaccines before acute infection were 58% less likely to develop post-covid-19 condition than unvaccinated individuals (0.4% v 1.4%; adjusted hazard ratio 0.42, 95% confidence interval 0.38 to 0.46). Further analysis showed a dose-response relation: the first dose reduced the risk of post-covid-19 condition by 21% (adjusted hazard ratio 0.79, 0.68 to 0.91), two doses by 59% (0.41, 0.37 to 0.45), and three or more doses by 73% (0.27, 0.23 to 0.32).

I had assumed as much, but good to get confirmation. Been jabbed so much last couple years, at this point I've lost count.
It would make sense. My understanding of the worst effects of covid infection is that the body can over-react to this new pathogen and starts damaging other parts of itself leading to acute illness and death but also to damage that persists leading to long term covid. If the body has some "memory" via vaccination, there is less likelihood that it will over-react when exposed to the virus itself. No, I'm not a medical doctor.
That's very useful information, thanks!
I had read this somewhere else recently. It makes sense. Another good reason to keep up on the latest vaccination.
Great study, thanks for posting. Good to keep up with vaccinations.
I was probably exposed on March 14, 2020, standing in line at Trader Joes, just before the shut down. No masks then, wash your hands was the advice. The woman in the adjacent line worked at the local community college and remarked that she was concerned because so many Asian students had returned from New Year break overseas. She's the most likely source. I got horrible double pink eye the following Tuesday. A couple of weeks later, I started developing neuro issues. First of nine trips to the ER May 9th, with a four day stay for tests starting May 15.

I'm still sick, as are many others. Eventually the vascular complications will probably kill me, along with many other victims. I have a brain MRI ordered by neuro ophthalmology in a week to explain vision issues. Probably brain inflammation.

New cancers are now showing up in numerous first wave patients. Covid disrupts the immune system, allowing cancer to get a foothold. Many if not most victims never fully clear the virus. It's a persistent virus and it hides in organs. It's been found in asymptomatic people, many of whom thought they had avoided it. Some transplant patients, where the donor tested negative, have died of Covid.

Your cheery news for Sunday afternoon...

PS: Never had pneumonia.
I was probably exposed on March 14, 2020, standing in line at Trader Joes, just before the shut down. No masks then, wash your hands was the advice. The woman in the adjacent line worked at the local community college and remarked that she was concerned because so many Asian students had returned from New Year break overseas. She's the most likely source. I got horrible double pink eye the following Tuesday. A couple of weeks later, I started developing neuro issues. First of nine trips to the ER May 9th, with a four day stay for tests starting May 15.

I'm still sick, as are many others. Eventually the vascular complications will probably kill me, along with many other victims. I have a brain MRI ordered by neuro ophthalmology in a week to explain vision issues. Probably brain inflammation.

New cancers are now showing up in numerous first wave patients. Covid disrupts the immune system, allowing cancer to get a foothold. Many if not most victims never fully clear the virus. It's a persistent virus and it hides in organs. It's been found in asymptomatic people, many of whom thought they had avoided it. Some transplant patients, where the donor tested negative, have died of Covid.

Your cheery news for Sunday afternoon...

PS: Never had pneumonia.

So sorry to read that you are still having substantial Covid symptoms! Take care. Hope the brain MRI results are as good as possible.
If you posted back then about it, I think I remember you. I was sick starting a little before you. (I remember the two women who coughed on me in an elevator in Mineola, the end of February 2020.)

We were the early (unsuspecting) adopters! Have you recovered?
I was probably exposed on March 14, 2020, standing in line at Trader Joes, just before the shut down. No masks then, wash your hands was the advice. The woman in the adjacent line worked at the local community college and remarked that she was concerned because so many Asian students had returned from New Year break overseas. She's the most likely source. I got horrible double pink eye the following Tuesday. A couple of weeks later, I started developing neuro issues. First of nine trips to the ER May 9th, with a four day stay for tests starting May 15.

I'm still sick, as are many others. Eventually the vascular complications will probably kill me, along with many other victims. I have a brain MRI ordered by neuro ophthalmology in a week to explain vision issues. Probably brain inflammation.

New cancers are now showing up in numerous first wave patients. Covid disrupts the immune system, allowing cancer to get a foothold. Many if not most victims never fully clear the virus. It's a persistent virus and it hides in organs. It's been found in asymptomatic people, many of whom thought they had avoided it. Some transplant patients, where the donor tested negative, have died of Covid.

Your cheery news for Sunday afternoon...

PS: Never had pneumonia.

Long Covid is what scares me. So many people I know say it is no big deal, just like a cold. I always think of you when they say this.

I am so sorry for all of your health problems and I pray that it will clear up sometime in the future for you.
Long Covid is what scares me. So many people I know say it is no big deal, just like a cold. I always think of you when they say this.

I am so sorry for all of your health problems and I pray that it will clear up sometime in the future for you.

Thank you.

This virus has been shown to be persistent in organ tissues. It is known to infect the brain. Another CoV that is persistent is FeCoV in cats. Kittens catch a cold from it. If their immune systems are weak, the virus may mutate into a deadly form that causes FIP. In most cats that have it, the immune system suppresses the virus. When they get old and their immune systems weaken, they can lose the ability to suppress the virus and get FIP. We may be looking forward to a similar future.

Remdesivir is closely related to GS-441524. Dr. Pedersen at UC Davis ran a trial on FIP cats with GS-441524 a number of years back. The majority of cats survived. GS-441524 is available on the black market through the FIP groups. A vet in New Zealand has successfully treated cats with Remdesivir. Antivirals are key.

Some HIV antiviral drugs are thought to have efficacy. Until the money is allocated for clinical trials, the theory can not be proven or disproven.

There is very little federal money going forward allocated for Long Covid. The feds are busy with two wars and have chosen "get better or die" aka herd immunity as their path. Hasn't worked yet.
Long Covid is what scares me. So many people I know say it is no big deal, just like a cold. I always think of you when they say this.
I doubt they were referring to "Long COVID" as a cold. They were probably talking about just regular COVID, and a mild case at that. Long COVID could still come back to haunt them, even in mild cases, though. And it can be debilitating.
It took me about 5-6 months to get past the worst symptoms of Covid, and I still wonder sometimes if I ever totally ditched it. I am still weak and unable to do much physically, tire easily and rapidly, have a constant cough, short of breath, problems sleeping, and mild brain fog (far less than my earlier brain fog though - - at least now I know my own age, weight, and so on! :LOL:).

My remaining symptoms might be due to unexpectedly rapid aging during the last couple of years, instead of long Covid. Either way, it is what it is.

I agree with Another Reader, that research into Covid and long Covid seems to have been put on the back burner more than I would prefer. But maybe some day we'll know more about this dreadful disease. There's the mystery of long Covid to delve into, and also there may be a lot more to learn about how regular Covid is transmitted.
Thank you.

This virus has been shown to be persistent in organ tissues. It is known to infect the brain. Another CoV that is persistent is FeCoV in cats. Kittens catch a cold from it. If their immune systems are weak, the virus may mutate into a deadly form that causes FIP. In most cats that have it, the immune system suppresses the virus. When they get old and their immune systems weaken, they can lose the ability to suppress the virus and get FIP. We may be looking forward to a similar future.

Remdesivir is closely related to GS-441524. Dr. Pedersen at UC Davis ran a trial on FIP cats with GS-441524 a number of years back. The majority of cats survived. GS-441524 is available on the black market through the FIP groups. A vet in New Zealand has successfully treated cats with Remdesivir. Antivirals are key.

Some HIV antiviral drugs are thought to have efficacy. Until the money is allocated for clinical trials, the theory can not be proven or disproven.

There is very little federal money going forward allocated for Long Covid. The feds are busy with two wars and have chosen "get better or die" aka herd immunity as their path. Hasn't worked yet.

THere's speculation that the current dominant strains, while much more infectious, are not prone to causing severe disease like the original strain back in 2020.

Along with more immunity in the population, these Omicron-based streams don't see to infect the lower respiratory tract, the lungs.

Supposedly lower incidence of Long Covid compared to previous strains.

But it's mutated so much that we can't assume it will remain less virulent.
THere's speculation that the current dominant strains, while much more infectious, are not prone to causing severe disease like the original strain back in 2020.

Along with more immunity in the population, these Omicron-based streams don't see to infect the lower respiratory tract, the lungs.

Supposedly lower incidence of Long Covid compared to previous strains.

But it's mutated so much that we can't assume it will remain less virulent.

It's easy for the data minders to hand wave when you don't collect infection data any longer and in many places we don't. Suggest you follow the wastewater levels as a more accurate measure of prevalence if that is available in your area.

There is very little immunity to this virus. Plenty of people that have had it five or more times. Very common in school kids and their teachers. You can get Long Covid after your fifth infection or more.

The strains have definitely mutated, there is more of a gut component to the current strains. It's not going away. Lots of people are still dying, but it's not front page news. Look at hospitalization rates as a clue. The rapid mutations and reinfections imply there is no herd immunity.

Most important, this is not a lung or gut disease. It's a vascular disease. The infection and resulting damage can occur anywhere. A lot more people are going to have serious vascular damage as time goes on.
We were the early (unsuspecting) adopters! Have you recovered?

Hi Another Reader. This question is actually difficult for me to answer as I have had other health issues, which seemed to be aggravated by my "virus."
For those suffering long Covid did anybody try Benadryl and other antihistimines? Those seemed to bring relief to some long Covid sufferers.
I have been sick with Long Covid for four years. Covid is a persistent virus for many. It's similar to FeCoV in cats, which can stay dormant for years.

It's too early to know whether you will have symptomatic Long Covid. Resting for an extended time and not returning to normal activities too early seem to help.

If you do end up with Long Covid, there is very little help available. The so-called Long Covid clinics are largely useless. They have no curative treatments. I suggest you look at some of the advocacy groups on Twitter, ONLY if you don't recover.

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