Another new old guy

MC Rider

Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 18, 2021
Isabella Lake
Motorcycle riding, still w*rking real estate appraiser here.
Been lurking for quite a while, decided it's time to join.

Been in this line of w*rk for almost 30 years, self employed for 12+ years. So, nobody is giving me a gold watch or anything.
Don't care, I don't like wearing a watch. I do like being a 1 man band. :dance:

Thinking to retire when I hit Medicare age, less than 3 years as is sits.
Have done the firecalc, I think looking for a thing like that may be how I found this site. Need to do some planning, get some pro advice on SS and medicare, etc. Got some retirement accounts, pension what is that? Damm glad we bought a house in 2010. The increase in equity is amazing, we'll see what happens there though.

Short story long. Hi. :cool:
Hi and welcome! Looking for retirement calculators (FIRECalc) is how I found this site as well.
I should add I am not confused about dryer sheets.
The used ones are great for cleaning off the lint screen.
Welcome. My son-in-law is an appraiser and has been working his butt off lately with all the re-financing and real estate sales. It is a good gig - he gets to work from home and can throttle his work as needed.
Hi, and welcome!

That "confused about dryer sheets" thing is something the software automatically does. It's supposed to be funny, but a lot of us don't really see the humor! Still, after you post more it will change to say various other things related to dryer sheets.

I don't even use them, but it never gave me the title "doesn't use dryer sheets!" :LOL:

Oh, and don't feel like that "old guy".... we are all different ages. While there are some youngsters here in their 20's and 30's, there are lots over 70, like me.
Welcome to the forum!
we didn't retire until age 60, later than many, but early for us!
Welcome MC Rider! Since you're self employed, could you just downshift and do less appraisals and do them on your schedule to ease yourself into retirement if you want to? I would suspect so.

For SS, if you're single then there is no wrong answer... but is a great resource on looking at different claiming strategies.
Welcome. This is a friendly site with a lot of helpful people. Glad you started to post and hope you continue!
Welcome MC Rider! Since you're self employed, could you just downshift and do less appraisals and do them on your schedule to ease yourself into retirement if you want to? I would suspect so.

For SS, if you're single then there is no wrong answer... but is a great resource on looking at different claiming strategies.

Gotta be careful with the downshifts if you are running at high RPMs.

I've been trying to finish by 4 PM instead of 5 or 6 lately.

Night and weekend work is right out. This is my slowing things down.

Mrs DW says I am not single. I could take SS now, but my reading is I could only do 4 or 5 jobs a month before it cut into my not too exciting SS money. Not acceptable at this time.
Welcome to the forum! I got - and am still getting! - a lot of help here!
My hubby and I just sold our cherished motorcycles three weeks ago...sigh...because of our ages, we just didn't feel safe anymore. But we had such a good time on them for such a long time, especially on our cross country ride...we are so very lucky to have had that motorcycle experience for so long!
Enjoy the time you have to ride, and keep the rubber side down (smile!)
Welcome MC Rider. You'll find other folks here who are into MC riding. Feel free to ask any questions that occur to you. Just keep in mind that (for the most part) we are not experts so YMMV.
Thanks, all. I would love more time to ride. Going on 40 years since I got my first MC, and have not been without for more than a few weeks since. A cross country trip would be great, if I could take it easy, and not feel I had to do lots of miles every day. I do not have an iron butt. LOL.

I have picked up some useful retirement info here already. That's mostly why I joined. But also to throw in my $2 here and there.
Even if it is at least $1.50 of jokes.
Thanks, all. I would love more time to ride. Going on 40 years since I got my first MC, and have not been without for more than a few weeks since. A cross country trip would be great, if I could take it easy, and not feel I had to do lots of miles every day. I do not have an iron butt. LOL.

I have picked up some useful retirement info here already. That's mostly why I joined. But also to throw in my $2 here and there.
Even if it is at least $1.50 of jokes.

How about this one?

"Why won't my motorcycle run?
Because it's two tired."

Bada boom! :LOL:
Welcome MC Rider, I am also a rider.I turned 69 this year and my DW of 50 yrs. and I still ride. We have attended and hosted several "Ride ins" thru the years. We have slowed down a lot though, now we are more choosy as to when we ride. Sometimes its too hot, or too cold, to wet, or too dry, LOL I have noticed too that my 850 lb. Venture is harder to lift off the stand than it was a few years ago. Good to "meet you" and again welcome!
Thanks, Venturer. That's a heavy beast, but probably much better suited to long miles than my Ducati Monster 1200. But in my defense it weighs in about 400 pounds less with a full tank. This geared up rider, plus stuff is not much more than 600 pounds including the bike.

Hope I never have to stop, but at some point it will probably not be possible to ride on.

Ride safe! :)
Welcome! Re: the dryer sheets, I use a ball of aluminum foil instead. Works great!
Hi, and welcome!

That "confused about dryer sheets" thing is something the software automatically does. It's supposed to be funny, but a lot of us don't really see the humor! Still, after you post more it will change to say various other things related to dryer sheets.

I don't even use them, but it never gave me the title "doesn't use dryer sheets!" :LOL:

I'm anxiously waiting for mine to change to that reference to Picasso and the museum....

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