Another wave. Here we go again.

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Because of air conditioning and seasonal trends.

When I lived in FL I told people our "summer" is your "winter" where we have to spend a lot of time inside.

I like that. I hope the folks you tell it to catch the irony.

Since we have summer all year long, we always leave the windows open. Hope it blows the Covid away! YMMV
That's only a small part of the reason. FL behaviors have never been high on common sense cautions.

The longer I live in Florida (I have been here since 1962) the more I think many of the people had their brains replaced by a box of rocks. :eek:

Well went to the oncologist's office yesterday (for a follow-up) and wrapped myself up like a mummy so not to breath on any of the other patients. (Didn't want to take a chance with a group of vulnerable patients.) Turns out they had a mandatory masking in effect in any event.

My white blood cells were behaving again after being suspicious for a host of things from an unidentified virus to leukemia (yea! :dance:) the leukemia had been ruled out quickly, but the cause was not identified. However, I forgot to get the oncologist's advice on the timing of another booster. :facepalm:

Checked that map. Yep, NY is a hotspot.
My area has been very good about masking. Yet, Covid numbers are climbing again. Not so good.

As I have mentioned before, in my area even people walking outdoors down streets with few other pedestrians are wearing masks. The theory is that such careful behavior has reduced the number of people with high a level of protection resulting from getting Covid either before or after being vaccinated. It's sounds a bit crazy to me, bu taccording to some, two doses of an mRNA vaccine and a mild case of Covid really leaves the immune system well armed to fight new infections. That's the theory. I am not planning on testing it by running about and purposefully getting Covid.

My theory is that the unusually cold, damp Spring has kept people indoors more than normal, and it discourages simple but effective preventive measures like opening a window to improve ventilation.
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There was an article in the NY Times this week that reinfections may be common, that some people may get infected several times during a year.

Boston Celtics player Al Hoford just missed a playoffs basketball game. He's tested positive 3 times since September or so.

The article said that Omicron doesn't create a big immune response, especially neutralizing antibodies. And what antibodies it creates are easily evaded by later variants and they wane quickly.

So those who thought they should just get it over with and get infected because everyone will eventually may have lost their bet. They're likely not infected from reinfections.

And we know booster percentage is under 50% of those who got 2 shots so the increase in covid infections may not be surprising.
I think that and then the relaxing of masking standards. I'm in the same state.
I notice I'm about one in 10 at the very best at Costco to have a mask on. That has to leave a mark on the numbers.
Not surprising that cases and hospitalizations are cranking back upward again, as just about everyone I know is acting like COVID is "over". (For example, every time I do grocery pickup, the number of people with masks on that I see walking into the store is less than parking lots are jammed. Family members are having frequent gatherings. And reports are of air travel being at all time highs).

Wife and I (both at high risk of severe outcomes if we were to get it) continue to wear our KN95s everywhere we go, and limit the places we do go. We still mostly don't go into stores, haven't been inside a restaurant since this all started, don't travel and won't do indoor events of any kind - including church or family events. Instead, we do church via YouTube replay..COVID could easily kill one or both of us, so we just don't take chances.

We're gonna be dealing with thing until people take it seriously, which to this point, a large majority of Americans have not.

Super frustrating..

ETA - you'd "think" that people would wear (good) masks just to stay safe and to help limit spread...NOPE! Most people only seem to do masks if there's a "mandate" to do so. Eliminate the mandate and they're back to walking around like COVID is "over" (it's obviously not). Sigh...
I gave blood this past Friday. The Red Cross is testing donated blood for Covid antibody levels. Mine are again reported as "Reactive +", meaning that my blood has a sufficiently high level of antibodies that it can be used for convalescent plasma to treat Covid patients. I was doubly vaccinated and boosted (in October 2021) and then caught Covid (most likely Omicron variant) right before Christmas. So, six months later and still good.
I just got back from a graduation ceremony that was indoors, full capacity. I wore my N95. I say about 1 percent of people there wore masks. Me being one of them. Everyone has to make their own calculation. For me, I'm not ready for thousands gathered indoors, people screaming out names as graduates, despite me being double boosted.

I went to a funeral visitation tonight and DH and I wore KN94 masks. We were the only masked people which I expected. I know a number of the people there were vaccinated, but not necessarily boosted. And some people I had no idea on. Since it was a relatively small space where people were for over an hour I decided to mask and will do so again for the funeral.

Since I am double vaccinated, double boosted (2nd booster about 6 weeks ago) I think my chances if I were to get Covid would be pretty good (although not without risk). But we have a lot going on right now and I don't want to get it right now if I don't have to.

From the Washington Post, April 29:

"Covid deaths no longer overwhelmingly among the unvaccinated as toll on elderly grows"

"The vaccinated made up 42 percent of fatalities in January and February during the highly contagious omicron variant’s surge, compared with 23 percent of the dead in September, the peak of the delta wave, according to nationwide data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed by The Post. The data is based on the date of infection and limited to a sampling of cases in which vaccination status was known."

Boosters help, but they are no guarantee.

If you have, say, a populace that is 100% vaccinated (which we don't have, of course) then 100% of the people go got Covid would be vaccinated. The more people there are vaccinated the more people who are vaccinated who get Covid. I don't see my vaccinations as necessarily preventing me getting Covid. I hope that it will prevent an adverse outcome.

Covid risk varies widely throughout the country. There is no need to become scared by stories from places where you do not live or plan to travel. is an excellent site where you can assess and track covid in your own county.

Things may be better or worse than you think but the info is readily available.

On the one hand it uses the community levels which it says are low. (Yes, I know the transmission map is different). They do give a vulnerability level, thoughy, which says my county is very high and is more vulnerable than 86% of US counties. I personally live in an area with low vulnerability within the county, but I leave my neighborhood and people come into my neighborhood.

Most of the time I don't wear a mask when I go to a store or out to eat (usually not there very long). But being in an enclosed space for an extended time with people (some of whom not likely to be vaccinated or not boosted) makes it an decision to throw on a good mask.
I gave blood this past Friday. The Red Cross is testing donated blood for Covid antibody levels. Mine are again reported as "Reactive +", meaning that my blood has a sufficiently high level of antibodies that it can be used for convalescent plasma to treat Covid patients. I was doubly vaccinated and boosted (in October 2021) and then caught Covid (most likely Omicron variant) right before Christmas. So, six months later and still good.

Wow, that's really good. I took an antibody test three months after my 3rd shot (my 1st booster - Moderna 1/2 dose). The result - there was no evidence of past infection but the antibodies were still present from my vax. It's been 4.5 months since my 3rd shot right now. I wonder if I still have some antibodies left...
We hope for the best as well.:flowers:

Thank you. She has been isolating and that is so hard for her. We have been dropping things off and Face Timing with her, but she misses her daily activities with her friends. Hopefully she is feeling better today.
I gave blood this past Friday. The Red Cross is testing donated blood for Covid antibody levels. Mine are again reported as "Reactive +", meaning that my blood has a sufficiently high level of antibodies that it can be used for convalescent plasma to treat Covid patients. I was doubly vaccinated and boosted (in October 2021) and then caught Covid (most likely Omicron variant) right before Christmas. So, six months later and still good.

Donating blood seems to be the premier way of accurate information over swabs.

Donating blood seems to be the premier way of accurate information over swabs.


Bummer. After 150+ units, I'm no longer eligible. Of course, I'd never go to the donation center if I had any symptoms. YMMV
We feel comfortable and boosted, but will mask next week as we are visiting DW's 98 year old uncle in between attending college graduations. Interestingly, he has refused to get vaccinated. He is in amazing health - sticks to a fastidious diet, still briskly walks/semi-jogs daily and mentally as sharp as a nail. Sharp to the point of being eccentric in my view :). I will be curious to find out why he refuses to get vaccinated, as he does not fit the "stereotype" many assume about those folks :).
Here is Eric Topol's take on the current situation. His has been a rational voice throughout this mess.

Wow... a very sobering read. I certainly feel good about getting my 2nd booster after reading that.

The one thing the article didn't address, however, was the virulence trend among all these newly evolving variants. How does BA.2.12.1 (the currently dominant variant) compare to BA.2 (the dominant variant in April) and to BA.1.1 (dominant in Feb/Mar) when it comes to severity of disease? We know each successive dominant variant is more transmissible, but what about virulence?
Wow... a very sobering read. I certainly feel good about getting my 2nd booster after reading that.

The one thing the article didn't address, however, was the virulence trend among all these newly evolving variants. How does BA.2.12.1 (the currently dominant variant) compare to BA.2 (the dominant variant in April) and to BA.1.1 (dominant in Feb/Mar) when it comes to severity of disease? We know each successive dominant variant is more transmissible, but what about virulence?

Wow that is a sobering read. He certainly makes a strong case for boosters, I'm glad that DH and I have gotten our second boosters.
My last trip to the doctor, he said masks don't work. I ask about getting the 4th shot and he said don't bother, he then said, "if I could go back, I would not have recommended the Covid vaccine to any of my patients." He also said, everyone is going to get Covid.

I don't necessarily agree about masks, I think they will help, especially N-95 masks when worn properly, however, if you look at most other cheap masks, they have such large gaps leading to the nose and mouth that little is filtered and so often they are worn over the mouth and the nose is exposed.:facepalm: I also don't agree with the shots, as I think it made symptoms and sick to much less.

Down here in Florida we were quite lax about masks after the initial phase, and about the only place you see them now are on employees in retail. In the last year I have worn them only on rare occasion. I also mentioned to the doc that I have not been to Planet fitness since Covid started, he said, Go!
My last trip to the doctor, he said masks don't work. I ask about getting the 4th shot and he said don't bother, he then said, "if I could go back, I would not have recommended the Covid vaccine to any of my patients." He also said, everyone is going to get Covid.

I don't necessarily agree about masks, I think they will help, especially N-95 masks when worn properly, however, if you look at most other cheap masks, they have such large gaps leading to the nose and mouth that little is filtered and so often they are worn over the mouth and the nose is exposed.:facepalm: I also don't agree with the shots, as I think it made symptoms and sick to much less.

Down here in Florida we were quite lax about masks after the initial phase, and about the only place you see them now are on employees in retail. In the last year I have worn them only on rare occasion. I also mentioned to the doc that I have not been to Planet fitness since Covid started, he said, Go!

My doctor says the opposite--she recommends to wear a an N95 or KN94 mask in crowded indoor spaces and to get all boosters you are eligible for. I think I will continue to follow her advice.
Wow... a very sobering read. I certainly feel good about getting my 2nd booster after reading that.

The one thing the article didn't address, however, was the virulence trend among all these newly evolving variants. How does BA.2.12.1 (the currently dominant variant) compare to BA.2 (the dominant variant in April) and to BA.1.1 (dominant in Feb/Mar) when it comes to severity of disease? We know each successive dominant variant is more transmissible, but what about virulence?

I believe none of the Omicron variants are less severe/virulent and scientists have determined that the first Omicron variant was just as virulent as Delta, it’s just that vaccines, boosters and some degree of population immunity from prior Covid infections made the outcomes less severe in general. However, the extreme contagiousness meant that so many people infected at once, hospitals were still extremely taxed and quality of care provided suffered as a result.
My last trip to the doctor, he said masks don't work. I ask about getting the 4th shot and he said don't bother, he then said, "if I could go back, I would not have recommended the Covid vaccine to any of my patients." He also said, everyone is going to get Covid.

I don't necessarily agree about masks, I think they will help, especially N-95 masks when worn properly, however, if you look at most other cheap masks, they have such large gaps leading to the nose and mouth that little is filtered and so often they are worn over the mouth and the nose is exposed.:facepalm: I also don't agree with the shots, as I think it made symptoms and sick to much less.

Down here in Florida we were quite lax about masks after the initial phase, and about the only place you see them now are on employees in retail. In the last year I have worn them only on rare occasion. I also mentioned to the doc that I have not been to Planet fitness since Covid started, he said, Go!

Maybe look for another doctor.

Or see if you get a similar second opinion.
I believe none of the Omicron variants are less severe/virulent and scientists have determined that the first Omicron variant was just as virulent as Delta, it’s just that vaccines, boosters and some degree of population immunity from prior Covid infections made the outcomes less severe in general. However, the extreme contagiousness meant that so many people infected at once, hospitals were still extremely taxed and quality of care provided suffered as a result.

Omicron definitely tended to reproduce faster in the upper airways or the upper part of the trachea, than lower in the airways and into the lungs.

I don't know if the variants have similar dynamics.

I think all the incessant talk about "mild" Omicron probably made people drop their guards.
Maybe look for another doctor.

Or see if you get a similar second opinion.

Listen to the experts, ... unless you don't agree with them. Then look for another expert until one agrees with what you already believe.

Another data point: I had a doctor's appointment the day after the mask rules were invalidated on the airlines. Walked in and no one had a mask on. I had one in my pocket and asked if I needed it. They said, "No, we all took ours off the second we heard about the courts decision." I have no problem going back to that doctor.

I have been going to my gym 6-7x/week since last fall. Had two shots and one booster. Am on the fence about the second booster.
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