Anyone have a "walking pad" as opposed to a treadmill?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Aug 22, 2017
I had an unpleasant walk again today and someone advised me to buy a walking pad - like a baby version of a treadmill but smaller and cheaper.

I am thinking this sounds not durable but then I'm only walking after all and not running.

I don't suppose anyone here has tried one?

I'm not sure how to gauge how much daily use one could take. . . Like in hours? Is there a horsepower figure that I should look for?

I see they have things like max speed and user weight limits but I would think some piddly little motor would over heat or something under strain. I really am talking out of my head here I guess.

Joining a gym is not out of the question but having never been to one it isn't high on my list of "must do" activities. Perhaps it isn't as bad as I picture but. . .

It isn't out of the question to assume I'm too clumsy for a treadmill either. I prefer the ground for a reason and I trip plenty there. (Miserable ankles).
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I think a treadmill would be fine, we have one and walk on it, not run.

Be sure to put a big TV in front of it so you can watch something while you walk for miles as it's incredibly boring to walk for miles staring at the wall.

A treadmill should have railings, which are great to lightly hold so you don't fall over.

What was your unpleasant walk ? Were you asked for $$ again ?
For $275 I bought a TIMETOOK under desk treadmill last August off of Amazon. Basically a small treadmill that I bought to walk on during the winter. I would use it two or three times a week. With good weather and golf it is now gathering dust. The price was right and so far have had no issues with the brand though I see that it is not currently available. There were many choices when I was looking before.
If you have bad ankles and could possibly trip, be sure to look for one with handrails.
I investigated these a while ago, but never ended up buying one.
There are several listed on Amazon.
Walking safely in your home certainly sounds better to me than what you enounter on your walks.
A walking pad is good if you are working at a raised desk, but not really to substitute for a treadmill.

Pads are smaller than they look online:


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I had a treadmill when I lived in Kansas because summers were too hot and I watched tv while walking. It was very boring and time went slowly. When I moved to Reno I sold it because I can mostly walk outside. If the weather is too bad I go to the mall which is mostly empty in the morning. I’m no longer walking in the beautiful park because of jerks having off leash dogs which is illegal. I’m walking the neighborhood instead.
We have a walking pdad, you do need the railing, so get one with that. We are not light people in this house 215 and 265. We have had ours for 6 months, we each do about 30 minutes a day on it at a slow pace as we both have knee issues for years which has contributed to the weight gain.

They are cheap, weigh less than 50lbs so easy to move and I figure even if we get a year or two of use out of it, worth it.

We had a treadmill years ago when we use to both do fun runs...but it weighed a ton, it almost killed us to get it out of the basement when we moved and cost 8-10x.

We haven't walked on it more than 40 minutes so not sure if there would be any issues there...but the fact it is holding up to our weight I'm impressed.
What was your unpleasant walk ? Were you asked for $$ again ?

A strange older man approached me to tell me I looked "great" and so on. I was kind of horrified TBH. I do not look "great" even on good days LOL and you do not just approach strangers with such drivel. I just sort of ignored him and sped up. Luckily I was faster! But I didn't like it. I'm sure he was just lonely or something but eh.

A walking pad is good if you are working at a raised desk, but not really to substitute for a treadmill.

Pads are smaller than they look online:

Love the kitty can I order him/her? :) That does look way too small. I'm not short so it might be a problem.

We haven't walked on it more than 40 minutes so not sure if there would be any issues there...but the fact it is holding up to our weight I'm impressed.

Yes it sounds promising. I'm smaller than that but I'd walk longer if I liked it.

I need a walking buddy for short term at least!

Of course bad weather will demand more solutions. I'll try to measure how big my steps are for length.

We have some new homeless folks near my house I am not excited to walk by either. . . they just appeared in the last few days so I assume they got run off from somewhere else. (Yes I realize not all homeless people are dangerous but I am not meeting any by myself on purpose!) I have only seen the shopping carts and not the actual people thus far but I assume they are close by.
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I have a treadmill which I can use indoors, but you do need room for it. If you choose to buy one, you should look for one with a lot of good reviews, and if necessary, a "white glove" delivery to the location of your choice. Also, be aware it can take up a lot of space. (I had a small non-powered one first, which I didn't like.)

Mine does have handrails on both sides, which I use. You can set the speed and incline to your liking. (Although I would like to use the incline, my back objects so I keep it level.) I used to watch tv while walking on it, but more recently listen to podcasts. It is currently set up in our backroom, facing the backyard, so I can also open all the blinds and windows if I wish for a view and/ or breeze as well.
If you choose to buy one, you should look for one with a lot of good reviews, and if necessary, a "white glove" delivery to the location of your choice.

Also be aware that it’s best if they are on their own electrical circuit and the one I had recommended a 20 amp circuit.

Personally, I’d look into joining a gym. They have treadmills and other machines like ellipticals and stationary bikes so you can mix up your routine. We have a city run rec center and the price is about $20/mo for a senior resident. They also have an indoor walking track, but I don’t like that. Too much pressure on the leg that’s on the inside of the track.

Another option is a local school in off hours - use their track.
I had an unpleasant walk again today and someone advised me to buy a walking pad - like a baby version of a treadmill but smaller and cheaper.

Joining a gym is not out of the question but having never been to one it isn't high on my list of "must do" activities. Perhaps it isn't as bad as I picture but. . .

It isn't out of the question to assume I'm too clumsy for a treadmill either. I prefer the ground for a reason and I trip plenty there. (Miserable ankles).

I get vertigo so when on a treadmill I prefer to have handrails. I used to have an expensive home model but it was big and bulky and I didn't feel it was as sturdy as treadmills at the gym.

Before I retired I joined Planet Fitness. It's only $10/month and it is as nice a gym as the expensive gym's I used in the past. The only thing missing is a swimming pool. The staff is really nice and helpful. I go mid-mornings and the place is virtually empty with the exception of other retirees. The variety of exercise equipment is wonderful and keeps me entertained.

If you have a Planet Fitness near you, I would pay a visit for a tour around the time you'd normally exercise. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
Is there any small area near your house that does seem safe? If there is a half mile or so loop you could make in a safe area, you could walk that loop multiple times to get your miles in.

Sure, I'd rather do one 5 mile loop than repeat a half mile loop 10 times, but I'd take the half mile loops over a treadmill.
I'm not overly excited at the idea of putting bulky equipment in my house; thus why I thought the pad might be better than the treadmill but it really does seem tiny.

Another option is a local school in off hours - use their track.

Wish I could - they lock them up and don't allow visitors. It is pretty much a constant complaint locally there is nowhere to go. My city run rec center for seniors is tiny and has like 2 treadmills. Also 30 or so miles RT which is too far to do daily. Can't afford the gas!

If you have a Planet Fitness near you, I would pay a visit for a tour around the time you'd normally exercise. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

All the chain gyms near me have terrible reviews but I have not been to any. Mostly due to lack of parking and unable to use the equipment due to severe overcrowding (even mid day). But of course reviews can be made up or biased. It just hasn't made me want to look harder. There are probably 3-4 gym chains within 10 miles RT.

Is there any small area near your house that does seem safe? If there is a half mile or so loop you could make in a safe area, you could walk that loop multiple times to get your miles in.

IDK. Maybe. I don't want to walk down my street past the homeless people who just appeared hopefully that is temporary problem and they will move on. Also supposed to be 99 today. Our overnight lows in summer pretty much can be 90s so it would soon push me out of a long walk. Can't carry enough water for 8 miles in heat! (Yes, I'm a wimp.)
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Wish I could - they lock them up and don't allow visitors. It is pretty much a constant complaint locally there is nowhere to go.

Surprising. All the local schools around here encourage people to use their tracks when the students aren't using them. I've always found them great places to go in the mornings. Have you ever talked to the school administrators about this?
Do you have an inside mall in your town? I know it’s not as nice as being outside.
If you live in a place where:

You aren't comfortable walking outside in your neighborhood
There's are zero good gym options
No decent local parks, and schools are locked up off hours

um...maybe you need to move? Sounds like a not-great place. Either that or invest in a home gym and never leave the house again.
I bought a dance pad back in the days of Dance Dance Revolution. I got it in large part for the computer/robotics high school kids. They loved it, but I wasn't that great at it, didn't love the music and prefer outdoor exercise. So I donated it after I moved on.

How about jump rope if your knees are good? Doesn't take much room at all, can do it almost anwhere. Get a cheap beaded one with contrasting plastic beads so you can see it coming, and make sure you can modify the length to your height.

In fact, get 2 and keep one in your car!
Surprising. All the local schools around here encourage people to use their tracks when the students aren't using them. I've always found them great places to go in the mornings. Have you ever talked to the school administrators about this?

Personally, no but is constantly on the local reddit with complaints where people have asked and been refused.

I am amazed yours are not gated and locked like the ones here.

Many women are reluctant to run by our large homeless population especially in the times of day you have to go in summer to avoid the heat (still darkish).

And for me personally I'd like to be somewhere not too far from safety in case I fall or get dizzy - both of which have happened and makes it hard when you still have to walk home.
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Do you have an inside mall in your town? I know it’s not as nice as being outside.

30 miles round trip drive so not practical often. Gas is too $$. I tried it a few times and found it very depressing as well.

If you live in a place where:

You aren't comfortable walking outside in your neighborhood
There's are zero good gym options
No decent local parks, and schools are locked up off hours

um...maybe you need to move? Sounds like a not-great place. Either that or invest in a home gym and never leave the house again.

Yes I need to move. No I can't afford to move unless I go back to work I think. I'd probably have to move to a cheaper state which I have not ever visited and don't know anyone. I'm thinking southern US but nowhere in particular in mind. (I retired when I did due to layoff not great planning). But there is no chance I could get a decent job now and I don't seem to be healthy enough for the part time low wage one I was thinking to try next. (Hence why I am in physical therapy.) I didn't want a sit down job as more than 33 years of sitting on my butt is what got me into poor shape. IDK. I'm sure determined people can find a way to be active regardless but since I haven't before I didn't think odds were good.

My original home state had my BFF for many years and I considered that but she passed away. . . and it has **** weather and high tax so eh no.

I'm kind of not in a great position right now. Walking was the only thing going consistently well and now it kind of isn't either.

My options at this point are join a gym, buy something or quit walking I guess.

Most people I know have suggested quit walking as it is "stupid" anyway.
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I can’t believe people said to quit walking. I’ve been doing it daily for 39 years and it’s a great way to exercise and relax. Would a short drive to a better neighborhood work?
For now maybe but not in summer. I knew I'd need a solution by July that had something else going on but I wasn't planning to think of it just quite yet. I need a place I can walk to a restroom or water as well even if it is outside. . . so probably one near a grocery store or such that doesn't lock you out if not a customer. As the walks get longer you need more "stuff". Or I seem to.

I have looked at walking pads a little online but not real sold. I had heard I could join a gym through my insurance but then today I heard that is being discontinued 7/1. Just a rumor, I need to call and see.
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Love walking outside in good weather.
We downsized 5 yrs ago to a tiny house in a safe lake community.
Lots of senior walkers, bikers, dog walkers, grandparents pushing strollers midday.

Now rehabbing my second hip replacement. Bought an inexpensive UREVO walking pad on Amazon for foul weather it's sturdy, with handles and small shelf for phone or tablet. Paid $220. It's compact; fits in our guest bedroom.
I had an unpleasant walk again today and someone advised me to buy a walking pad - like a baby version of a treadmill but smaller and cheaper.

I am thinking this sounds not durable but then I'm only walking after all and not running.

I don't suppose anyone here has tried one?

I'm not sure how to gauge how much daily use one could take. . . Like in hours? Is there a horsepower figure that I should look for?

I see they have things like max speed and user weight limits but I would think some piddly little motor would over heat or something under strain. I really am talking out of my head here I guess.

Joining a gym is not out of the question but having never been to one it isn't high on my list of "must do" activities. Perhaps it isn't as bad as I picture but. . .

It isn't out of the question to assume I'm too clumsy for a treadmill either. I prefer the ground for a reason and I trip plenty there. (Miserable ankles).
I bout one for our overweight teenager and she loves it.
I had an unpleasant walk again today and someone advised me to buy a walking pad - like a baby version of a treadmill but smaller and cheaper.

I am thinking this sounds not durable but then I'm only walking after all and not running.

I don't suppose anyone here has tried one?

I'm not sure how to gauge how much daily use one could take. . . Like in hours? Is there a horsepower figure that I should look for?

I see they have things like max speed and user weight limits but I would think some piddly little motor would over heat or something under strain. I really am talking out of my head here I guess.

Joining a gym is not out of the question but having never been to one it isn't high on my list of "must do" activities. Perhaps it isn't as bad as I picture but. . .

It isn't out of the question to assume I'm too clumsy for a treadmill either. I prefer the ground for a reason and I trip plenty there. (Miserable ankles).
Skip the treadmill or pad and simply walk in place, ala Leslie Sanzone walking videos.

Check her out on YouTube.
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