Covid in the House (I'm negative)

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Jul 11, 2009
So after 2 years of all this we have Covid in the house. DH had chills this morning (apparently started symptoms yesterday) so we did one of the at home tests we got from when the government sent them out. He tested positive. Doesn't feel good, has chills, but otherwise OK. He is isolating in his study. The only place he can sleep at night is either in the recliner near the family room or the sofa in the living room. I used the CDC calculator and it says he can quit isolating on the 9th. He is vaccinated and double boosted (last booster was 4/1). Good health but 74 years old.

Our son who is living with us also tested positive. He has had some mild congestion for a few days but feels fine. He didn't think it was anything. The CDC calculator says he can quit isolating on the 7th. He is isolating in his room. They can share the guest bath.

I tested negative and feel fine. Except when eating I am wearing a mask. They will wear KN95 mask if they have to come out or interact with me. I am vaccinated and double boosted (last was on 4/1).

Do I or we need to do anything else? It is Saturday so DH's doctor is closed. He could call Monday and see if he could get a Paxlovid prescription. I also suggested that he call his doctor's emergency number to see if he could get it sooner.

Anyway, is there anything else I need to be doing? I've spent so much time avoiding getting Covid that I haven't really learned that much about if someone in your house (or you) gets it.

We have no idea where they got this. DH had a colonoscopy on Thursday. So perhaps he got it there (they did require masks in the facility). However, DS's symptoms (the congestion) started before that. DS has a job where he is in contact with the public but hasn't otherwise been out lately except for work.

EDIT: Could someone fix the subject line? should be "the" house.
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You're husband could drive himself to a Test to Treat location today if there's one nearby, in order to get Paxlovid today. Since his congestion started prior to Thursday, Monday would probably be beyond the 5 day period to begin Paxlovid.

It's important to remember that a study showed that when someone first tests positive for Covid with a PCR test, it takes on average 3 days before that person will test positive with an antigen test.
You might want to wipe down common areas with Clorox wipes.
Transmission through fomites is very low risk but it won’t hurt to do that.

Concur on your DH contacting the Dr. Before Monday for treatment.
Maybe contact an urgent care clinic about a Paxlovid prescription now rather than waiting until Monday?

This. There is a short window to start Paxlovid.
Can your husband do a telehealth appointment? That was how I got my Paxloid prescription. I’m guessing that varies based on health insurance and Medicare supplement. It worked very easily and well for me. DH went out and picked up the prescription for me. Fortunately, he never caught Covid. Also, fortunately, my case stayed quite mild and I am now well past CDC recommended isolation guidelines.

We were able to isolate from each other at home. DH had the main floor and I had the second floor.
You're husband could drive himself to a Test to Treat location today if there's one nearby, in order to get Paxlovid today. Since his congestion started prior to Thursday, Monday would probably be beyond the 5 day period to begin Paxlovid.


DH's symptoms started yesterday evening (Friday) so Monday would be within the time. Our son's symptoms were earlier (but he doesn't need Paxlovid).

He called our doctor's office but they are out for the weekend on don't have any way to contact on the weekend.

I did already look up the Test to Treat locations near us and gave DH the numbers and he is going to call them today. Perhaps he could get that by Monday.

You might want to wipe down common areas with Clorox wipes.
Transmission through fomites is very low risk but it won’t hurt to do that.

Already done this. I also put in their bathroom some hand sanitizer (soap is there already) and a box of disposable gloves if they need to go to the kitchen etc. I plan to wipe down the doorknobs, handles, daily.

I also read it can help to turn on the bathroom exhaust fan and run it for an hour or so. Periodically I turn that on. (Opening windows won't work with our cats). I've been wearing a mask whenever I have to see them and most of the time in my office (except when eating or drinking). I also laundered the bedding on our bed.

Can your husband do a telehealth appointment? That was how I got my Paxloid prescription. I’m guessing that varies based on health insurance and Medicare supplement.

DH is on traditional Medicare. I think he is going to try the Test to Treat and see if he can get something that way. According to the website there are several CVS and Walgreens within 10 minutes of us that do it. He just needs to check to make sure they have it in stock.
"DH is on traditional Medicare. I think he is going to try the Test to Treat and see if he can get something that way. According to the website there are several CVS and Walgreens within 10 minutes of us that do it. He just needs to check to make sure they have it in stock."

If you use CVS or Walgreens, make sure they offer Paxlovid and not the less effective (and mutagenic) Molnupiravir. Different locations of both pharmacies here offer each drug.
"DH is on traditional Medicare. I think he is going to try the Test to Treat and see if he can get something that way. According to the website there are several CVS and Walgreens within 10 minutes of us that do it. He just needs to check to make sure they have it in stock."

If you use CVS or Walgreens, make sure they offer Paxlovid and not the less effective (and mutagenic) Molnupiravir. Different locations of both pharmacies here offer each drug.

Thanks I will tell him. He tried to call several places here but they were already closed for today so he needs to call in the morning.
Following up on this. DH went to CVS today and got Paxlovid. They accepted his saying he had tested positive on the home test and did not require him to retest. So far he is doing fine. His symptoms today are mostly like those of an upper respiratory infection. Sneezing, nose running, some coughing, that kind of thing. Glad he was able to get the Paxlovid today.
Glad he was able to get the RX. Watch for rebound infection, which has happened to some after taking it.
Is there anyway to block the cats from open windows/screens? Good air exchange is one of the best ways to stay healthy and keep virus away. Even if you could open several windows an inch or so in opposite areas of the house would help.
Glad he was able to get the RX. Watch for rebound infection, which has happened to some after taking it.
Is there anyway to block the cats from open windows/screens? Good air exchange is one of the best ways to stay healthy and keep virus away. Even if you could open several windows an inch or so in opposite areas of the house would help.

Yes, I warned him about the rebound infection stuff although it seems only a tiny percentage get it. While we aren't opening windows, I did set the fan on the AC to run constantly and have been periodically running the bathroom fans which I've read can also help. So far, I have no symptoms although I know that can change.
DH and DS are both out of isolation. As per the CDC protocol, I retested myself today and I am still negative. So I may have dodged this one. DS never really felt bad other than a mild congestion.

DH felt bad the first few days and hasn't had a fever since Monday. He felt tired, but know feels much perkier and doesn't seem to have symptoms any more. He does tire a little more easily so he is taking it easy.
DH and DS are both out of isolation. As per the CDC protocol, I retested myself today and I am still negative. So I may have dodged this one. DS never really felt bad other than a mild congestion.

DH felt bad the first few days and hasn't had a fever since Monday. He felt tired, but know feels much perkier and doesn't seem to have symptoms any more. He does tire a little more easily so he is taking it easy.

That’s great news!
Covid situation in our house.
DGF's son tested positive with a home test last Friday. DGF and I started getting headaches, 100 fever, coughing and runny nose on Monday. Tested negative on our home tests.
Went for a test at the ER portion of our doctors' office. Won't have results for 2 to 4 days.
The nurse said it could just be the flu, but we both felt the same symptoms at the same time.
I can't even remember the last time I had the flu.

Any possibility it could be only a flu?
Any possibility it could be only a flu?

Not only a possibility, but highly likely. Florida is a hotbed of flu at the moment:


  • June Flu.JPG
    June Flu.JPG
    49.3 KB · Views: 60
I’m assuming you were both exposed to DGF’s son who has Covid?

Seems highly likely it’s Covid considering the circumstances. Vaccinated DB took quite a while to test positive. Even his first PCR was negative. Symptoms had subsided quite a bit before he finally tested positive both on home test and PCR.
The nurse said it could just be the flu, but we both felt the same symptoms at the same time.
I can't even remember the last time I had the flu.

Any possibility it could be only a flu?

Sorry they didn't test for the flu then, that's an easy 15 minute answer. I'd continue to home-text for covid each day, assuming you have a lot of the free kits on hand?

ETA: it could be something else entirely too. A lot of Upper respiratory things present like flu/covid at first. Kind of like an aggressive cold but with a bit of fever.
Covid situation in our house.
DGF's son tested positive with a home test last Friday. DGF and I started getting headaches, 100 fever, coughing and runny nose on Monday. Tested negative on our home tests.
Went for a test at the ER portion of our doctors' office. Won't have results for 2 to 4 days.
The nurse said it could just be the flu, but we both felt the same symptoms at the same time.
I can't even remember the last time I had the flu.

Any possibility it could be only a flu?

Well just got the results and it is Covid. DGF didn't get her results yet, but almost for sure I got it from her, who was kissing her son the day before his test, then kisses me.
Lots of rest, fluids, etc.
Take care.
We are heading in for PCR tests tomorrow. Exposed last week and home tests remain negative, I've had a headache off and on.
My story....first of all I always think I have Covid symptoms, which is usually silly. I have had a sore throat for five days and so far three negative Covid tests. I went to Urgent Care yesterday to check for strep throat - negative. So I guess I just have a yucky cold which I also had back in March. My throat is better today but I have moved on to the lingering cough stage which I hate. Of course now it has been years since I have had a cold and that does not help. It was so nice not to get sick for awhile.
Well just got the results and it is Covid. DGF didn't get her results yet, but almost for sure I got it from her, who was kissing her son the day before his test, then kisses me.

Based on your first post sounded like Covid so not surprised....

My story....first of all I always think I have Covid symptoms, which is usually silly. I have had a sore throat for five days and so far three negative Covid tests. I went to Urgent Care yesterday to check for strep throat - negative. So I guess I just have a yucky cold which I also had back in March. My throat is better today but I have moved on to the lingering cough stage which I hate. Of course now it has been years since I have had a cold and that does not help. It was so nice not to get sick for awhile.

I do think this variant of Covid really does seem more like an upper respiratory infection. And, for some people, it is just a cold.

My friend called me yesterday. She had had cold symptoms for a couple of days, no fever. She had done an at home test and it was negative. She is vaccinated and pretty careful but has been going places and seeing people. She and I usually have lunch every week but we cancelled last week since I was masking due to DH's Covid. Anyway, her symptoms seemed more like a bad cold.

Well, today, she tests again and is positive.
Based on your first post sounded like Covid so not surprised....

I do think this variant of Covid really does seem more like an upper respiratory infection. And, for some people, it is just a cold.

My friend called me yesterday. She had had cold symptoms for a couple of days, no fever. She had done an at home test and it was negative. She is vaccinated and pretty careful but has been going places and seeing people. She and I usually have lunch every week but we cancelled last week since I was masking due to DH's Covid. Anyway, her symptoms seemed more like a bad cold.

Well, today, she tests again and is positive.

That made me take my fourth Covid test, negative and I have had these cold symptoms for a week now, so I am going to declare myself Covid free for today anyway.
I tested positive last night. First run-in with it. Head is incredibly stuffy and I have a sore throat, but I'm feeling well enough to have taken a shower and washed a load of clothes. Pulse ox is 98%.

My wife is negative so far, but we spent 8 hours in a car together on Sunday, so it seems likely that she will get it.
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