Creative ERs - books, blogs, music and art created by our members

Published my Last Book?

I just self-published my Christmas book:


Available here.

I'm trying to decide if I'm done writing or not. I looked forward to Oct 15 (when I sent it off to the proofreader) as one might look forward to the last day of work.

I enjoyed writing it, but my motivation took a big hit when Democracy's Thief didn't sell well.

OTOH, I've got an idea for the next book and have even started plotting it. I guess I'll just see how I feel. It's nice not to need the money. Perhaps I'll just make all of my books free, as I did with Yesterday's Thief.
Hi everyone from the far far away (Australia/New Zealand). I am the FIminator (pronounced FY-minator) and I am on my journey towards terminating financial dependence & bad financial habits. I have been thinking of early retirement for over 10 years now but had no plan or knowledge of how to get there. I thought I was there on several occasions but something changed or we wanted more, so it never happened. I woke up in early 2018, started researching and am now on the path to FI in the next 1-2 years. My main driver is spending more quality time with my family, increasing my charity work and writing. I also have developed am increasing aversion to corporate life/culture over the years which has been great impetus to propel me on the FI path.

I would describe myself as a social introvert. I don’t particularly enjoy attention or the limelight but I do enjoy interacting with interesting and pleasant people. Some people say I am an extrovert and love talking but I don’t see that in myself. What I have discovered about myself recently though, is that I love writing. So I have recently started a blog to document my journey not only to help others but to clarify things in my own head. Do have a read and let me know your thoughts, that would be much appreciated. The blog is at The FIminator - Financial Independence, Early Retirement & Investing - Blog on Financial Independence, Early Retirement & Investing , hope you enjoy it.
My blog

please visit my retirement blog and make comments you may find it informative will post all types of topics.
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This is going to make me look more prolific than I am, but here's a collection of short stories that I published for the holiday season:

Thanks, Al.

You're such a creative guy and I certainly appreciate your keeping the Kindle prices low.
Parallel Taxation

The admins just told me where I could post this on our forum.

Hello to all my friends at Early Retirement. As I retired in the United States I came to realize that the delayed / deferred taxation of our Social Security and Long Term Gains created Marginal Tax Rates as high as 40.7% and 49.95%. When I talked to my friends about these rate very few even knew they existed and many didn’t believe they existed even after I told them about them.

So, I made it my goal to make sure that others were aware of these marginal tax rate and knew of a few steps they could take to avoid them.

Here is the website that I have created to try to spread the word to others and to help them avoid these problems during retirement:

Parallel Taxation: The Tax Hump
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Yeah, that's me!

It's a nice feeling when you run into someone who's read your books and admires your writing. That's never happened to me, but I imagine it's a nice feeling.
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I realize I probably misunderstood your question. What were you asking?
I was asking, "Are you kidding?" But now I know you're not. I get star struck.

I was a bartender in college. Univ. of Illinois at a place called Jumer's. It was high class hotel, restaurant. There was a lounge within the hotel called the "Black Bear" where I was bartending. Maya Angelou came in and sat at the bar. She asked for a Courvoisier. We served those in snifters. She told me about herself in a slightly guarded way. She was giving a talk at the university and was a guest at Jumer's. I acted like "no big deal." Told her I read her work, especially "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."
I was speechless for days.
Also had an extended e-mail exchange with Anne Rice. It was her, not her assistant. We got into a discussion about the Catholic Church and how vampires became the subject of her novels. Honestly, I e-mailed her after reading about her experience with the Catholic Church. She shared some things that were troubling about her daughter who passed away. I printed the e-mails and re read them over and over.
I’m definitely not as accomplished as Al, but here’s my second kid’s picture book, my books feature my dachshund Roxie who faces situations kids actually face.

They come with a parent/child conversation guide to help parents tee up a non threatening conversation with a child about the topic. I’m a clinician, and the books were endorsed by a child/adolescent psychiatrist.

Here is Roxie with book 2, when we did our release in St. Augustine.


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Great reviews, Jody!
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