Funny Joke Thread 2021 to ?

Some people are just accident prone:


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Snow driving tip for southerners:


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Some guy is about to get a hard lesson...


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Dogs just know about some people:


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Meanings of words change over time...


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Now that's just poor taste....


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Google "Donner Party". Or maybe if I say Google "Donner Party Cannibalism" you'll get it without actually googling.
A member of another forum I frequent is a mortician IRL. He sometimes has a different outlook on things:


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Ha! I was running on a country dirt road one time, and outside of someone's home was a toilet like that. Apparently they were doing renovation and just set it outside. They were out so I commented how it was nice of them to put out a place for me to go in the middle of my run. They replied, oh, it's not connected to anything. I guess they didn't want to assume I was joking.
Hey, everyone has family...


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Best pickup line from Reddit.

This pickup line was used on me…
At the time, I was a centre back on my Footy team. I had injured my ankle (a foul from behind. He received a quick yellow!), and found I needed to use crutches for a few days.
I was at a party, chatting with a friend when a young lady acquaintance (I didn’t know her well, we just had mutual friends) came over and asked me what had happened. The 3 of us talked for a few minutes, when I realized that the 2 pints I’d had was passing through me, and I needed to excuse myself and go to the loo.
I then turned, and with some trouble getting through the crowd because of the crutches, I was just about to the door of the loo when the young lady acquaintance loudly called my name, catching my attention…
Talking loudly, she said, “Do you need some help with that? I understand the doctor said you shouldn’t lift anything heavy!
The room went silent. My face turned very red!
The line worked!
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