How I Got Covid by Letting My Guard Down (e.g. Stupid)

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Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Jan 21, 2008
After more than two years avoiding it, I finally caught Covid, by being stupid. Had flu like symptoms Saturday but (self) tested Covid negative. Tested again Monday - positive! Not as bad as the flu, but worse than a cold - fatigue, achy, congested, headaches, feverish (but no temp). Saturday was awful, gradually better each day after, decent today (Tues). But per CDC and my PCP I am self isolating for 5 days and wearing a mask for 10 days around anyone else, and not going anywhere indoors I can avoid for a while. I am sure it would’ve been much worse if I hadn’t been vaccinated twice and boosted once - and I’m in decent condition for my age. No way to prove how I got it, but as infection occurs between two and fourteen days, I am sure I got it attending the Cheerwine Festival in Salisbury NC on May 21. Exposing myself to thousands of packed in strangers that day was just plain stupid.

Covid will be with us for a long time, please don’t be stupid like I was. Covid won’t go away because we get tired of it, I stupidly tested that theory…

Fortunately DW still no symptoms and tests negative, we may have dodged a bullet.
Thanks for sharing your story. Things are ticking up again and I need reminding to be careful.

BTW, my DB liked Cheerwine so much his kids insisted on burying him with a bottle of it.
After more than two years avoiding it, I finally caught Covid, by being stupid. Had flu like symptoms Saturday but (self) tested Covid negative. Tested again Monday - positive! Not as bad as the flu, but worse than a cold - fatigue, achy, congested, headaches, feverish (but no temp). Saturday was awful, gradually better each day after, decent today (Tues). But per CDC and my PCP I am self isolating for 5 days and wearing a mask for 10 days around anyone else, and not going anywhere indoors I can avoid for a while. I am sure it would’ve been much worse if I hadn’t been vaccinated twice and boosted once - and I’m in decent condition for my age. No way to prove how I got it, but as infection occurs between two and fourteen days, I am sure I got it attending the Cheerwine Festival in Salisbury NC on May 21. Exposing myself to thousands of packed in strangers that day was just plain stupid.

Covid will be with us for a long time, please don’t be stupid like I was. Covid won’t go away because we get tired of it, I stupidly tested that theory…

Fortunately DW still no symptoms and tests negative, we may have dodged a bullet.

Wishing you a quick recovery.

I'm still avoiding these situations. Actually, any group setting particularly indoors. I don't miss the crowds at all.
Fingers crossed neither of you get Long Covid. I'm two years and three months in with no treatment or hope of recovery. It's just not worth the risk...
Hope you feel better soon.

Wifey and I are vacd and boosted and are still avoiding crowds and masking up indoors at the grocery store. Not out in crowds much at all still. We feel like we are the last two persons in AZ masking up. I have returned to work a few days a month recently and I think I am the only one left masking up there. Next week we have two unnamed visitors visiting the office for two days. I hope we won't have a third visitor called Covid show up...:mad: I will still mask up as a precaution. We have MIL to worry about so we need to stay healthy...
Hope you get better soon!
really glad your DW did not get it. I was texting with a friend just now about our respective works, how are things and he tells me he got it and is home from work. I was waiting in line at the pharmacy, masked up as usual and all the staff masked and nobody else in sight wearing one. Thank you for reminding me to keep it up.
After more than two years avoiding it, I finally caught Covid, by being stupid. Had flu like symptoms Saturday but (self) tested Covid negative. Tested again Monday - positive! Not as bad as the flu, but worse than a cold - fatigue, achy, congested, headaches, feverish (but no temp). Saturday was awful, gradually better each day after, decent today (Tues). But per CDC and my PCP I am self isolating for 5 days and wearing a mask for 10 days around anyone else, and not going anywhere indoors I can avoid for a while. I am sure it would’ve been much worse if I hadn’t been vaccinated twice and boosted once - and I’m in decent condition for my age. No way to prove how I got it, but as infection occurs between two and fourteen days, I am sure I got it attending the Cheerwine Festival in Salisbury NC on May 21. Exposing myself to thousands of packed in strangers that day was just plain stupid.

Covid will be with us for a long time, please don’t be stupid like I was. Covid won’t go away because we get tired of it, I stupidly tested that theory…

Fortunately DW still no symptoms and tests negative, we may have dodged a bullet.

I hope you have a full and rapid recovery, and escape any long Covid after effects.

A good friend of mine (70 years old; suffers from AFIB and other health issues) and his wife (age 58) and their son (age 14) went to the Paul McCartney concert in Winston Salem that same day - May 21. They sent me selfies from there - not a mask in site anywhere in the huge jam-packed crowd.

I am praying that he/they got lucky; I haven't heard anything to the contrary so far. Both adults are double vaxxed and double boosted, so that's a plus.

Wishing you the best of health!

Edited to add: I realize no one forced my friend(s) to go to the concert; it was a choice. My friend felt it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and worth the risk. I just hope he doesn't come to regret it.
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Hope you recover quickly and fully.

I still wear a mask in indoor settings... I thought I'd caught covid 2 weeks ago after attending a community planning group meeting. They (the city) caused a huge uproar and some community members insisted on an in person meeting. This is after 2 years of zoom starting in March 2020. Since I've been on the subcommittee since it's inception, and really felt the need to represent the community I had to attend. I was masked, but 2 days later felt like a truck had hit me, fever, achy... But, thankfully it was just reaction to the shingrix shot I'd gotten the day before. I'm really hoping they go back to zoom for a while.

I'm going to continue to mask up, and going to continue to avoid crowded indoor things for a while. When it's possible.
Hope you feel better soon, too, Midpak. We have tickets for two different concerts this month for a big venue and had been on the fence about going. Just now the local news station reported that hospitalizations are up here and people should think about taking more precautions again. The local virus expert they interviewed said their models showed peak infection rates here to be mid-June. I think for June we will be back to hiking and smaller, outdoor venues again for entertainment. We will skip the big concert venues with 10K or more capacities, at least until the hospitalizations numbers go back down here.
I take it most of us will not go to next year's Correspondence Dinner despite numerous invitations to attend. :D

I was commenting to DGF the other day that while a large majority of those around us have had at least one case of Covid, we have somehow managed to avoid it. I would like to think that is due to our great knowledge and the skill with which we apply it. But, it's probably 50% luck also. We've both had exposure from our beloved kids and a friend or two, but it never resulted in any infection worth a hoot.
I'm going to continue to mask up, and going to continue to avoid crowded indoor things for a while. When it's possible.

Thanks for letting us know, Midpack, and I hope your case is a light one.

Like rodi, I'm still being cautious. I haven't been tp any crowded indoor events voluntarily (and have left stores when the checkout queue was long and too close for comfort) and am back to wearing masks indoors and on public transportation. I've ventured back to air travel but find it most unnerving to be on a crowded tram between terminals or jammed into a shuttle from the plane to the terminal. Frequently there are no alternatives.

Second booster scheduled for next week.
Best wishes for continued quick recovery, Midpack. But I disagree that you were stupid in attending the festival. To the contrary, You were smart in getting vaxed and boosted.
After more than two years avoiding it, I finally caught Covid, by being stupid. Had flu like symptoms Saturday but (self) tested Covid negative. Tested again Monday - positive! Not as bad as the flu, but worse than a cold - fatigue, achy, congested, headaches, feverish (but no temp). Saturday was awful, gradually better each day after, decent today (Tues). But per CDC and my PCP I am self isolating for 5 days and wearing a mask for 10 days around anyone else, and not going anywhere indoors I can avoid for a while. I am sure it would’ve been much worse if I hadn’t been vaccinated twice and boosted once - and I’m in decent condition for my age. No way to prove how I got it, but as infection occurs between two and fourteen days, I am sure I got it attending the Cheerwine Festival in Salisbury NC on May 21. Exposing myself to thousands of packed in strangers that day was just plain stupid.

Covid will be with us for a long time, please don’t be stupid like I was. Covid won’t go away because we get tired of it, I stupidly tested that theory…

Fortunately DW still no symptoms and tests negative, we may have dodged a bullet.
Hope you recover quickly! And that your DW remains negative and no symptoms.

This reinforces my avoiding large groups events, and us continuing to wear our masks in public (mostly indoors, but outdoors too if crowded). We’ve not attended any festivals, but we usually don’t anyway.

Thanks for the reminder!
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I went to see Top Gun Maverick today, only one in a mask. But I went at a weird time so not packed.
After more than two years avoiding it, I finally caught Covid, by being stupid. Had flu like symptoms Saturday but (self) tested Covid negative. Tested again Monday - positive! Not as bad as the flu, but worse than a cold - fatigue, achy, congested, headaches, feverish (but no temp). Saturday was awful, gradually better each day after, decent today (Tues). But per CDC and my PCP I am self isolating for 5 days and wearing a mask for 10 days around anyone else, and not going anywhere indoors I can avoid for a while. I am sure it would’ve been much worse if I hadn’t been vaccinated twice and boosted once - and I’m in decent condition for my age. No way to prove how I got it, but as infection occurs between two and fourteen days, I am sure I got it attending the Cheerwine Festival in Salisbury NC on May 21. Exposing myself to thousands of packed in strangers that day was just plain stupid.

Covid will be with us for a long time, please don’t be stupid like I was. Covid won’t go away because we get tired of it, I stupidly tested that theory…

Fortunately DW still no symptoms and tests negative, we may have dodged a bullet.

I wish you a speedy recovery and I don't think you were stupid at all.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. DH and I just got back Sunday night from a 2 week trip to visit family. The only group situation was a college graduation on 5/20 and so far so good. We did a lot of indoor as well as outdoor dining, shopping, and of course, family had teenagers who hung out with friends a lot. So far, so good and I plan to self test tomorrow as well as a few days from now.

This was our first vacation since Covid began and we are vaxed and double boosted and mask at home. Did not mask on vacation except for here and there.
I wish you a speedy recovery also and hope that your DW does not get it.

I don't go indoors very often and I am masked if I do. Most other people are not masked. I have been taking my grandkids to the aquatic center and it is inside. I do not mask inside since we are in the pool and it has high ceilings and fans running. I probably should mask walking back to the locker rooms though. I will probably start, so thanks for the reminder.
Wishing a speedy recovery also. We were just in Duck NC and few masks were seen. I’ll cop to not wearing mask every time I left the hotel room but we did most times we were inside, and ate outside seating. I assume we will get infected one day but will continue to take precautions.
Hope you recover quickly and fully.

I still wear a mask in indoor settings... I thought I'd caught covid 2 weeks ago after attending a community planning group meeting. They (the city) caused a huge uproar and some community members insisted on an in person meeting. This is after 2 years of zoom starting in March 2020. Since I've been on the subcommittee since it's inception, and really felt the need to represent the community I had to attend. I was masked, but 2 days later felt like a truck had hit me, fever, achy... But, thankfully it was just reaction to the shingrix shot I'd gotten the day before. I'm really hoping they go back to zoom for a while.

I'm going to continue to mask up, and going to continue to avoid crowded indoor things for a while. When it's possible.
We’ve continued to wear masks when most people don’t and we’re still very conscious of getting close to strangers - e.g. eat outside at restaurants or well spaced tables only, and standing away from others at stores, etc. We were at the fest for less than an hour, it was hot, and we didn’t know anyone there so we didn’t stop and engage with anyone else. I stood in a short line for food, and a longer one for merch - DW did not. Evidently that’s all it took. Again, I can’t prove this, just my best guess. Definitely my own fault, back to much more caution, but it won’t really diminish quality of life at all.
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We had a rehearsal dinner & wedding last week. Rehearsal dinner was in a home, wedding was performed outdoors. Dinner was in a barn with roll up garage doors. No masks at either event. Got some texts this morning 4 in our text group are positive. DGF & I both home tested negative. Bride & Groom were headed to Thailand for honeymoon. I hope they make/make it home

I suspect it was rehearsal dinner as that was 5 days ago. Wedding was 2 days ago
Skipped the San Joaquin asparagus festival this year for the covid reason. Thousands of people stacked in lines 50 people deep.
that is the hardest thing, pretty difficult to break bread with folks like the good old days. We are getting in the habit of eating apart outside, then masking back up for the socializing.
Hoping you get this behind you Midpack.
Hoping you are well soon. I haven’t been to festivals or concerts but have done plenty of other things. I think it’s just a matter of time until we all get it unfortunately.
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