I've got Covid.... The thread for your covid experiences


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 3, 2019
This thread is the place to post if you have covid, your family member has covid, etc. Rather than having many threads for many members, we are limiting announcements of testing positive and experiences to one thread. This one.

Several active threads were merged into this thread.


My 28 yr old son that lives with us, got home after work yesterday, and said he had a sore throat. He took his temp and it was slightly elevated, I had an expired test on hand and it showed a very weak but positive test result. I picked up a new fresh test and it now is a definite positive. Gave him Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C. Now just hoping I don't get it at 67 yrs old.
He said he feels better today, but he wasn't all that sick yesterday, I hope that continues. Any suggestions other than stay away, We are in a 1600 sq ft house and he won't stay in his room, nor would I. Our separate computers are 6ft apart, and we spend much time there. I'm hoping my immune system just keeps it at bay, any other suggestions?


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My 28 yr old son that lives with us, got home after work yesterday, and said he had a sore throat. He took his temp and it was slightly elevated, I had an expired test on hand and it showed a very weak but positive test result. I picked up a new fresh test and it now is a definite positive. Gave him Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C. Now just hoping I don't get it at 67 yrs old.
He said he feels better today, but he wasn't all that sick yesterday, I hope that continues. Any suggestions other than stay away, We are in a 1600 sq ft house and he won't stay in his room, nor would I. Our separate computers are 6ft apart, and we spend much time there. I'm hoping my immune system just keeps it at bay, any other suggestions?

Yes tell your son to stay in his room and move out in the next 2 weeks. Don't make excuses for him by saying you wouldn't stay in your room either. Good luck
My 28 yr old son that lives with us, got home after work yesterday, and said he had a sore throat. He took his temp and it was slightly elevated, I had an expired test on hand and it showed a very weak but positive test result. I picked up a new fresh test and it now is a definite positive. Gave him Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C. Now just hoping I don't get it at 67 yrs old.
He said he feels better today, but he wasn't all that sick yesterday, I hope that continues. Any suggestions other than stay away, We are in a 1600 sq ft house and he won't stay in his room, nor would I. Our separate computers are 6ft apart, and we spend much time there. I'm hoping my immune system just keeps it at bay, any other suggestions?

You should wear a high filtration mask when around him and he should wear one also.
Assume you are going to get it and plan accordingly. The latest strain is very contagious.
Assume you are going to get it and plan accordingly. The latest strain is very contagious.

This ^^^

You probably already have it. Start taking the extra vitamins you are giving your son.
I would make arrangements to be in separate rooms at all times if possible.
So if he is on his computer in one room have yours in a different room etc.
I would also try to have the windows open but that might be difficult in the summer. Also, I understand that’s not as effective with this variant.
Wear kn95 or n95 masks when in the same room.
Prepare to probably get infected.
3 in our household got Covid, but my brother did not. We all wore masks and mainly stayed separated.
You are likely already exposed, but isolate from your son.

In addition to zinc/vit. D/ vit. c: Quercetin, Lactoferrin, Melatonin.
Monitor your temperature, heart rate (good if you have a baseline resting HR), oxygen levels.
Test, and see below:

Also, I have a 83 year old friend who recently (a month or so ago) caught Covid and was symptomatic. He was able to get PAXLOVID and responded positively to it.
You gonna get it. Gal and I passed it back and forth - I'm 72 and have various heart/lung issues, so took Paxlovid, which I think damped my response. Retested negative, then 5 days later had a recurrence/positive test. We both called it Covid Light. I've had worse colds by far.
I went to urgent care with a mild case of covid a couple weeks ago. They didn't even bother to test (I had tested positive at home). I asked for a Paxlovid prescription and started taking it that day. Ask your doctor, and you shall receive. The pharmacy didn't charge me anything for the drug.
You gonna get it. Gal and I passed it back and forth - I'm 72 and have various heart/lung issues, so took Paxlovid, which I think damped my response. Retested negative, then 5 days later had a recurrence/positive test. We both called it Covid Light. I've had worse colds by far.

I talked to a nurse about testing positive after I felt like I recovered. She said positive tests are likely to continue for weeks, even if you're no longer contagious.
I talked to a nurse about testing positive after I felt like I recovered. She said positive tests are likely to continue for weeks, even if you're no longer contagious.

In my case there was a return of symptoms as well - think there are all manner of reactions to a group of slightly different virus variants. Figure we all need to just do the best we can with the best information science can provide at the time. In my case I opted not to take Paxlovid at re-onset of symptoms and positive test result.

Did you have the nasty bitter taste during the Paxlovid?
Living in such close quarters if you were going to get it, you would have gotten it by now.

There’s about a 4-5 day delay before you’ll start having symptoms.

Odds are there isn’t much you can do prevent infection, since he was contagious before he tested positive. But it doesn’t hurt to take precautions.
Covid containment area for post and son? Just a suggestion!
Our separate computers are 6ft apart, and we spend much time there.

The odds of you catching it from him, if not already, are super high. Given you plan to spend any time in the same room together, it's more of a question of how badly you get it, not if.

Personally I would not let square footage limit me, and we'd be in separate rooms or a hotel. However, at this point you are most likely to already have caught it, and your symptoms will start in a few days.

Have you tested yourself yet? I'd be doing so every day for the next week.
I moved into my travel trailer on the other end of my property when my wife tested positive. I thought I was in the clear but then started having symptoms at five days. Two days later, I tested positive. I had three negative tests before the positive one.

I was already feeling better by the day after my positive test. Covid is a trickster.
Sister and BIL have Covid

My sister (70) called last night to tell me she and my BIL (75) both have Covid. They are both vaccinated and double boosted. BIL noticed symptoms and took a home test which was positive. He saw his doctor and started on paxlovid right away. My sister tested negative at first and then later tested positive. She had a televisit with her doctor and started an Rx.

She said they are not all that Ill. It’s like a cold with some other symptoms. BIL had coughing early on. On the phone she sounded like she had a cold or respiratory thing. She has been getting episodes of being very tired. They decided not to isolate from each other in the house, as it was inevitable that she would get it, too.

He doesn’t know for sure where he got it. He had been to a group event the day before his symptoms started but it could have been something earlier. We last saw them on Fathers Day.

This is our closest contact to have come down with Covid. I just hope they get through it without complications and can recover completely. They used to travel frequently before Covid in 2020, mostly cruises and they miss it so much.

We had a vacation planned with them in March. BIL had to have surgery for a recurrence of an invasive malignant melanoma, so that trip was cancelled. Outside of that, they are both in pretty good shape and they try to stay active.
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My sister (70) called last night to tell me she and my BIL (75) both have Covid. They are both vaccinated and double boosted. BIL noticed symptoms and took a home test which was positive. He saw his doctor and started on paxlovid right away. My sister tested negative at first and then later tested positive. She had a televisit with her doctor and started an Rx.

She said they are not all that Ill. It’s like a cold with some other symptoms. BIL had coughing early on. On the phone she sounded like she had a cold or respiratory thing. She has been getting episodes of being very tired. They decided not to isolate from each other in the house, as it was inevitable that she would get it, too.

He doesn’t know for sure where he got it. He had been to a group event the day before his symptoms started but it could have been something earlier. We last saw them on Fathers Day.

This is our closest contact to have come down with Covid. I just hope they get through it without complications and can recover completely. They used to travel frequently before Covid in 2020, mostly cruises and they miss it so much.

We had a vacation planned with them in March. BIL had to have surgery for a recurrence of an invasive malignant melanoma, so that trip was cancelled. Outside of that, they are both in pretty good shape and they try to stay active.

Hope they do OK, sounds like they are doing all the right things. Do they have an oximeter to check blood oxygen levels? Low blood oxygen is a dangerous sign. Let us know how they do.
Best wishes for an uneventful recovery for them.
Covid, especially the newest variant, is rampant.
Please everyone get a oximeter and if you have Covid test yourself regularly to be sure your blood oxygen level is Ok. I recently had a friend with Covid who died. When he was rushed to the hospital he had low blood oxygen level (85) and did don't know it. If he had know his oxygen level was so low maybe he could have been saved.
Windows open if you can, for fresh air exchange.
Both really should be wearing masks, but your choice. Your son should stay in his room, to protect his 67 year old parent!
You have already been exposed, if you are vaxxed, less likely to get a severe case.
Test yourself Day 5 and Day 10, even if no symptoms.
In the last four days I have found out that two couples I know have had a Covid experience. For one couple, it resulted in both being infected. So far the other couple only has the wife infected, but hubby is thinking he probably will get it.

I had my own Covid exposure a few weeks ago after I spent many hours over several days with a friend who had Covid symptoms when I was with him but neither us us made the connection. (How foolish is that?) I stayed close to home for about a week, and I never got it - no symptoms, zero positive tests out of five.

It's time to go to raise the shields and go to Yellow Alert. The Omnicrons are out there, well cloaked, waiting to attack. Evasive patterns can help avoid them, but there are now so any of the in the quadrant, that one is bound to come across a small enemy fleet at some point in time. Like the Borg, they are relentless. They adapt to our defenses quickly. The sensors are still not very good at detecting them, but our engines shields have been boosted, and now are enhanced with the Paxlovid upgrade.
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In the last four days I have found out that two couples I know have had a Covid experience. For one couple, it resulted in both being infected. So far the other couple only has the wife infected, but hubby is thinking he probably will get it.

It seems nearly impossible to predict this. DW had Covid in April, with a very strong positive test and a couple of days of misery (like a bad case of flu). Despite living literally alongside her, I never got it (repeated negative tests).
A couple of our neighbors had similar experiences.
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