Maintaining our relationship in retirement.

Yeah, that's us too. We occasionally get together with two couples in town (2 or 3 dinners a year?), and with two others that live 13 and 8 hours away (We get together with them for a week or so every year, plus the occasional drop in.). Then we also have our kids/grands, and other relatives who we get along well with when we travel to see them.

That and our traveling and working out is sufficient to keep us busy for now.
When the lady of one close couple passed from cancer, we went out of our way to still include the guy. But, it just was so uncomfortable for him, he more or less "dropped out." Eventually, he left the Islands. He has now remarried and is very happy, but it was a very sad period of time for him (and for us.)
My grandparents neighbors in the late 60's divorced after being married for over 50 years. Her comment was "I married him for better or worse, but not for lunch." I gues he had nothing to retire to and was always in the way.

My grandmother old my grandfather shortly after he retired that she had maintained the household for him for 36 years and asked him if he had any problems with that. He said No and she told him to let her continue to do things HER way. They were married another 30 years.
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