Photobucket images - not for forum use

Janet H

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Site Team
Feb 6, 2007
Pacific NW
Recently the image hosting service Photobucket changed their terms of use for account holders and no longer allow embedded images to be displayed on forums. As a result the forum had many threads lose their photo documentation.

Moving forward we will disallow links to Photobucket and ask that you store your images with the posted text that they were intended to augment, here on the forum.

Forum members can store images posts and threads using the attachment option found in the advanced reply editor or in photo albums set up in individual profiles. There is no cost to store images here and this will ensure that your content is not diminished by an image hosting service changing their minds about how your content is handled. Thanks for understanding.
Recently the image hosting service Photobucket changed their terms of use for account holders and no longer allow embedded images to be displayed on forums. As a result the forum had many threads lose their photo documentation.

Moving forward we will disallow links to Photobucket and ask that you store your images with the posted text that they were intended to augment, here on the forum.

Forum members can store images posts and threads using the attachment option found in the advanced reply editor or in photo albums set up in individual profiles. There is no cost to store images here and this will ensure that your content is not diminished by an image hosting service changing their minds about how your content is handled. Thanks for understanding.
I dont know how to post a photo, so thats why I dont have one. I couldnt even begin to google what that means. Im thinking I have a face for radio anyway.
I dont know how to post a photo, so thats why I dont have one. I couldnt even begin to google what that means. Im thinking I have a face for radio anyway.

I think Janet was referring to photos that are in a posting, not a person's image under their name (like my Sunset).

Photos like this one, the rare sideways wild Lily :D :


  • WP_20170717_16_03_12_Pro.jpg
    545.4 KB · Views: 27
I think Janet was referring to photos that are in a posting, not a person's image under their name (like my Sunset).

Photos like this one, the rare sideways wild Lily :D :
Yes anything I take in portrait some piece of software rotates it to landscape when posted here. Answer only post landscape photos.
Recently the image hosting service Photobucket changed their terms of use for account holders and no longer allow embedded images to be displayed on forums. As a result the forum had many threads lose their photo documentation.

Moving forward we will disallow links to Photobucket...

Well, the horse already left the barn. Links to Photobucket do not work anymore.

I had been using photobucket and posting links from here to my photos. Been doing that for years, and recently Photobucket blocked it, and only allowed it if I paid $400/year.

As I am not going to spend that money, all the photos I linked to stopped showing. See my thread on the Travel forum, where all the photos are now gone.

I can understand their decision. They cannot make money from embedded links, yet it costs them bandwidth and storage. But $400/year?
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Well, the horse already left the barn. Links to Photobucket do not work anymore.

I had been using photobucket and posting links from here to my photos. Been doing that for years, and recently Photobucket blocked it, and only allowed it if I paid $400/year.

As I am not going to spend that money, all the photos I linked to stopped showing. See my thread on the Travel forum, where all the photos are now gone.

I can understand their decision. They cannot make money from embedded links, yet it costs them bandwidth and storage. But $400/year?

I guess it's where we see this:


I find it ironic they allow embedding of this, sort of a catch-22 for them.
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From the new terms:
If a free account Member has engaged in image linking and/or 3rd party image hosting and subsequently receives a notice from Photobucket stating that their free account is not eligible for such services and their ability to use image linking and 3rd party image hosting has been restricted or suspended, they will need to become a Plus Account Member by selecting the appropriate Plus Account (not all Plus Accounts allow image linking or 3rd party image hosting so please select carefully). Alternatively, they may always log into their Photobucket account, download their images and use a non-Photobucket resource for such services in the future.

I'll just eliminate the extra step of uploading to Photobucket. My 3T HD is only half full. Don't remember why I started using it in the first place. :confused:

$400? Gotta be kiddin'!

Kinda stinky to do it in this fashion... like NW-Bound, some of us have shared our presence here on ER through the use of those photos, to explain, or connect with other members over the course of years.

In the same vein, I have shared through pictures, memories, with friends and relatives, knowing that they have used the links to keep access to our times together.


Ummm... I must be missing something? or maybe they haven't caught up with me yet...
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I believe that Photobucket is not turning off all accounts at once.

When I saw that the linking stopped working for me in that travel thread a few days ago, I searched the Web, and some people reported the same problem much earlier.
A few days ago, I saw that the links to the photos on my photobucket account were working again. See my thread on travel, or the photo of Château de Chambord that I posted and "borrowed" by Sunset in a post above this one.

However, I cannot make new links to them, whether previously uploaded or new ones.

That's a better policy from photobucket. They allow previous links to be grandfathered in, but for new ones I will have to pay $400/month.

"No photos for you" says photobucket.

Sorry guys, but I am not going to spend that much money despite my preference to post photos to juice up my posts. I have been easily the poster who links the most photos, either my own or borrowed off the Web, to show people what I am talking about. A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say.

PS. I look into the photo storage of the forum. The limit is something like 60 photos, if I read it right. That's so puny. As I said earlier, if I won the big lottery, I would donate money to the forum to have gigantic servers with pentabytes of storage.
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Sorry guys, but I am not going to spend that much money despite my preference to post photos to juice up my posts.

Why not use another photo hosting service? Here's a test of Dropshots. I don't keep my photos there, but just upload those that I want to link to in posts:

Why not use another photo hosting service? Here's a test of Dropshots. I don't keep my photos there, but just upload those that I want to link to in posts:

Looking back at Janet's message, I think the reason to stop using outside websites to link messages is the concern other sites will follow the lead of Photobucket resulting in the loss of photos from existing threads. Attaching photos here will allow the forum software to store the images, preventing third party sites from screwing things up. :)
Looking back at Janet's message, I think the reason to stop using outside websites to link messages is the concern other sites will follow the lead of Photobucket resulting in the loss of photos from existing threads. Attaching photos here will allow the forum software to store the images, preventing third party sites from screwing things up. :)

..... Oh. :blush:


I did open an account at Imgur. However, there's no guarantee that some time down the road the same thing will not happen as with photobucket.

As to including photos in the post, I do not like that because the posts are locked from editing after a few hours. And album space allowed for each forum member is puny as I noted earlier.
By the way, the reason photobucket cracks down is not the storage space for the photos; it's the bandwidth that their servers incur in sending the photos via the embedded links.

I guess my travel photos were a hit here. :)
PS. I look into the photo storage of the forum. The limit is something like 60 photos, if I read it right. That's so puny. As I said earlier, if I won the big lottery, I would donate money to the forum to have gigantic servers with pentabytes of storage.

You can upload an unlimited number of images directly to posts AND you can also load 200 pictures into an album in your profile area. You can have multiple albums.

What money? I said "if I won the lottery". My pockets are empty.

As it is, I listened to people on this forum and took ER. No workee, no money.

But I will try the forum's generous album allowance and see if I like it.
OK. I guess as they say, it takes money to make money.
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