Young woman with a boring job as accountant, waiting her retirement

Lots of good responses that you need to take heed of. I've been accountant for 30 years and retired, I think. You only get one shot at life...... So you already know what I think. ?
I was in the same position at approximately the same age. Working for a CPA firm well on my way to a professional designation. 1979.

It was all good except I absolutely hated it and could not imagine spending the rest of my life in the profession.

So...I quit. We sold everything, went to Europe, bought a used VW van in London, and toured for 9 months.

Came back, got hired by a large IT firm in sales. My life changed. Had a very enjoyable and rewarding career for the next 30 years.

Looking back some people thought I was crazy. Perhaps I was. I knew nothing about computing. One thing I did know for certain was that I did not want to work at a job that I did not like for the rest of my days.

The day that I decided to change I looked at my spouse. He comment was...why not. We tend to focus on the why nots instead of the whys.
I was in the same position at approximately the same age. Working for a CPA firm well on my way to a professional designation. 1979.

It was all good except I absolutely hated it and could not imagine spending the rest of my life in the profession.

So...I quit. We sold everything, went to Europe, bought a used VW van in London, and toured for 9 months.

Came back, got hired by a large IT firm in sales. My life changed. Had a very enjoyable and rewarding career for the next 30 years.

Looking back some people thought I was crazy. Perhaps I was. I knew nothing about computing. One thing I did know for certain was that I did not want to work at a job that I did not like for the rest of my days.

The day that I decided to change I looked at my spouse. He comment was...why not. We tend to focus on the why nots instead of the whys.

Heh, heh, betcha wish you had the VW van now. They're worth a fortune.:cool:
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