Three more shifts!


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 10, 2021
The end is near. My official last day is June 8 but I'm per diem so I only work when I want to pretty much. A couple of days ago I picked up 4 shifts, 1 yesterday and 3 in May, and unless I decide to add anything, that'll be it for me. May 26 is my last shift as of now. I somewhat symbolically chose to work that day at the site where I first started in 2016 (we have 8 locations). I thought that would be a nice way to cap things off.

My colleagues are having a retirement party for me on June 9. They've given me no details other than the fact that it's happening and when just to be sure I knew and was free at that time. I honestly don't care what they do. Just getting together to hang out is fine with me. I'm honored that they want to do something to celebrate with me. I work with a great team and will definitely miss my interactions with them. Even since going per diem, we still interact pretty much daily on Facebook and Teams whether I'm working or not. The past 8 years have been the best years of my career for sure so leaving is definitely somewhat bittersweet. I'll miss the work to some extent but I'll miss the people the most. At least we can all keep in touch on Facebook.
Congratulations, Disneysteve! Enjoy these last shifts and the gathering with your colleagues. Sounds like you have plenty of time over the next month to plan for starting your retirement journey, so enjoy!
The end is near. My official last day is June 8 but I'm per diem so I only work when I want to pretty much. A couple of days ago I picked up 4 shifts, 1 yesterday and 3 in May, and unless I decide to add anything, that'll be it for me. May 26 is my last shift as of now. I somewhat symbolically chose to work that day at the site where I first started in 2016 (we have 8 locations). I thought that would be a nice way to cap things off.

Congratulations! Will you continue to do eBay selling?
Congratulations! Will you continue to do eBay selling?
Absolutely. I've said for years that ebay would be my retirement "job". I was at estate sales yesterday and today buying things and just listed a couple before I took a break to check the forum.
Wow exciting for you! And here I thought you’d just retired already.
I’ve been per diem since 8/2022. I mostly worked 8 hrs/wk through 2022 and 2023, sometimes less or none. Since the beginning of this year I cut back to 4 hrs/wk or none. I gave notice in February and my 120 days is up June 12. Since June 8 is the end of the pay period, we settled on that as my last day.
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