Creative ERs - books, blogs, music and art created by our members


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Site Team
Jul 10, 2005
N. Yorkshire
We sometimes have members wanting to promote their blog or a book they have published. Information about such things is permitted in a member's profile, but the Community Rules state that "Our user base is not an unlimited resource to be "mined" by individuals, groups, or businesses, for profit or not for profit".

This thread offers our members the opportunity to make a one time only announcement about a book they have written or a personal blog. Note this is an 'announcement' thread only and comments, replies or discussions should be reserved for other threads, not here.

Edit to add: This thread may also be used to promote your own art or music on the same terms - a one time only announcement.
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Happy Holidays everyone! As I get ever closer to the retirement date next summer, my wife and I have decided that a bit of time off to try FIREing and see how it feels is in order. With that, I had early this year agreed to co-author a book with a college professor friend of mine. We have recently published it on Amazon as well as Barnes and Nobles. We titled it 'Our Father's Land' and if anyone picks up a copy or downloads the e-book, we would appreciate a review and feedback to improve the equal to it. If the books do well enough, I might just take this up as a paying hobby. Merry Christmas!

Amazon Print version: Our Father's Land: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for thriving after the apocalypse: Davin V Knolton, Monty C Powers: 9781480056619: Books
Amazon e-book version: Our Father's Land: Monty Powers, Davin Knolton: Kindle Store
Barnes and Nobles Print version: BARNES & NOBLE | Our Father's Land by Davin V Knolton | Paperback

Well, shucks, thanks.

The Military Guide to Financial Independence & Retirement helps U.S. servicemembers, veterans, and their families reach financial independence so that they can retire on their terms. It was written from the stories, advice, and contributions of over 60 servicemembers, veterans, & families on this forum. All royalties are donated to military charities.

The Military Financial Independence & Retirement Pocket Guide is a 4"x5" 64-page summary of the book, but at a much lower price. It's designed for military family service commands (or command financial counselors, or interested leaders) to buy and give out. It makes a great stocking stuffer, too. Huge discounts for bulk orders. At least two members of this board have bought the pocket guide in bulk to deliver training to their commands.

More material is at All revenue from that site is also donated to military charities. Feel free to share your stories or your advice for the blog, for an upcoming eBook on military insurance topics, and for the second edition of the hardcopy!

In the next couple weeks I'll post a revenue update on the blog's income. I also hope to see another royalty check by the middle of January, and I'll post about that here.
My first blog

Yay!!!:D just jumped on the bandwagon of blogging. I am new to this and wanted to share my experience and learn how to blog. It is still a work in progress, hopefully if yall have time you can check it out at
Any suggestion and ideas that can help me improve like i say I am new to this. Thanks
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Retiree Roth Conversion Decision Model

I retired at 50, and for years read recommendations to do Roth conversions, usually with the suggestion to "create a model", but I kept putting it off. Finally, two years ago at 63, I did do a model, and put enough work into that I thought I would put some more in and make it available for anyone to use.

Briefly, the model consists of two spreadsheets, one without conversions and one with. These are compared in the summary to show the impact of doing the conversions you input. All the data and calculations are available for viewing, and none of the cells are password protected.

To start is easy. You input your financial data and assumptions for returns and inflation, and how much you want to convert each year, and the model instantly shows the result. You can adjust conversions to achieve the best tax liability result, such as filling the 15% bracket, and test the impact of later tax-free withdrawals from the Roth vs. the same from the tradition IRA.

I've also included a table for testing future tax increases, one of the reasons people use to justify conversions. And as a bonus, the model will also test the long-term results of alternative Social Security benefit starting years for you and your spouse, or you alone.

I welcome suggestions for improvement, or fixes for problems, and if you read the thread there have been a few of both over the last two years.

The thread is listed in the Bogleheads' Wiki, and is also now in ORP list of recommended programs. James Welch, the ORP creator, was very helpful as I recently tested my model against ORP (very similar results). I have also tested it against FIREcalc, also very close results.

I don't like over-promoting this model, so I hope users will find this post and make use of the model. It's especially useful for people that don't care to create their own for any reason.

I have a thread on this in the Bogleheads forum, explaining it in detail and containing a link to the current version which I host on Dropbox. The Excel 2003 model can also be run in Google Docs and LibreOffice Calc. The current version as I write this is 14.0, which indicates it is the first version for 2014 and contains the 2014 Federal income tax rates and factors.

Retiree Roth Conversion Decision Model
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I have an occasional and somewhat neglected blog which I am in the process of restarting: Life, Investments & Everything

Now that I am free of the annoyance of a day job I am planning to start it back up.
I squeezed out another book:

I wrote a book about my father-in-law, Bruce Minney, who was a commercial artist for 40 years. Some of his work was featured on the American Pickers TV show. Ironically, he passed away on the day the Pickers' episode aired. A good part of his career was spent doing illustrations for men's adventure magazines. His work was also featured in Illustration Magazine, issue 40.

Bruce Minney - The Man Who Painted Everything

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Webcam of my soon to be backyard/dock/boat:
id: visitor
pw: public

select browser

Often there is fish cleaning and pelican feeding.
This book is for authors who are making decisions concerning their book's formatting. Click on the image for more.

I write at

I tend to write about general early retirement / financial independence topics, travel, and general personal finance (investing, taxes, spending, budgeting).

I also disclose my financials for the voyeurs out there. And a monthly "what I'm up to in early retirement". Hope to see you there! :)
My blog is where l write about our travels across Europe and life in Malta after FIRE.

Sent from my iPad using Early Retirement Forum
I have a blog called with a format where I give a brief introduction and then link to an article by a finance professional. I read dozens of articles on personal finance and early retirement and try to pick out the ones I think are best. I retired at age 56 from an academic medical practice and my target audience is physicians, but the information really pertains to anyone.
Lots of great blogs and books here in this discussion post.

I have a landlord blog. I discuss tenant screening at depth, including the why you need the criteria. I also have several tenant horror stories, including when I renter to a guy that became a murderer.

I include maintenance items in the blog, things I have to do on a day to day basis. This also includes monthly rent collections and other topics that come of mind.

There are some retirement tips too.

I am a featured guest blogger at times on some sites such as Bigger Pockets too.

It's easy to use rental income for retirement, if you know the cookie cutter way to be profitable and avoid bad tenants.

This is sort of a day to day life of being a landlord. As I get closer to FIRE, I plan on including those aspects too.

No Nonsense Landlord | Landlording for maximum profitability and Financial Independence
My First Sci-Fi Book Is Now Available

Yay, I finished it! Released it yesterday on Amazon.


Click here to see it Amazon.

I will make it free for a day in a few weeks, as soon as it's gotten some reviews. I'll announce it here. Also, it will be a week or so before I can get the paperback version available.

Many thanks to all of you who read an early copy and gave me feedback. Special thanks to Braumeister, Brett_Cameron, Walt34, Amethyst, REWahoo, and others. I'll be sending all of you autographed copies of the book.

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Congrats !! Great way to create multiple streams of income as well


Do you have any concerns that you will hear from Carl Sagan's estate?



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No, I don't see that as a concern. There are actually a lot of books with the title "Contact" (including a romance book) as well as "First Contact," "The Contact," "Alien Contact," etc. There's even another book called "Contact Us" on call center training.

Maybe Jodie Foster will come after me. That would be okay.
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