Do you take low dose aspirin?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Nov 14, 2016
Washington State
I didn't start taking "low dose" aspirin till I was 58, and doc said then "only till you're 60". I'll be turning 60 next month, and it seems current recommendations are to NOT take the daily aspirin unless you are at risk of a heart attack. So I will most likely stop taking it once my current supply runs out.

The only two side effects I can remotely connect to the aspirin are bleeding gums and blood in my nose. Both are very mild, but are symptoms I never had before starting the aspirin.

I see lots of references about not "starting" aspirin after 60, but almost nothing about "stopping" aspirin after 60?
I stopped well after 60 as it was no longer recommended.
I think it has something to do with damage to stomach lining with long term use.
I am gong to be asking my GP in a couple of weeks...

I take low dose aspirin.... I take fish oil... I take iron pills...

All now seem to be shown to not work...
I’m 61. My previous PCP started me taking a daily low dose aspirin several years ago. When I moved and changed to my current PCP, he told me I could continue if I wanted, but he no longer recommended it for his patients. So I stopped taking it.
It's a mild blood thinner, so the idea was that if you have a heart attack, it will help mitigate that. My recollection was that the only studies done showed as much risk due to gastrointestinal bleeds, hemorrhagic strokes, etc. as there was benefit, so it isn't recommended for the general population.

I take it at the direction of my cardiologist, because I had an ablation to get rid of AFIB. If the AFIB returns, they want me on a mild blood thinner to reduce the risk of stroke.
I stopped a few years ago by suggestion of my PCP who started me decades ago.

Makes donating platelets easier.
I have taken a baby aspirin since I had to have a pacemaker put in 5 years ago at age 49.
I think it is to prevent clots related to the pacemaker leads in my case.

I did not realize that yesterday was the 5 year anniversary of getting the pacemaker until this thread made me figure out how long I have been on the baby aspirin.
No low dose, only the regular for pain. I have cut back my aspirin intake dramatically since retirement.
After my ASD heart surgery 19 years ago I started taking it. Since then neither my cardiologist nor my GP have indicated to me one way or the other about it, but I have not asked them. Other than the ASD repair (which has reduced my heart back to normal size), I so not have any other heart or artery issues.

While I have not seen any side effects, I will be asking my GP and new cardiologist (previous one retired), based on my history, if I should continue to take it.
DH had 3 TIAs between 55 and 67. After no 3 he followed his drs recommendation and started taking a daily aspirin. No other side effects but more bruises so far.
Taking it or not has its risks for him.
But I do not take it "just in case".
I think it has something to do with damage to stomach lining with long term use.


I stopped as soon as my GP told me to stop, about 7 years ago. It is prescribed here for many people in various situations. Things change but currently this is the current advice where we are.

Your doctor may suggest that you take a daily low dose if you have had a stroke or a heart attack to help stop you having another one.

Or, if you're at high risk of heart attack – for example, if you have had heart surgery or if you have chest pain (angina) caused by heart disease.

If you’re pregnant, you may be recommended to take low-dose aspirin if:

you’re at risk of high blood pressure (pre-eclampsia)
you have underlying medical conditions where you have been advised to take low dose aspirin
you have had several miscarriages or complications in a previous pregnancy
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No. In fact no aspirin at all. Flushed what we had years ago.
I’ve taken a low dose daily for about ten years after an MRI to explore some cluster headaches showed “two possible signs of stroke.” That was inconclusive but there is some stroke history in my family. My GP and, now, cardiologist (for other stuff) said I can keep taking it as long as I can tolerate it well.
With a family history of heart attacks and strokes, I take an 81 mg aspirin each day. My PCP says keep taking it.
NO, but take other NSAIDS for arthritis.
I had Afib for 8 years until I had an ablation procedure. During the time I had Afib I was on Xarelto, a blood thinner, to prevent strokes. After the ablation I told my cardiologist I kind of liked knowing that Xarelto would prevent strokes and should I take a baby aspirin to get the same sort of protection? The answer was no.

On a different note, several years ago my elderly mother had a mini-stroke while I was at her house. She was complaining about a numb arm and was slurring speech. I quickly had her swallow three aspirins just before I rushed her to the ER. After the brain scans came back the ER doctor was showing me the areas of the mini-strokes and he said the fact I gave her aspirin could have saved her life and likely reduced the magnitude of the strokes she did suffer.
I’ve been taking 81mg aspirin daily for years, having been diagnosed with arteriosclerosis and have a family history of strokes. My cardiologist wants me to keep taking them. It’s the only NSAID I’m allowed to take.
I never heard of giving aspirin for a suspected stroke. Some are caused by bleeding, after all.
Been taking aspirin for years at direction of PCP and Cardiologist. When the latest reccomendations came out, I asked both and they said keep taking it. I do have mild CAD, so I guess it's because of that. My annual checkups with both doctors are this month and I'll ask again.

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