happy Thanksgiving!!


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Aug 3, 2006
I will be out and about in a couple hours, so probably will not post for a couple days. I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I am sure everyone has a lot to be thankful for, I know I do.

And yes, I am thankful for all of you on here, even the ones who have me on ignore.........:D
And a happy Thanksgiving to you FD. Enjoy the holidays.
I will be out and about in a couple hours, so probably will not post for a couple days. I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I am sure everyone has a lot to be thankful for, I know I do.

And yes, I am thankful for all of you on here, even the ones who have me on ignore.........:D

Say what? :LOL:

Happy Thanksgiving, FD, and to everyone on ER.org. Now back to the kitchen...
The beginning of the "bah, humbug" season.

As for me? I can't wait until Jan 2nd...
rescueme said:
The beginning of the "bah, humbug" season.

As for me? I can't wait until Jan 2nd...

I don't really care for the holidays myself but I'm sorry they're so hard for you. Too bad you can't hibernate for the next six weeks.

Enjoy your holiday, FD.
It's been years since we put up holiday decorations, or bought presents. But I welcome any occasion to enjoy good food and drink, and the company of my relatives.

When my kids were growing up, we used to have impromptu parties all the time with siblings from both my side and DW. We all live in the same metropolitan area. My children often asked if there was anything going on the coming weekend, and were disappointed when we said no. Now that they and their cousins are in the 20s, 30s, and even the early 40, they still get along with each other well.
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I feel less stressed this year, because I bought all the gifts in October. That really helped. Now we can just enjoy family.
Happy Thanksgiving, folks. Enjoy your day :)
With all this Black Friday BS and excess, I find myself leafing through Thoreau. So I salute y'all with this:

“There is no more fatal blunderer than he who consumes the greater part of his life getting his living.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Happy Thanksgiving - to all of you and yours! The turkey comes out of the over in about 5 hours. It will be so good to see our families.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. We just finished an awesome meal prepared by my wife and baby girl (8). My middle child is away for first time, marching in the Philadelphia Thanksgiving day parade. Had to get on this site before naptime. I am very grateful for this site and all the contributors!
I will be out and about in a couple hours, so probably will not post for a couple days. I just wanted to wish everyone a safe and happy Thanksgiving. I am sure everyone has a lot to be thankful for, I know I do.

And yes, I am thankful for all of you on here, even the ones who have me on ignore.........:D
Back at ya, Dude. I hope you, and everyone else really enjoys their Holidays. For me it starts now, and I tend to really like it until a letdown of sorts in January. I think this year I will look for ways to survive Jan and Feb better. It is still cold, wet, dark, and dreary, but no Christmas lights. Years I spent Christmas and the weeks right after in Texas were definitely easier.

I can't eat another bite...


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Happy Thanksgiving Finance Dude and everyone!
I can't eat another bite...
DW and I are sitting here stuffed to the gills. The menu was meant to be reasonable and we didn't have seconds, but somehow we overdid it again. Why I make the same mistake year after year is beyond me, when will I ever learn!

Thank goodness the NFL is playing today (go Pats), I don't think I could stand up and do anything.

Too soon old, too late smart...:(

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
DW and I are sitting here stuffed to the gills. The menu was meant to be reasonable and we didn't have seconds, but somehow we overdid it again. Why I make the same mistake year after year is beyond me, when will I ever learn!

Thank goodness the NFL is playing today (go Pats), I don't think I could stand up and do anything.

Too soon old, too late smart...:(

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Me too.


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I feel less stressed this year, because I bought all the gifts in October. That really helped. Now we can just enjoy family.

When the kids were little, this is exactly what I would do. Everything bought by Thxgiving and then the weeks until Xmas were to eat, drink, be merry, decorate and wrap presents. Made it a lot less stressful.

Happy Thanksgiving all!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. My son and his SO fixed a great dinner and I am stuffed also. Enjoyed visiting with her side of the family. Life is good!
So busy cooking the last three days and hosting Thanksgiving lunch today I almost missed this thread. I still have an hour until Thanksgiving day is over. :) Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I ate too much as usual, but had a good time with DW's family.
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