Hi, I am..... FIRED!

Congrats FlaSunFire!

And Welcome.

I think you were born to FIRE!

On the reflections, no need to look back, you won the game.


All sounds good. More daily stuff will fall into place soon enough.
You paid your dues and chartered the course.

Congrats on going for it!
Congratulations! Enjoy this time!
I love this thread. Do keep us posted since we live vicariously through young'uns like yourself.
Well, all I can say is you should be the poster child. You had a plan and worked that plan and hard work got you to the end. Great Job!
It just keeps getting better. Today was somewhat typical although my mood is not always this elevated.* I woke up pretty early (earlier than I wanted but my body gets to choose these days!) and enjoyed some coffee and puttered a bit before going for a walk in the beautiful weather we are having.

I was walking with a big grin on my face just so happy to BE and watching the activity pick up on the sidewalks as people start their day. When I was on the pier, it hit me... I have no worries. None unless I make up something. Things are good. I have good friends, family I am looking forword to visiting next week, feeling optimistic that I'll meet someone to share my FIREd journey with (broke up with the girl I was seeing and we should remain friends, we were on different planes -She LIKES TPS reporting!), my knee and shoulder have been behaving better, I live in an amazing booming fun city, I was looking forward to my second guitar lesson (finally have the time to correct 15 y/o me's mistake of not taking lessons). In that moment, I just stopped and looked out over the bay and back towards the city and felt more relaxed and stress-free than I've ever experienced and just savored it for a minute (my eyes are watering as I type this). I did it, I got where I planned and worked to be, and I just was and enjoyed it! It was a wonderful feeling!

After my walk, I did my exercises and cleaned up and had lunch before my guitar lesson. I enjoyed my lesson and think I found a good teacher and cannot wait to practice (need to rest my poor virgin fingers). On my way home, I hit the grocery store mid-afternoon, the shelves were restocked from the weekend locusts and I shopped with that same stupid grin on my face at a leisurely pace. After putting away my groceries, I took my chair outside on the stoop and read a book and puttered on my phone for an hour and a half before coming inside and making dinner. Now, I'm going to turn on the TV to relax a bit before bed where I expect to fall asleep with this same stupid grin on my face.

*Finally got confirmation yesterday that my out-processing was actually received and processed by the bureaucracy. It was a stressor as I was still getting deposits I was not entitled to into my HSA that will need to be backed out and I was worried they wouldn't fix it before the end of the tax year and every time I called I got a run around "I did my part" response but no follow up. I think feeling some relief from this helped make today extra good.
I love your post! Joy is oozing from every sentence - I am grinning just reading it!
Yes, it brings back great memories of 15 years ago! I'd almost forgot.
Congratulations. Guitar lessons are on my list for when I retire! You sound so happy. I am grateful to see people who are in your state of mind.
I also like my retirement life, but I would prefer to have a paycheck also. Just retired for about two months.
Congratulations. Guitar lessons are on my list for when I retire! You sound so happy. I am grateful to see people who are in your state of mind.

Only two lessons in but I'm loving it. I stayed up too late (wanted to get up to hike today) playing/practicing. Fingers are a bit sore but it's such good pain. I hope the enthusiasm dies down. I really thought the first few months would be frustrating but so far the fun outweighs the frustration. I sound awful but I see improvement and that is very motivating!
I also like my retirement life, but I would prefer to have a paycheck also. Just retired for about two months.

Sure I'd like money coming in but I'm not about to work for it! I have earned $115 since retiring 3 months ago mowing an older lady's yard for $10/mow and also helped friends on a bike tour when they got a large booking. It was so fun, I hope they get busier now that the weather is turning and they call me again!

As far at the paycheck, about two years before my retirement, I sent my paycheck directly to Vanguard and had an automatic transfer to my checking account for my allowance once a month so day-to-day, my "pay" is the same.
Sure I'd like money coming in but I'm not about to work for it! I have earned $115 since retiring 3 months ago mowing an older lady's yard for $10/mow and also helped friends on a bike tour when they got a large booking. It was so fun, I hope they get busier now that the weather is turning and they call me again!

As far at the paycheck, about two years before my retirement, I sent my paycheck directly to Vanguard and had an automatic transfer to my checking account for my allowance once a month so day-to-day, my "pay" is the same.

Sounds like an excellent plan. Nice to know you have steady income AND a stash for emergencies - or hopefully for special fun things in the future.
Sure I'd like money coming in but I'm not about to work for it! I have earned $115 since retiring 3 months ago mowing an older lady's yard for $10/mow and also helped friends on a bike tour when they got a large booking. It was so fun, I hope they get busier now that the weather is turning and they call me again!

As far at the paycheck, about two years before my retirement, I sent my paycheck directly to Vanguard and had an automatic transfer to my checking account for my allowance once a month so day-to-day, my "pay" is the same.

Wow. I only signed up for a Chase credit card for some travel point rewards.
Don't be concerned about being fired. It allows you to start over; getting fired is a wonderful thing since it allows you to figure out what to do next. So, rather than being concerned about it, you can be more pragmatic and start anew. Every good thing begins with a negative one.
Don't be concerned about being fired. It allows you to start over; getting fired is a wonderful thing since it allows you to figure out what to do next. So, rather than being concerned about it, you can be more pragmatic and start anew. Every good thing begins with a negative one.

I think you are confusing being fired (let go) with the OP's announcement they are "FIRED", which is an acronym for "Financially Independent, Retired Early". Occasionally the former will lead to a recognition someone has achieved the latter, but not often. :)
I think you are confusing being fired (let go) with the OP's announcement they are "FIRED", which is an acronym for "Financially Independent, Retired Early". Occasionally the former will lead to a recognition someone has achieved the latter, but not often. :)

:LOL: Yes, I was FIREd after working towards it for a long time and not fired. No regrets and enjoying my freedom... still adjusting/building my FIRED life and will post a follow up sometime in the coming weeks with my thoughts and experiences to date.

In fact, I've never been fired or even come close. Been laid off sort of twice, once my first job delivering papers when they did away with youth carriers*. The second time was when the taphouse where I was moonlighting was sold and the new owners didn't retain me (they decided to go with someone with boobs but no craft beer knowledge).

*It's a shame, as it is a good experience.. I wonder if printed papers would have lasted longer had youth carriers not been phased out. I feel like a lot of people were partially motivated to buy by helping a young person learn work ethic.
*It's a shame, as it is a good experience.. I wonder if printed papers would have lasted longer had youth carriers not been phased out. I feel like a lot of people were partially motivated to buy by helping a young person learn work ethic.

I was a youth carrier/paper boy too. In Northern WI of all places. Great first job.
I always say this to myself and others. Getting fired is like getting a new opportunity, so be cool and formulate a plan. This too shall pass.
I always say this to myself and others. Getting fired is like getting a new opportunity, so be cool and formulate a plan. This too shall pass.

FLSunFire was not fired from his job. He is FIRE now. Financially Independent Retired Early.
Still loving life, so excited for 2022! I almost feel like I haven't enough time to do all I want to do!

I have a basic routine/rhythm I've fallen into. I finally found a good group to paddle with and got out 6 times in December and will hit the water the 3rd time this year tomorrow. Guitar lessons are rewarding and frustrating. I'm definitely "taking lessons" and am by no means a guitarist and won't be for sometime if ever. Still the days something clicks or the noise I make sounds tolerable are very rewarding.

I am so de-stressed... sometimes when things go badly I almost enjoy it as I feel grateful that I've got the bandwidth to shrugg it off. My biggest stress is trying to fit everything in that I want to do (sometimes that is just sipping coffee).

It's not all roses but the baseline level of happiness has increased. Inflation is a minor concern... just watching it but the market is up to balance it out too and many of my expenses are locked in (2019 car I plan to keep, own my house, etc).

On my paddle yesterday, the lady I was paddling with just exclaimed "I love my life" I think she read my mind! I was just thinking how much better the deck of my SUP is than a cubicle in a windowless building. Life is indeed good and the water surely is fine!


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