Medicare payments for Part A


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Jul 31, 2018
I am 70 and ONLY have part A but also on my Wifes insurance. I was in the hospital for 21 days and getting bills from everyone. Its my understanding my wifes will pay first and i get a EOB from them but HOW do i know when medicare Part A has paid? Is there a place i log into to make sure it has been paid before paying an invoice. Thanks for any help.
Once an account has been created it will show the details. I have seen it take anywhere from about a week to a month or so for it to show up on the Medicare site when Medicare is primary. It could take longer since in this case Medicare is apparently secondary.
in your case, I would suggest no paying anyone anything until all parties agree on what you might owe. That includes your Part A Medicare policy, your wife's insurance company, the Drs' and hospital's billing offices and you. I have seen dr's bill before it has had a chance to run thru several systems. They can all wait and pretty much, expect that to be the case.
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