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  1. B

    Bridgewater: “Bonds are a terrible place to be.”

    After 30 years of investing, I plan to keep our portfolio the same. 60/40, with 50% TIPS fund and 50% Total Bond Index fund, both with Vanguard. We are FI, but I still work part-time, 10 days per month. I may retire any day, though. I change my mind about 3 times per month these days! I have...
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    Very small networth when ER ?

    Yeah, I'm with you, ExFlyBoy5. I don't begrudge anything that comes as future reimbursement/payment/benefit to all who put themselves in harm's way for their fellow citizens. I think its great. I just don't see how it can all last indefinitely. Military, police, and firefighter benefits should...
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    Taxes... those damn taxes!!

    This is a good reminder that we have income tax, not wealth tax in this country! :(
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    Very small networth when ER ?

    As a self-employed person, I have no concept of how awesome it must feel to have an approximately $60K per year COLA pension and health care paid for in retirement. In my mind, I have to save/compound $2.5 million of my hard earned money to come close to the same "guaranteed" retirement...
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    Poll:Tax advantage % of net worth

    50% in tax advantaged accounts, with respect to net worth, not just investments. If considering only investments, 65% of worth is in tax deferred status.
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    Thinking about retirement

    I haven't read all the posts above, but my opinion is that you would appear to have more than enough to quit tomorrow. Considering what you and your wife should eventually get from Social Security, too (unless you want to live a very lavish lifestyle), you can likely both retire now. Taxes are...
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    Poll: International allocation

    53 years old. 100% Vanguard index funds. 60% stocks/40% bonds. 40% of equities are ex-US.
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    How have you set up accounts for wife if you die first??

    I'm the husband, but otherwise, this is exactly what I/we have done, and about once a year or so, when the wife voices some worries, I go back through the document with her, and make sure that everything is up to date. I have also listed a couple of wealth management/advising companies (whom I...
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    New here. Hi!

    Welcome! I really have nothing to add to the above posts, except to say that investing and retirement planning isn't rocket science. With some well directed reading (members here can readily recommend some easy to comprehend material), you can quickly grasp most of what you need to know, and...
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    How Often Do You Shower?

    I can't imagine life without a daily shower. Yuck.
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    Just joined...looking to retire in 1 year

    That won't happen until fall is about over! My house is about 7 minutes from Gulpha Gorge.
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    Is $200k the new $100k?

    Yes, in the same sense that $2 million in a retirement account is probably now the new $1 million.
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    Happiness in the falling market.

    I am glad that over the last 10-15 years I haven't been tempted to change asset allocations over several seemingly bumpy time periods, and because of that, the recent market volatility has been of no concern to me. I am more concerned about an unstable world, the rise of evil all around us, and...
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    Just joined...looking to retire in 1 year

    I live in Hot Springs. Feel free to ask me any questions, either here on the forum, or by private mail.
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    Poll: How much currently in equities?

    60%. That's about 7-8% less than a couple weeks ago......
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    Can anyone identify this tune?

    "Chop Sticks" is what we called it when I was a kid.
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    Establishing a 401k

    I set up small 401(k) with Employee Fiduciary in 2008. I have been very happy with them. The web site is easy to navigate, and well done. The staff is immediately available by phone and email, and my main contact person has been there since I set up my plan (low employee turnover, which has been...
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    As predictable as snowfall...

    Good post! I agree, completely. The financial media and financial industry focus on the hare, because the tortoise doesn't sell in the 24 hour news cycle...and, you can't skim huge profits off the tortoise.
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    How About Just Sitting Tight (and Having a Cocktail)?

    I always just sit tight. No market timing for me!
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    Finally Joined

    Welcome, Sir! LBYM is the key to all things financially successful, in the long run.
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    Motley Fool

    No. It is just financial porn. None of us can accurately predict the future.
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    What are your investing tasks?

    I an indexer. I check my VG account weekly, mostly because we have been through identity theft in the past, and tend to be hyper-vigilant now. As the years have passed, I have become less rigid about rebalancing, but still make sure that things look close to my asset allocations every year or two.
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    Too Much Cash

    I would invest it all right now, per my usual asset allocation. For long term investing, DCA is just too much trouble, IMHO.
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    Just saying Hi!

    We are just going to do some extending trips, at first. The wife has a bucket list of places to go, but we are in no rush. All it may take to get your spouse/significant other interested in an RV is just looking at them online! We have a 15 year old bus conversion, that looks and drives like...
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    Just saying Hi!

    Thanks for the kind welcome, all!
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