Finally Joined


Full time employment: Posting here.
Aug 17, 2015
Hi Everyone,
I ER about 3 years ago due to inability to continue to work in a field I did for the past 34 years - HVAC / Refr Technician. The job paid well and if I needed to find a more stable or better paid position, I had a few offers. Yet on one of my numerous nightly emergency calls in I injured myself badly (1994). After surgery and recovery I was advised by every doctor who checked me to retrain for any sedentary job of my choice (because a work comp insurance delayed the surgery, there was a permanent damage to my left leg nerve root). I liked what I did and especially top pay associated with it and continued until 2012. I used almost daily Advil for frequent pain control, until doctors advised me to stop it in 2011. Then with a few other health issues I finally gave up. At 55+ it is not easy to get a sedentary job related to my field of expertise. After 6 months of looking for it without result I applied for disability. Within 5 month I was approved. My DW is working and provides me with med/dental insurance and I can switch to the Medicare if needs to. I was lucky to be able to work so long after my injury and we always LBYM. Our only child (son) has his own family.
Our AA are conservative: equities:37%, rental property:26%, PM:7%, fixed income (SV,CD,bonds):30%. I am looking forward to participate in discussions as well as pick up very useful information here.
Welcome to the forum, although sorry to hear it wasn't voluntary. LBYM is the key though so if you've got that nailed you'll be in good shape financially.
Welcome VFK 57! I'm amazed you managed to work so long with so much pain. Glad your disability was approved. How have you adjusted to ER? Most here seem to love it, but it was usually not triggered by serious injury. Do you manage and maintain your own rental properties?

Yes, I manage the rental property myself. In regard to working after surgery: after I recovered it was almost OK to work for 5 to 6 hours and tried to work on a major project within this time frame. Then when Pain would start to show up, I would switch to something lighter. However within 7 to 8 years after my recovery the duration of ability to work pain free went down to 3 -4 hours (osteo arthritis, including in place of the surgery) and that is when I started to use Advil / Ibuprofen on doctor's advise what eventually led to kidneys clogging. The adjustment to live in retirement was not easy for me, especially 1st year. Yet I found my routines and trying to be helpful at home and sometimes helping with my grandson.
. I am looking forward to participate in discussions as well as pick up very useful information here.
Welcome aboard! You'll probably be surprised by the number of times residential HVAC comes up in our discussions. We've got some experts and some tinkerers (me included), your input will be welcome.
Welcome. I'm sorry you had to deal with so much pain, but glad that your LBYM lifestyle left you able to handle the unfortunate turn of events.
Welcome to the forum, you certainly have a good reason to take it easy on your body after the injuries and recovery issues. Since you are OK financially, find things to do that are not so physical. Kind of tough when your wife is still working since you need things to do by yourself.

If you just miss the working HVAC related and applying your expertise, how about working in a HVAC supply? Like a parts counter person, not sure if the standing and walking would be a trouble for you. Or work with the purchasing dept to help them with technical questions. I'm sure some company could use your knowledge, while keeping you from overdoing it on your leg.
Welcome to the forum, you certainly have a good reason to take it easy on your body after the injuries and recovery issues. Since you are OK financially, find things to do that are not so physical. Kind of tough when your wife is still working since you need things to do by yourself.

If you just miss the working HVAC related and applying your expertise, how about working in a HVAC supply? Like a parts counter person, not sure if the standing and walking would be a trouble for you. Or work with the purchasing dept to help them with technical questions. I'm sure some company could use your knowledge, while keeping you from overdoing it on your leg.

38Chevy454, After quitting my last job I tried to get a sedentary job related to my expertise like Facility Coordinator, Facility Supervisor, Building Automation Systems Manager what I am / was quite familiar with. In 6 month I had 2 interviews which did not lead anywhere, possibly because of my age. Even now I am still occasionally getting calls from hiring agents for the same positions I had while working (I did not delete my Monster Jobs resume post somehow). As I mention above I finally get used to my Early Retired status and hope to enjoy it as most of people here do.
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