2024 Investment Performance Thread

MY FZROX is doing the heavy lifting in my portfolio (which is all taxable) . It is my largest holding by far with 474 shares. Also have VWELX Wellington 135 shares that is only about 5% YTD and VWINX Wellesley 399 shares that is huffing and puffing just to make 2% YTD, I am happy with the 10.29% YTD performance of FZROX. I still pump 100 per month into Wellington and Wellesley put i invest $800 a month into FZROX.
Q2 2024 investment return, time weighted inclusive of dividends, interest and mark to market gains / losses. And exclusive of any withdrawals / additions during the period.

4.92% vs. 4.28% for the S&P500 benchmark

All equity portfolio, slightly levered.

Tug of war all quarter between my big mega cap tech holdings - NVDA, AAPL, AMZN - which were all big winners and the energy holdings - COP, FANG, HES and OXY which were flat to slightly down.

YTD 2024 up 29.21% vs. 15.29% for the S&P500 benchmark.

I’m very pleased to be beating the indexes as well as the absolute performance of my portfolio thus far this year.

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Here's my portfolio's performance, so far this year:

1/31/2024: +0.78% YTD.
2/29/2024: +4.67% YTD.
3/28/2024: +7.33% YTD.
4/30/2024: +4.36% YTD.
5/31/2024: +8.58% YTD.
6/28/2024: +11.54% YTD.

It would be awesome if the second half of the year is as good as the first, but honestly, at this point even if it goes flat for the rest of the year, I won't complain!
+10.00% YTD, inclusive of spending, on $1.66 million:
  • 16% Bitcoin, Fidelity Bitcoin ETF, and MicroStrategy (MSTR)
  • 43% global stock index funds
  • 41% global bond index funds and cash
58 and 61 years old, semi-retired
Up 12.53% YTD
98 % stock ETFS
~30% exposure to small caps via IWM
Has me trailing S and P
Here is the link to a long list of lazy portfolios.

I'm estimating at this time that we'll be north of 5% YTD return on 60/40 portfolio.
H1 2024 in the books. Up 10.85% with a 73/20/7 asset allocation. 500 index and Total Stock Mkt index funds doing the heavy lifting. Mid-cap, small-cap, & int'l funds continue to lag.
Preliminary May results:
January: -0.2%
February: +0.7%
March: +1.7%
April: -1.2%
May: +3.3%
YTD: +4.6%
YoY: +9.8%
Since 12/31/22: +15.8%
Since 12/31/21: +2.1%
Since 12/31/20: +14.1%
Since 12/31/19: +30.0%

The above are "all in", i.e. inclusive of money outflows for living expenses (now retired). I hit new all time highs in May (finally past the year end 21 highs) including momentarily (one day) hitting a new "million" marker. Alas, the mid-week selloffs took that away.
Preliminary June results:
January: -0.2%
February: +0.7%
March: +1.7%
April: -1.2%
May: +3.3%
June: +1.9%
YTD: +6.3%
YoY: +8.6%
Since 12/31/22: +17.9%
Since 12/31/21: +4.0%
Since 12/31/20: +16.2%
Since 12/31/19: +32.2%
Hit that new "million" marker again and so far (knock on wood) I remain above it. I'm in the process of buying another home (w/o selling my current one) so my Asset Allocation will be changing shortly (less fixed). I'm still working out how to treat the new digs (2nd home but will eventually be my primary). For now, I will carry it on my books as real estate using something like Zillow or Redfin minus a haircut in terms of valuation (i.e. mark to market). When it eventually becomes my primary I will not be including it in my asset allocation (but will have proceeds from my current home that will be included).
This is 2/3rds of my portfolio but 11.24%...

Vanguard does not give a number but looks like about 9% there... this is where I am holding my cash stash for the year...
These results are for our Portfolio Balance (not Performance).
Jan-24 -0.40%
Feb-24 +2.58%
Mar-24 +2.43%
Apr-24 -1.95%
May-24 +2.09%
Jun-24 +1.49%
2024 YTD +6.24%
64.92% STOCK
35.08% FIXED, HYSA, etc.
That is true and take for granted because I have posted my AA before. Thank You for the reminder.
Mine is ~78/15/7

+6.74% YTD
AA 52/41/7
Musing. Back a few years ago, "cash" was paying 1 or 2% and implied safety with no notable return.

Now with cash getting 5-7% in simple MMs does that essentially move cash into the "bond" category? Pretty much the same safety and return as bonds with a little more relative liquidity. Are we effectively down to just two allocations? At least for now, have MMs and CDs become just a variation of bonds?
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For me, kind of. I moved my weaker bonds over to CD's last year and won't move back until rates really slide under...4% or so?
Musing. Back a few years ago, "cash" was paying 1 or 2% and implied safety with no notable return.

Now with cash getting 5-7% in simple MMs does that essentially move cash into the "bond" category? Pretty much the same safety and return as bonds with a little more relative liquidity. Are we effectively down to just two allocations? At least for now, have MMs and CDs become just a variation of bonds?
Where are you getting 7% on MM on cash deposits? AFAIK MM rates are below 5,5%.
Where are you getting 7% on MM on cash deposits? AFAIK MM rates are below 5,5%.
Sorry. I'm lumping all my fixed into one generic "MM" basket. I have cash in MMs, a US Treasury Fund (5.1% as of Friday) Floating Bank Rate (8.9%) and into two CEFs paying 12%. I probably should have said: "with fixed income vehicles paying...."

Regardless, my musing remains: with 'cash' now paying ...(ok...4.5%) does that change the AA consideration where the third allocation--cash-- is effectively another variation of a bond as it relates to AA?
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Where are you getting 7% on MM on cash deposits? AFAIK MM rates are below 5,5%.
Nov.2023 was monumental for me. I moved just shy of half million to a 9-year 5.85% interest rate. I can take 10% each year without a penalty but would pay taxes on anything taken from that account.
It has been the most money I have ever had in a fixed percent amount in my investing years.
I might have messed up for the length of the contract of 9 years.
I missed last month due to vacation. Adding May YTD on this update
Our Schwab portfolio has moved more conservative to an AA of 55/45, equity/fixed income, versus 65/35 for 2023

YTD +1.14% ending January
YTD +4.50% ending February
YTD +6.41% ending March
YTD +3.27% ending April
YTD +6.18% ending May
YTD +8.60% ending June
Thank you, sir.

Jan '24 : +1.35%
Feb '24: +5.1% unfortunately trailing the SP500 with my massive position in AAPL and the bit of a hit that's taken. 100% equities, ~66% Magnificent 7, 34% AAPL
Mar' 24 +5%. Flat month with AAPL dragging me down. People warned me not to be so exposed to one equity, but here I am. It's treated me well in the past.
Apr' 24 +1.25% AAPL was 40% of my portfolio, with the pull back it went to 32% eeeek, or Whee!
May 24 +10.34% ytd. 50% of the folio is concentrated in AAPL MSFT and NVDA now. Hang on!
Jun '24 + 19.8% ytd. Heavy tilted tech folio with all our cash being plowed into the markets daily as we race to FIRE!! Grateful.

*Noteworthy that we had our largest NW increase this month since October of 2021. SO I guess now This past month and 10/21 are some bars to track. NW up like 6.8% in June alone.
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