Are you older or younger than others?

Interesting and depressing and scary. I almost needed to put on my magnifying reading glasses to see the small remaining dot of those who are older.

Looks like I need to increase my WR.
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Wow. Just learned of a colleague that passed away while riding with his biking club. He was a year younger than me but I always thiught he was a year or two older.
Playing with the sliding bar, it seems to "suggest" ~50% of men older than me "today" will be dead in just 5 years, and ~80% in 10 years.:ermm:
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Knew I was getting older, just didn't need to see it so vividly this early--lol
Yes, I've been getting that impression the last few years . . .
sobering, but then, we all know where we are headed...:cool:
I will not feel old until I can no longer dance :).

Of course, that is reminiscent of a great but sadly ironic SNL skit featuring John Belushi.
Yes, but on my golf league (senior mens league), I'm one of the youngsters. I just wish there weren't so many that can still beat me at the game. Oh well. I'm still on this side of the dirt.
It's too bad we can't add other "attributes" to this "age gauge" to see how we stack up. Like how many over age "XX" have disabilities, are sick, tired/worn out, broke, etc. "Still breathing" only tells part of the story. :)
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If I make it another 6 years, that will be a pretty good stopping point: 90% of the males will be younger than me. Going before then would not be good...I don't want to be "that guy" who brought down the average too much :D
Well, it tells me I have more birthdays behind me than ahead of me.
I wish I were as smart and/or wealthy as I'm old.
I was surprised to see comments like "sobering" or "sad." As I said, it seemed just about right. Looking around me, I can see I'm no longer a member of the "young" crowd. Or even near the middle of the pack. It's reality. As previously mentioned, better than the alternative.

To put some positive spin on it, I notice sometimes that my experience puts some younger people to shame. I don't consider myself a lot smarter, but I sure know how to do a lot more things, and understand how a lot more things work, than younger people.

Reminds me of a saying: "Good judgement comes from experience. And a lot of that, comes from bad judgement." I've made enough mistakes now that the experience is starting to show up.
Well that was interesting. I knew somebody that when they were 52 they told their doctor he didn’t mind being middle age. The doctor asked him how many 104 year olds do you know. We attend a church with an older congregation and even the pastor is in his late 70s. Wife and I are late and mid 60s and we comment we are about the youngest people there. I look around and think who will be here in our church in 10 years.
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