Are you older or younger than others?

See here, the real problem is that currently there are 9.7 million older women to choose from, but next year there will only be 3.48 million.
I think I'll stick with my dance classes where there is roughly 50/50 of females aged 30 over and under to wear me out in Lindy Hop. BTW am older by at least 20 years of next oldest.
Reminds me of a saying: "Good judgement comes from experience. And a lot of that, comes from bad judgement." I've made enough mistakes now that the experience is starting to show up.
That reminds me of the joke in our office. I was one of the original guys there and we had a couple of new ones. Often they would start to do something, or ask a question, and I'd know not to do "that thing". "Because if you do, then this bad thing will happen."

Followed by "Don't ask how I know that...".
Dang, those circles get really tiny when the percentages get down into the small single digits...
Yeah, they sure do. The good part is my eyesight is now so bad I can barely read numbers that small.
That is the most depressing page I've pulled up on the internet in a long time. And I see a lot of depressing things on Reddit.

This thread should be marked: "NSFH" Not Safe For Happiness
It was depressing. Won't be taking a secnd look that is for certain.

But it also made me thankful that I had gone so far with absolutley zero health issues.

I have lost a number of former colleagues, friends, relatives, etc over the past ten years....and with increasing frequency
Another way I look at it is if the US population is 341,800,000 in 2024 and I am 75 then I am younger than 13,672,000 people.
I can't answer CaptTom's question but I'm pretty sure it will be close to a 90/10 split.
Well that’s depressing. Surely there’s a site that’ll lie to me and tell me I’m middle aged?

Older than some and younger than others, as has always been and likely always will be the case.
OK, I'll try again to bring up some of you downers who are bummed by this data...

Look at the Actuarial Life Table @LiveBelowMeans posted, above. For me, it says I have 17.63 years left. Kinda depressing, right?

Now, look ahead 10 years. At that time I'll have 11.21 years left, not just the 7.63 originally listed. I added 3.58 years to my lifespan.

Every year I live, makes me live even longer!

C'mon folks, lighten up. It is what it is. You're all good at planning, or you wouldn't be in this forum. Planning requires a firm grasp on reality. Surely you know exactly how old you are, and what that means. This shouldn't be news.
Well that was sobering. Not sure I should be thanking braumeister for that!

At some point, a few years ago, it occurred to me that nearly everyone who helps me in a professional capacity - doctors, nurses, dentists, retail workers, and pretty much everyone, are all younger than me. It's an odd thought when you first realize it.
This thread reminds me of what happened at our recent college reunion :) .

There is a time during the reunion when we remember classmates who have died, by reading aloud all of their names. The classmate who was do it it started out remarking how much the list has grown since our last reunion 5 years ago (from 101 to 135), and said, something to the effect of "we should enjoy these reunions while we can - all of our names will eventually be on this list". That did not make those in attendance happy, noticeable groans and boos. But, I cannot blame the person for bringing some reality into it.
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...The classmate who was do it it started out remarking how much the list has grown since our last reunion 5 years ago (from 101 to 135), and said, something to the effect of "we should enjoy these reunions while we can - all of our names will eventually be on this list"...
What a way to start the festivities! That's downright morbid. I'm sure it put a real damper on the evening. Surely that could have been done a different way, at a different time. You need a presenter with some public speaking experience next time.

Off the top of my head, how about starting off with a show of hands (or better yet, clapping or cheering) to find the person with the most grandchildren, or who's been married the longest, or just about any positive life events.
A corollary to "There's always someone richer," is "There's always someone older."
What a way to start the festivities! That's downright morbid. I'm sure it put a real damper on the evening. Surely that could have been done a different way, at a different time. You need a presenter with some public speaking experience next time.

Off the top of my head, how about starting off with a show of hands (or better yet, clapping or cheering) to find the person with the most grandchildren, or who's been married the longest, or just about any positive life events.
It was *not* at the start of the festivities :) . I said "there is a time during the reunion" - that "time" is actually near the end of the multi-day event, and something that is part of the reunion tradition. The "start" was the start of this part of the reunion. Putting this in the context of "enjoy these reunions while one can", I thought was fine.
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