Covid Vaccine Distribution

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In Seattle, Amazon essentially provided a huge amount of office space these past weekends along with a lot of free parking, for mass vaccination clinics. From what I experienced, this could not have been done nearly as well using the gym and auditorium at the local public schools. Social distancing alone required huge amounts of space.

Lots of people and cars were going in and out. They also provided some employees to help out with traffic, maintenance, etc. The tech needed to do this was not something I have seen at a doctor's office or even the local hospitals. I have to assume Amazon helped with some of this. It worked very, very smoothly. It's obvious this had to be well coordinated with and/or by Amazon. (Don't get me started on some of the other various vaccine signup websites I have seen in the past few weeks. :mad:) Of course, it's the community volunteers who are the BIG heroes. It always comes down to the people.

OK. So this was local, and nothing to do with the big self serving announcement to assist with logistics.
I got my Pfizer microchip today at a Safeway pharmacy. I was in and out in about 15 minutes, but this sure ain't no way to vaccinate 330 million people. The good news is that the confirmation email also contained a link to schedule the second dose, so no scrambling to accomplish that.

That said, I'm feeling pretty darn good about getting it. DW is only 64 1/2 thus relegated to a much longer line. :(

Safeway in which state?

Safeway here just had you register. Safeway pharmacist says they’ve been trained, though they do vaccinations all the time. But no word on when they will get any vaccines.
And advanced planning, like the organization I work for. See the NPR link above regarding areas of the Alaskan Bush where distribution to tiny villages include small planes and snow machines etc. A small population doesn’t always make distribution easier!

What a heartwarming account from Alaska! Thanks for sharing that. :)
Yes indeed. Heartwarming and also a great example of purpose and determination.
Safeway in which state?

Safeway here just had you register. Safeway pharmacist says they’ve been trained, though they do vaccinations all the time. But no word on when they will get any vaccines.
Safeway was in Southwest Washington State, city of Washougal to be exact. Our state has an on-line map with all dispensing locations identified. You click on the location and it takes you to their site where you can see if they have vaccine and sign up for an appointment.
Took my mom in to get her first covid shot yesterday. I asked the nurse how often we need to recharge the battery on the tracking device. With a straight face she said, "Every three weeks."
Safeway in which state?
Safeway here just had you register. Safeway pharmacist says they’ve been trained, though they do vaccinations all the time. But no word on when they will get any vaccines.

Some of the Safeway's in my area (Arizona) have started given the vaccine but supply is limited.
Even if Safeways in Bay Area start distributing the vaccine, I'm probably in phase 2 or 3.

It appears they gave most of the vaccines to large medical groups, like Sutter or UCSF or Stanford.

Maybe Kaiser too but Kaiser is only for their members. BTW it was Kaiser doctors who had a Christmas party where 100 people got infected because of an inflatable costume. But that party is where they spread the California strain.

So want nothing to do with Kaiser.
Took my mom in to get her first covid shot yesterday. I asked the nurse how often we need to recharge the battery on the tracking device. With a straight face she said, "Every three weeks."

I want a nurse with that kind of humor :LOL:. At least I THINK it is humor :D.
Safeway was in Southwest Washington State, city of Washougal to be exact. Our state has an on-line map with all dispensing locations identified. You click on the location and it takes you to their site where you can see if they have vaccine and sign up for an appointment.

Do you have to be Washington resident? I am just an hour's drive to southwest Washington and seniors here are scheduled behind educators, so here it will be awhile for seniors to get it.
Took my mom in to get her first covid shot yesterday. I asked the nurse how often we need to recharge the battery on the tracking device. With a straight face she said, "Every three weeks."

Do you have to be Washington resident? I am just an hour's drive to southwest Washington and seniors here are scheduled behind educators, so here it will be awhile for seniors to get it.
Washington state is highly discouraging out of state residents from coming here to get vaccinated. It is not like we have a lot - I was lucky to get this one.
travelover said:
Washington state is highly discouraging out of state residents from coming here to get vaccinated. It is not like we have a lot - I was lucky to get this one.

Older Oregonians are still not allowed the vaccine until certain more essential people are all vaccinated. So they are sneaking into WA state sites.

I’ve been dying to say this ever since I first visited Oregon in the 80’s........

Go Back to Oregon!

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Even if Safeways in Bay Area start distributing the vaccine, I'm probably in phase 2 or 3.

It appears they gave most of the vaccines to large medical groups, like Sutter or UCSF or Stanford.

Maybe Kaiser too but Kaiser is only for their members. BTW it was Kaiser doctors who had a Christmas party where 100 people got infected because of an inflatable costume. But that party is where they spread the California strain.

So want nothing to do with Kaiser.

Actually, in CA, medical groups are not allowed to limit covid vaccine distribution to their own members, so when Kaiser has vaccines, they have to give them to all comers who meet current state and county priority requirements. However, they just don't have many vaccines. As of the email they sent out yesterday, they had received 300K doses for all their facilities in the entire state.

Kaiser's California membership is 9.3M people, which is almost 1/4th of the state's population, yet they've been allocated less than 1/10th of the doses the state has received. I'm strongly encouraging my 92 yr old MIL and 86 yr old Mom to go to their counties' super-sites, even though they're both Kaiser members, because otherwise it's going to be April or May before Kaiser will have enough for them.
I want a nurse with that kind of humor :LOL:. At least I THINK it is humor :D.

She was a hoot.

The nurse also explained the scheduling for the second shot, and mentioned its purpose wasn't to recharge the battery. :)
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In my county, they were opening on-line registrations somewhat randomly as vaccines became available. That meant that anyone seeking an appointment just sort of had to keep logging on to check for availability at random times. Now, they have announced that at noon tomorrow, 3000-ish appointments will suddenly be available. I'm sure that will grind everything to a halt. There must be a better way.
Sadly, my prediction came true. At noon today, everyone tried to log on at once and schedule an appointment. Many were successful after a time but there were a lot of pizzed off people that just tried and tried and got nothing but frustration for their efforts..
Actually, in CA, medical groups are not allowed to limit covid vaccine distribution to their own members, so when Kaiser has vaccines, they have to give them to all comers who meet current state and county priority requirements... ...

Interesting. I managed to get an appointment with a medical group I was not a member of. My medical group is only offering vax to 75+ and I am in the 65+ group as is DH. They have cut people like me off now, however, are honoring appointments made 'in error' and are now only offering appointments to members of their medical group.
Actually, in CA, medical groups are not allowed to limit covid vaccine distribution to their own members, so when Kaiser has vaccines, they have to give them to all comers who meet current state and county priority requirements.

Given that the Feds are paying for the vaccine, this makes sense. I received my first shot from a local hospital/medical-center outfit that I have never done business with before. But, they had a mega-injection site setup, ran it well, and had the courtesy to allow people to get on a waiting list. When your time came, they sent you a special URL (already programmed with your information) for the signup site. How civilized. I am seriously thinking of changing to them for all my medical care.

The others are back to electronic Festival Seating. Do those responsible think this is a rock concert attended by stoned teenagers?
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I am excited! I just got my appointment today. It is not at the closest site, but after hearing about people driving 100's of miles, I am not complaining.:dance:
Your welcome! I suspect we could all do with a few more heartwarming stories in the midst of all this madness.

Yes indeed! I actually seek out those stories, to counterbalance the negativity all around. :)
I am excited! I just got my appointment today. It is not at the closest site, but after hearing about people driving 100's of miles, I am not complaining.:dance:

Congratulations! It's better than winning the lottery, isn't it? :D
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