Do you sleep better or the same since ER?

Like others, better. I liked my work but it was not uncommon that there was some toxic BS or SOB bugging me and that got magnified into a major drama in my brain in the wee hours, kicking me out of bed at 4 or 5. That hasn’t happened in years, thank goodness.
I sleep about the same, once asleep. The difference is in the going to sleep. When working, I would often have my mind occupied with something and it often would prevent sleep from starting. Now that I am retired, that does not really occur (at least not often.)

Even in retirement, stuff can still interfere. I do not have work, but I do have family, house, and cars that can cause worry.
new medication, sleep is now down to around 6 hours nightly.

no problem falling asleep.

fine for now but will be a problem staying on the med if it drops any further.
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For a better night sleep has anyone tried Mid-Nite sold at Walmart?
It is drug free all natural ingredients such as: melatonin and herbs.
My melatonin sits in the cabinet. Never got much benefit from it and my understanding it is chronic use is probably not a good idea and that other than helping to reset your clock in cases of jet lag is not particularly beneficial. I watch my sleep hygiene and yoga nidra has been helpful at times in calming the mind to fall asleep.
I sleep about 6 hours a night even after 5 years of retirement. If I take 1/3 of Costco Sleep Aid pill, I could sleep more than 7 hours. I only take it if I have to be somewhere the next day with some driving.
My sleep is probably about the same overall but way less panicky wake-ups in the middle of the night. I think with older age I am sleeping worse plus I drink a little more which contributes to poor sleep for me. Just being honest. :) However, my stress level overall is significantly better and I am only 98% retired at this point. That final push is coming though. Life is significantly better without work... for us!
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